The top network marketing truth revealed on using your compensation plan correctly today is paying attention to getting retail customers because without getting customers you can't get paid. Think about when you are applying for a job, you want to know how much you will be paid per hour and how many hours you will be working per week to earn a salary so that you can pay your rent, car insurance, etc.
In network marketing it is no different you will have to know how many retail customers and distributors you will need to have in your organization to earn a certain amount of money. Lets say your goal is to earn $10,000 per month? How many people do you need in your organization to earn that much money. Some companies need 500 people other companies you need to have 3000 people. And how long do you have to do it for?
Lets say your goal is to sponsor one person per month and you talk to 100 people per month. If you talk to 100 people per month and get ten customers and one distributor in month one then you are one your way because here is the magic behind this. If your new business partner duplicates that in the next month and his partner duplicates in the 3rd month. Then you have four people in your organization by month.
And if everyone sponsored one new person per month including you then by ten months you would have 512 people in your organization: Here is the math.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512: That is ten months!! That would be over 500 people who have ten customers each.
I am not going over the rest of the math till 3000 but you get the idea! The person who has to have 3000 people in his organization has to work ten times as hard as you do!
My good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy mentioned that if you can not retail your products to your customers and the company asks you to pay you commissions for signing up a new person then run away from the company immediately. And if they ask you to make a list of your friends and family in order for you to get them signed up in their businesses RUN, RUN, RUN because if you don't you are going to part ways with them due to the fact that you are asking them to open up their Mc Donalds franchise.
And Richard Dennis said if you can't retail your product, can't reorder your product then you do not have any business.
Here is what Michael Dlouhy did to create his walkaway residual income. He targeted the market 35 years ago when he began in network marketing by selling life insurance and annuities. He sold life insurance and annuities for two years and stopped selling those products after that. However, he got paid for the next 30 years residual income based on the work he did for the first two years!! That is targeting the market. Finding the people who want what you have and sharing it with them.
Therefore stop selling steak to vegetarians!!
Guys just follow this network marketing truth revealed on using your compensation plan correctly today or else you are building your house on sand and it will collapse!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Generate The Best Leads Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Creating Prospects Curiosity Today
Here is a network marketing secret revealed on creating your prospects curiosity today that I learned from my good friend and mentor Ken Klemn. A person has to do three things:
First of he has to get the prospects attention with the headline. The headline has to be catchy enough for people to want to read the article, because if it isn't then people will go away from it. Think about the newspaper when people write articles. They have headlines that get the peoples attention.
Second he has to create curiosity by having a good first sentence that has to do with the headline and it has to be leading into a story or something humorous and it has to stick to the point. And you have to ask yourself "so what?" for every single line that it is NOT too general or too boring or has nothing to do with the topic or else your prospects will lose interest. You can look at how other people create curiosity but do NOT copy them word for word because prospects can tell whether it is coming from you or whether it is coming from someone else, so make it your own due to the fact that prospects want to learn from someone who currently is a leader and who is on his way to being a leader. Be genuine!
The third step is a call to action what do you want your prospect to do, and remember to put a PS at the very bottom because many times prospects look down at it to see what it is.
Hope you will get better results when using this network marketing secret revealed on creating your prospects curiosity.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
First of he has to get the prospects attention with the headline. The headline has to be catchy enough for people to want to read the article, because if it isn't then people will go away from it. Think about the newspaper when people write articles. They have headlines that get the peoples attention.
Second he has to create curiosity by having a good first sentence that has to do with the headline and it has to be leading into a story or something humorous and it has to stick to the point. And you have to ask yourself "so what?" for every single line that it is NOT too general or too boring or has nothing to do with the topic or else your prospects will lose interest. You can look at how other people create curiosity but do NOT copy them word for word because prospects can tell whether it is coming from you or whether it is coming from someone else, so make it your own due to the fact that prospects want to learn from someone who currently is a leader and who is on his way to being a leader. Be genuine!
The third step is a call to action what do you want your prospect to do, and remember to put a PS at the very bottom because many times prospects look down at it to see what it is.
Hope you will get better results when using this network marketing secret revealed on creating your prospects curiosity.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Top Network Marketing Success Secret Revealed On Persistence Today
What I learned from reading Sheri Henrys lesson plan on persistence is a top network marketing success secret revealed on reaching your goals is to take action and keep your eyes on the prize when accomplishing task after task. That way you will focus on what you have and you will no longer pay attention to what you do not have.
The Eighth Step Toward Riches
As I think of the word "persistence", it reminds me that in order to achieve anything you truly desire you must keep moving forward until you reach the goal you set for yourself. Unless that desire is a deep burning desire, it will be easy for you to quit before you even give yourself the opportunity to see just how successful you can be.
You must have a definite goal that you are aiming for and a definite plan as to how you will achieve the end result. Persistence, concentration of effort and definiteness of purpose will help you reach that goal.
If your persistence is lacking at times, surround yourself with a Master Mind Group. You must have a clear picture of what you desire. With the extra support you will be able to form a clearer picture of what you need to do and how you can create what you need to be successful. In order to create the large sums of money you desire, you must develop the necessary “money consciousness”.
Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind that is not occupied with the “money consciousness”. It seems to be very easy to slip into a “lack consciousness” when we are not currently creating the amount of money we need and desire.
It is very easy to fall into the pattern of acknowledging what we don’t have in this now instead of focusing on what we truly desire to manifest into in our lives. We must be conscious at all times with regard to what we are saying and thinking.
For some reason it seems to be easier to focus on what we don’t have or desire than it does to focus on what we do have and what we desire to create new in our life. It is a pattern that must be changed if we ever hope to be successful in our life.
This network marketing success secret revealed only if we USE Sheri Henrys advice!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The Eighth Step Toward Riches
As I think of the word "persistence", it reminds me that in order to achieve anything you truly desire you must keep moving forward until you reach the goal you set for yourself. Unless that desire is a deep burning desire, it will be easy for you to quit before you even give yourself the opportunity to see just how successful you can be.
You must have a definite goal that you are aiming for and a definite plan as to how you will achieve the end result. Persistence, concentration of effort and definiteness of purpose will help you reach that goal.
If your persistence is lacking at times, surround yourself with a Master Mind Group. You must have a clear picture of what you desire. With the extra support you will be able to form a clearer picture of what you need to do and how you can create what you need to be successful. In order to create the large sums of money you desire, you must develop the necessary “money consciousness”.
Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind that is not occupied with the “money consciousness”. It seems to be very easy to slip into a “lack consciousness” when we are not currently creating the amount of money we need and desire.
It is very easy to fall into the pattern of acknowledging what we don’t have in this now instead of focusing on what we truly desire to manifest into in our lives. We must be conscious at all times with regard to what we are saying and thinking.
For some reason it seems to be easier to focus on what we don’t have or desire than it does to focus on what we do have and what we desire to create new in our life. It is a pattern that must be changed if we ever hope to be successful in our life.
This network marketing success secret revealed only if we USE Sheri Henrys advice!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Procrastination
The network marketing truth exposed on procrastination means that people must do what they need to do today so that they can have what others can't tommorow. You may have procrastinated until now, but if you decide to create a to do list before you go to bed every night and check off the items that you have accomplished then procrastination will be a thing of the past.
How else do you get over procrastination? You set goals with deadlines. Remember that a goal is nothing more than a dream with a deadline. And once you start accomplishing the small goals then the big goals will excite you. A great place to start is a goal of earning $500 in your first 60 days when you join your network marketing company. If you do it then your downline will do it. This is a monkey see, monkey do business. So that is an example of duplicating.
Think about this if you help many people earn $500 per month, then you will be earning over time a large residual income? You may be asking why is that. In the pool of small fishes there will be one or two people who will go crazy with the business and have a network of thousands of people.
Remember that when most people start building their business, they are employees working for a 9-5 job or 60-80 hours per week and if you can speak in their vocabulary they will be attracted to you. Part timers get attracted to part timers.
Art Jonak and Tom Big Al Schrieter mention that if your presentation is too cumbersome and you start out with time freedom and financial freedom that drives people away and they will not want to be in business with you, nor be a part of your life as well.
Another way to remember to avoid procrastinating is avoiding it just like you avoid paying your bills late. Lets say your bills are due on the 15th of the month, pay it on the 5th. Then stress will be off your shoulders!
So have a normal conversation with others and avoid speaking big words and just get what you need to get done today then it will be game over with the network marketing truth exposed on procrastination.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
How else do you get over procrastination? You set goals with deadlines. Remember that a goal is nothing more than a dream with a deadline. And once you start accomplishing the small goals then the big goals will excite you. A great place to start is a goal of earning $500 in your first 60 days when you join your network marketing company. If you do it then your downline will do it. This is a monkey see, monkey do business. So that is an example of duplicating.
Think about this if you help many people earn $500 per month, then you will be earning over time a large residual income? You may be asking why is that. In the pool of small fishes there will be one or two people who will go crazy with the business and have a network of thousands of people.
Remember that when most people start building their business, they are employees working for a 9-5 job or 60-80 hours per week and if you can speak in their vocabulary they will be attracted to you. Part timers get attracted to part timers.
Art Jonak and Tom Big Al Schrieter mention that if your presentation is too cumbersome and you start out with time freedom and financial freedom that drives people away and they will not want to be in business with you, nor be a part of your life as well.
Another way to remember to avoid procrastinating is avoiding it just like you avoid paying your bills late. Lets say your bills are due on the 15th of the month, pay it on the 5th. Then stress will be off your shoulders!
So have a normal conversation with others and avoid speaking big words and just get what you need to get done today then it will be game over with the network marketing truth exposed on procrastination.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Using Five Pillars Today
The top network marketing truth revealed on using five pillars today in building is crucial because without it your company can terminate you and/or crash and burn. So how do you determine whether a product is a five pillar company meaning a legimate company: I learned about the five pillars from my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy & Richard Dennis.
Company management with experience. Google their track record. Have they built a company and terminated the distributors who put blood sweat and tears into building it? If they have done that then run away from them.
Timing in the company and timing in the industry. Do they have competition with other network marketing companies? Has their been millionaires made already? If those two factors have been done and the company is a household name then find a company that has an exclusive product that everybody wants to have and can only purchase it from you, not from the store.
Product, it is rare that a company has a purple cow product meaning a first to market product that people can get only from you, not on e-bay or elswhere.
Compensation plan does it pay for the part time person. It must because most of the people who you will be sponsoring want to earn an extra paycheck so that they can pay their bills. If you can sponsor many little fishes among them one of them will go on to building a massive organization. Your company has to be emphasing retail because without customers you can't get paid. Think about this you talk to 100 people. Ten customers and one distributor. Some of the ten customers if they are satisfied with the product might become distributor on THEIR time. If you tell a customer that he needs to do the business, he is going to stop buying products from you because of that remark and he will go to your competitor or even forget you.
System. Remember this. A person cannot build their business by themselves. They need to have a team of people working together. Because you may not know the answer to a particular question: You will have to say "I don't know but I can find out for you." And you do not want to be someone who knows it all and gives more information than the prospect wants to hear, because he will say "Man this is a smart guy but I couldn't do what he just did to me?"
Share this network marketing truth revealed on five pillars with others, that way they will have a yardstick on how to evaluate an opportunity the right way.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Company management with experience. Google their track record. Have they built a company and terminated the distributors who put blood sweat and tears into building it? If they have done that then run away from them.
Timing in the company and timing in the industry. Do they have competition with other network marketing companies? Has their been millionaires made already? If those two factors have been done and the company is a household name then find a company that has an exclusive product that everybody wants to have and can only purchase it from you, not from the store.
Product, it is rare that a company has a purple cow product meaning a first to market product that people can get only from you, not on e-bay or elswhere.
Compensation plan does it pay for the part time person. It must because most of the people who you will be sponsoring want to earn an extra paycheck so that they can pay their bills. If you can sponsor many little fishes among them one of them will go on to building a massive organization. Your company has to be emphasing retail because without customers you can't get paid. Think about this you talk to 100 people. Ten customers and one distributor. Some of the ten customers if they are satisfied with the product might become distributor on THEIR time. If you tell a customer that he needs to do the business, he is going to stop buying products from you because of that remark and he will go to your competitor or even forget you.
System. Remember this. A person cannot build their business by themselves. They need to have a team of people working together. Because you may not know the answer to a particular question: You will have to say "I don't know but I can find out for you." And you do not want to be someone who knows it all and gives more information than the prospect wants to hear, because he will say "Man this is a smart guy but I couldn't do what he just did to me?"
Share this network marketing truth revealed on five pillars with others, that way they will have a yardstick on how to evaluate an opportunity the right way.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Victorious Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Persistence Today
Everybody knows that a victorious network marketing truth revealed on persistence is to never give up. Here in my lesson plan of Chapter 9 in Think and Grow Rich I describe the importance of persistence and three people who late in life had success.
What I learned about persistence is that you must acquire specialized knowledge and be willing to teach it to others over and over again. That way you get better at it and over time you become an authority.
We must make sure that we are free from all the 16 symptoms of Lack Of Persistence. That way we will be able to move forward.
1. Failure to recoginze and to clearly definte exactly what one wants.
2. Procrastination with our without cause. (Usually backed up with a formidable array of alibis and excuses).
3. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge.
4. Indecision, the habit of "passing the buck" on all occasions, instead of facing issues squarely. (Also backed by alibis.)
5. The habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems.
6. Self-satisfaction. There is but little remedy for this affliction, and no hope for those who suffer from it.
7. Indifference, usually reflected in one's readiness to compromise on all occasions, rather than meet opposition and fight it.
8. The habit of blaming others for one's mistakes and accepting unfavorable circumstances as being unavoidable.
9. WEAKNESS OF DESITRE, due to neglect in the choice of MOTIVES that impel action.
10. Willingness, even eagerness to quit at the first sign of defeat. (Based upon one or more of the 6 basic fears).
11. Lack of ORGANIZED PLANS, placed in writing where they may be analyzed.
12. The habit of neglecting to move on ideas, or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself.
13. WISHING instead of WILLING.
14. The habit of compromising with POVERTY instead of aiming at riches. General absence of ambition to be, to do, and to own.
15. Searching for all the short-cuts to riches, trying to GET without GIVING a fair equivalent, usually reflected in the habit of gambling, endeavoring to drive "sharp" bargains.
16. FEAR of CRITICISM, failure to create plans and to put them into action, because of what other people will think, do, or say. This enemy belongs at the head of the list, because it generally exists in one's subconcious mind, where its presence is not recognized. (See the Six Basic Fears in a later chapter).
Three people whom I admire most is WC Fields the comedian who bounced back after losing everything during the depression, Marie Dresler lost everything and was jobless, she bounced back, Eddie Cantor lost money in the stock market and he had victory!!
What is our excuse?
Last but not least:
Self Talk will attract us the money we want and the Six Steps in Chapter 2 must be followed because "Uless you are one of the two out of every hundred who already have a DEFINITE GOAL at which you are aiming and a DEFINITE PLAN for its attainment, you may read the instructions, and then pass on with your daily routine and never comply with those instructions."
That is the bottom line of this book.
Now we must use this victorious network marketing truth revealed on persistence today because if we do not then it is our loss.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
What I learned about persistence is that you must acquire specialized knowledge and be willing to teach it to others over and over again. That way you get better at it and over time you become an authority.
We must make sure that we are free from all the 16 symptoms of Lack Of Persistence. That way we will be able to move forward.
1. Failure to recoginze and to clearly definte exactly what one wants.
2. Procrastination with our without cause. (Usually backed up with a formidable array of alibis and excuses).
3. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge.
4. Indecision, the habit of "passing the buck" on all occasions, instead of facing issues squarely. (Also backed by alibis.)
5. The habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems.
6. Self-satisfaction. There is but little remedy for this affliction, and no hope for those who suffer from it.
7. Indifference, usually reflected in one's readiness to compromise on all occasions, rather than meet opposition and fight it.
8. The habit of blaming others for one's mistakes and accepting unfavorable circumstances as being unavoidable.
9. WEAKNESS OF DESITRE, due to neglect in the choice of MOTIVES that impel action.
10. Willingness, even eagerness to quit at the first sign of defeat. (Based upon one or more of the 6 basic fears).
11. Lack of ORGANIZED PLANS, placed in writing where they may be analyzed.
12. The habit of neglecting to move on ideas, or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself.
13. WISHING instead of WILLING.
14. The habit of compromising with POVERTY instead of aiming at riches. General absence of ambition to be, to do, and to own.
15. Searching for all the short-cuts to riches, trying to GET without GIVING a fair equivalent, usually reflected in the habit of gambling, endeavoring to drive "sharp" bargains.
16. FEAR of CRITICISM, failure to create plans and to put them into action, because of what other people will think, do, or say. This enemy belongs at the head of the list, because it generally exists in one's subconcious mind, where its presence is not recognized. (See the Six Basic Fears in a later chapter).
Three people whom I admire most is WC Fields the comedian who bounced back after losing everything during the depression, Marie Dresler lost everything and was jobless, she bounced back, Eddie Cantor lost money in the stock market and he had victory!!
What is our excuse?
Last but not least:
Self Talk will attract us the money we want and the Six Steps in Chapter 2 must be followed because "Uless you are one of the two out of every hundred who already have a DEFINITE GOAL at which you are aiming and a DEFINITE PLAN for its attainment, you may read the instructions, and then pass on with your daily routine and never comply with those instructions."
That is the bottom line of this book.
Now we must use this victorious network marketing truth revealed on persistence today because if we do not then it is our loss.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, December 15, 2013
MLM Leadership Tip On Getting To Events Today
A great mlm leadership tip is to get to events today because you will have ah ha moments that you can use afterwards. Lets say you are at an event and you meet someone who has reached the top pin level in your company. Be sure to ask him what he did to get there, and do what he has done to accomplish the small goals that led into hitting the big goals. Always remember that they were a new distributor just like you have been and they never dreamed of being up on stage. They had attended an event and were inspired by someone before them who accomplished what they wanted to achieve. A big clue is the only reason why they are ahead of you is because they have followed the getting started system that their company has and met the 30 day benchmark requirements more frequently than you have.
Pat Hintze and Steve Schultz were for their first three years barely making anything. They had driven eight hours to get to the event early because they knew the top money earner was going to be there. They asked him tons of questions, like what did you do to become successful. The top money earner told them that this is something that we give away to other people, by sharing the concept. They then asked many of his team members what they did do to be successful they gave the same answer "by sharing the concept." As a result of that they discovered that nobody actually does the business. They share it with others.
When they returned from the event, they did the same thing. And their business eventually grew to thousands of distributors and they became the top money earners in their network marketing company.
There is an old saying the top mlm leadership tip is to get to events because just one ah ha moments makes a BIG difference!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Pat Hintze and Steve Schultz were for their first three years barely making anything. They had driven eight hours to get to the event early because they knew the top money earner was going to be there. They asked him tons of questions, like what did you do to become successful. The top money earner told them that this is something that we give away to other people, by sharing the concept. They then asked many of his team members what they did do to be successful they gave the same answer "by sharing the concept." As a result of that they discovered that nobody actually does the business. They share it with others.
When they returned from the event, they did the same thing. And their business eventually grew to thousands of distributors and they became the top money earners in their network marketing company.
There is an old saying the top mlm leadership tip is to get to events because just one ah ha moments makes a BIG difference!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Use Top Crucial Network Marketing Success Secret Revealed On Trust Today
We must use the top crucial network marketing success secret revealed on trust today or else we may as well quit this business all together because if we are not getting better at what we are doing we are getting worse and nobody wants to follow someone who isn't on his way to being a leader.
Trust is not only about being honest and dishonest. I have learned from Richard Dennis today that trust means that you are someone who is reliable and performs all the time with results. Activities do not matter. What matters is if you are learning and performing. Knowledge without action is meaningless. Have you improved on your skills? If not then invest training time to do so for 15 minutes per day.
Think about how much improvement that can result in a year. That is 5475 minutes per year. Regardless of how busy a person is that can be done.
Once again the only way to use the top network marketing success secret revealed on trust today is not just to get results but get BETTER results each and every time, when you do that over time then you will reach the top pin level in your compensation plan of your company and people will be asking you if they can join you in your business rather than you having to chase them.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Trust is not only about being honest and dishonest. I have learned from Richard Dennis today that trust means that you are someone who is reliable and performs all the time with results. Activities do not matter. What matters is if you are learning and performing. Knowledge without action is meaningless. Have you improved on your skills? If not then invest training time to do so for 15 minutes per day.
Think about how much improvement that can result in a year. That is 5475 minutes per year. Regardless of how busy a person is that can be done.
Once again the only way to use the top network marketing success secret revealed on trust today is not just to get results but get BETTER results each and every time, when you do that over time then you will reach the top pin level in your compensation plan of your company and people will be asking you if they can join you in your business rather than you having to chase them.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Friday, December 13, 2013
Top MLM Secret Exposed On Making Decisions Today
Here is the top mlm secret exposed on making decisions today for you to put what you learned into action!
The main thing about making a decision is to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT and stop second guessing yourself. The world has room for the person who has decided what his goal in his life is and has a plan of action to accomplish it with a deadline. Then he just takes action regardless of whether anything comes up in his life or not because he knows there is no such thing as the right time.
People who are working for wages have listened to the wrong people blindly. Unfortunately because of that decision that I made over a decade ago I am in that boat. Even though I have two bachelors degrees. One in accounting and the other one in finance. Without being taught how to think critically back then and have personal development missing in college, like it was in my case that is what happens.
What I have done is dump the phrase nothing is written into stone because that plants a seed of indecision and everybody knows that if you are wishy washy then you are a goner.
I say my self talk "I am having fun attracting and sponsoring Black Diamonds into my organization easily and consistently through education and teamwork. I have flushed the past down the toilet and I am on my way to the top!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
PS: Oh by the way Henry Ford stuck to his decision by manufacturing his Model T car when people advised him to change it. He made the wrong decision to stick to that and he should have switched to the Model A Car like his advisors told him to. The point is that it is better to reach your decisions quickly and stick to it even if it the wrong one, rather than going back and forth by making decisions and changing them.
PPS: Another thing is that it is important to be secretive of your goals and mention it ONLY to your accountability partner the goals that you put together from the advice of your mastermind group. Because if you talk about it too freely someone else will be accomplishing your goal instead of you because you were too naive to keep it a secret.
It is your loss if you choose not to use this top mlm secret exposed.
The main thing about making a decision is to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT and stop second guessing yourself. The world has room for the person who has decided what his goal in his life is and has a plan of action to accomplish it with a deadline. Then he just takes action regardless of whether anything comes up in his life or not because he knows there is no such thing as the right time.
People who are working for wages have listened to the wrong people blindly. Unfortunately because of that decision that I made over a decade ago I am in that boat. Even though I have two bachelors degrees. One in accounting and the other one in finance. Without being taught how to think critically back then and have personal development missing in college, like it was in my case that is what happens.
What I have done is dump the phrase nothing is written into stone because that plants a seed of indecision and everybody knows that if you are wishy washy then you are a goner.
I say my self talk "I am having fun attracting and sponsoring Black Diamonds into my organization easily and consistently through education and teamwork. I have flushed the past down the toilet and I am on my way to the top!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
PS: Oh by the way Henry Ford stuck to his decision by manufacturing his Model T car when people advised him to change it. He made the wrong decision to stick to that and he should have switched to the Model A Car like his advisors told him to. The point is that it is better to reach your decisions quickly and stick to it even if it the wrong one, rather than going back and forth by making decisions and changing them.
PPS: Another thing is that it is important to be secretive of your goals and mention it ONLY to your accountability partner the goals that you put together from the advice of your mastermind group. Because if you talk about it too freely someone else will be accomplishing your goal instead of you because you were too naive to keep it a secret.
It is your loss if you choose not to use this top mlm secret exposed.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed Is To Be A Leader Today
The top network marketing truth revealed is to be a leader today by doing what the leaders do to have success or you may as well exit the industry. Ben Wesdorp hits the nail on the head regarding that point!
“Broadly speaking, there are two types of people in the world. One type is known as LEADERS, and the other as FOLLOWERS. Decide at the outset whether you intend to become a leader in your chosen calling, or remain a follower. The difference in compensation is vast.”
“Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were INTELLIGENT FOLLOWERS. With few exceptions, the man who cannot follow a leader intelligently cannot become an efficient leader. The man who can follow a leader most efficiently is usually the man who develops into leadership most rapidly.”
“Leaders, press star one to interact.”
While the majority of this chapter is about organized planning, I got stuck on the leadership portion in the beginning. I’ve often wondered, “Can’t I just use the system and make money? Do I really have to, or want to, become a LEADER?”
As Hill mentions, the difference in compensation between leaders and followers is vast. Kind of like the difference between a $300 bonus check and a $30,000 bonus check each month. So how do I move from one to the other? By first becoming an intelligent follower – by following a leader most efficiently.
I remember one gentleman who joined MFF about 2 years ago. When I heard him calling his clients, I thought to myself, “Wow, this guy is bad!” A year later, when I heard him calling his clients, I thought to myself, “Wow, this guy is GOOD!” He became an intelligent, dedicated follower. He didn’t just go through the motions, he studied and learned – and became very good. Good enough to teach others. Oh, wait, that’s a leader, isn’t it?
Perhaps I am finally realizing why Michael is always pushing everyone to become a leader. Become the person that people want to be in business with. Most people would rather follow a leader than follow a follower. If you are a follower, a few people may follow you, but if you become a leader, then many people will follow you. That sounds like the ultimate goal in network marketing to me.
Now it is your turn to use this network marketing truth revealed to be the person whom lots of people want to be in business with or else you may as well go do something else.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
“Broadly speaking, there are two types of people in the world. One type is known as LEADERS, and the other as FOLLOWERS. Decide at the outset whether you intend to become a leader in your chosen calling, or remain a follower. The difference in compensation is vast.”
“Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were INTELLIGENT FOLLOWERS. With few exceptions, the man who cannot follow a leader intelligently cannot become an efficient leader. The man who can follow a leader most efficiently is usually the man who develops into leadership most rapidly.”
“Leaders, press star one to interact.”
While the majority of this chapter is about organized planning, I got stuck on the leadership portion in the beginning. I’ve often wondered, “Can’t I just use the system and make money? Do I really have to, or want to, become a LEADER?”
As Hill mentions, the difference in compensation between leaders and followers is vast. Kind of like the difference between a $300 bonus check and a $30,000 bonus check each month. So how do I move from one to the other? By first becoming an intelligent follower – by following a leader most efficiently.
I remember one gentleman who joined MFF about 2 years ago. When I heard him calling his clients, I thought to myself, “Wow, this guy is bad!” A year later, when I heard him calling his clients, I thought to myself, “Wow, this guy is GOOD!” He became an intelligent, dedicated follower. He didn’t just go through the motions, he studied and learned – and became very good. Good enough to teach others. Oh, wait, that’s a leader, isn’t it?
Perhaps I am finally realizing why Michael is always pushing everyone to become a leader. Become the person that people want to be in business with. Most people would rather follow a leader than follow a follower. If you are a follower, a few people may follow you, but if you become a leader, then many people will follow you. That sounds like the ultimate goal in network marketing to me.
Now it is your turn to use this network marketing truth revealed to be the person whom lots of people want to be in business with or else you may as well go do something else.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, November 24, 2013
MLM Leadership Tip On Belief
There is an old mlm leadership tip on belief that if you do not believe you can accomplish something you will never take action to do it. How do you know when someone believes that he can accomplish whatever he'd like to achieve? He is someone who takes action regardless of the cirumstances around him. When other people make excuses like its going to rain, its to heavy, blah, blah, blah. He just does what he wants to do. For instance when Michael Dlouhy focused on winning the BMW he created a movie in his mind about the car. Visualizing the color of it, the softness of the seats, the dashboard and everything that he wanted the car to consist of and he said "I am going to win that car", his wife Linda at first did not believe him and Richard Dennis did not believe him either. Then he said that he would not be discussing that topic with them anymore. But when Michael just kept on focusing on what he wanted to accomplish, that is the car! Linda caught his posture and bought a keychain from the BMW and told her friends that they will be comming over after convention with the new BMW. They didn't believe her but she did not listen to the naysayers. She went with Michael to the companys convention and they won the car!!
Now it is your turn to use the mlm leadership tip on belief in building your business!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Now it is your turn to use the mlm leadership tip on belief in building your business!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Burning Desire Today
A network marketing truth revealed on having a burning desire today means taking action on accomplishing your goals and cutting off all sources of retreat. That means knowing what you want to achieve and just doing it, you do not look to the left, you do not look to the right you do not ask yourself could have or should have, you ask yourself "what if" or anything else you just do it! When a person sets out to accomplish their goals they live here in the NOW and they see themselves as being successful nothing else. When Michael Dlouhy had met his wife Linda in his fathers shop he talked to her for 15 minutes and then he visualized himself getting married to her. Then on his second date he proposed to her, and Linda at first thought he was crazy but the point is that he believed that he and Linda were meant to be together and after 2 years Linda finally said that she loved him. Point is he made it happen.
Apply this network marketing truth revealed on burning desire today to accomplish your goals and make it happen.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Apply this network marketing truth revealed on burning desire today to accomplish your goals and make it happen.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Exclusive Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Obtaining Influence Today
An exclusive network marketing secret revealed on obtaining influence today is to ask your prospect questions that matter to him. What if he says that he is interested in your product or in your opportunity? Do you give him everything that he needs to know? Of course not because he will say at the end that you are a very knowledgeable person but he can't do what you just did to him because it is something that will turn off my contacts. Here is what I have learned from my good friends and mentors Tom Big Al Schrieter and Ken Klemn. What would you like to know first? Then your prospect will tell you and pay attention to the ANSWER that he gives to you. If he asks how much your product costs? Answer that ONLY. Then ask what would you like to know next? Answer that ONLY as well. You get the idea. Just answer what your prospect asks and do not give him more information that he asks for because you will then shoot yourself in the foot.
Remember that you will obtain influence with this network marketing secret revealed only if you use it, if you do not you may as well leave this information alone just like you leave a book of knowledge in the bookstore on the shelf that you aren't going to apply and teach to others after you buy it.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Remember that you will obtain influence with this network marketing secret revealed only if you use it, if you do not you may as well leave this information alone just like you leave a book of knowledge in the bookstore on the shelf that you aren't going to apply and teach to others after you buy it.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Network Marketing Truth Revealed On How To Have Faith
This is the network marketing truth revealed on how to have faith which I posted on the 30 Day Cleanse lesson plan in Chapter 3 of Napoleon Hills Book Think And Grow Rich!
How to Have Faith? Answer is self talk and ACTION. My self talk is that I am having fun attracting and sponsoring Black Diamonds into my business, easily and consistently through education and teamwork. Talking to prospects is a HABIT, picking up the phone is a HABIT. At first we can't stand it, after a few times we like it, but as we do it OVER & OVER again it becomes a part of our lives and we can't wait to do it many more times!!
When people see us in action and we are going in life then will be the turnaround point just like it has for many people in Mentoring For Free. David Haines, Brian Redding, Marsha Sortino, Ken Klemn and many more who do not have to ask their prospect the used car salesman question of "Do you have any questions or are you ready to get started?" People are asking them if they could sponsor them into their company no matter what product they have and no matter how many people it takes to earn $10,000 per month.
They know, like and trust their behavior on the internet and on the phone and thats the attractor factor!
If you do not apply this network marketing truth revealed on how to have faith then doubt and fear will take over the whole process and you will be a wandering generality instead of a meaningful specific.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
How to Have Faith? Answer is self talk and ACTION. My self talk is that I am having fun attracting and sponsoring Black Diamonds into my business, easily and consistently through education and teamwork. Talking to prospects is a HABIT, picking up the phone is a HABIT. At first we can't stand it, after a few times we like it, but as we do it OVER & OVER again it becomes a part of our lives and we can't wait to do it many more times!!
When people see us in action and we are going in life then will be the turnaround point just like it has for many people in Mentoring For Free. David Haines, Brian Redding, Marsha Sortino, Ken Klemn and many more who do not have to ask their prospect the used car salesman question of "Do you have any questions or are you ready to get started?" People are asking them if they could sponsor them into their company no matter what product they have and no matter how many people it takes to earn $10,000 per month.
They know, like and trust their behavior on the internet and on the phone and thats the attractor factor!
If you do not apply this network marketing truth revealed on how to have faith then doubt and fear will take over the whole process and you will be a wandering generality instead of a meaningful specific.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Monday, November 11, 2013
Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Creating Success Today
The top network marketing secret revealed on creating success today means that if you knew that you could not fail then how would you live your life? The answer to that question is that you would be taking more action to most importantly accomplish your goals. There is an old saying that faith without action is dead. Therefore the more actions you take and the more adjustments you make the quicker you will reach the top of your companies compensation plan. It is great to rely on mentors and books by successful people like Michael Dlouhy & Linda Dlouhy but ulitmately it is up to you to take responsiblity by taking ACTION. ACTION BUILDS BELIEF!
Now it is your turn to use the top network marketing secret revealed on creating success today or else it is your loss!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Now it is your turn to use the top network marketing secret revealed on creating success today or else it is your loss!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Authority
The top network marketing truth revealed on authority is to be one or be on your way on becoming one because if you are not an authority at some point in this industry then you are wasting your time. People want to be dealing with people whom they can learn from so that they can take their business to the next level. You are either growing or you are dying. There is no such thing here as both.
I learned tonight from Richard Dennis that to be an expert at something you must know every single detail of how it works. Lets say you want to do blogging which is a great way to get traffic to your website. First thing you have to do is keyword research. Are people looking for the word? How much is the competition? Also you must have a catchy headline to attract readers and keywords must be in the title.
Next comes your first sentence. If your first sentence is no good people will not read the rest of the article, video or blog no matter how long it is. Have a catchy first sentence. And don't forget the keyword has to be in the first sentence for it to get into google.
And for every line you write ask yourself the question "so what?" If it does not make sense to the reader or if it is not story driven or humor then get rid of that sentence.
After writing a couple of good paragraphs in the body then head to the conclusion & put the same keyword in the last sentence
Once again use the network marketing truth revealed on become an authority by focusing on getting good at something so that your products can choose you as their sponsor, rather than they having to head to the competition.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
I learned tonight from Richard Dennis that to be an expert at something you must know every single detail of how it works. Lets say you want to do blogging which is a great way to get traffic to your website. First thing you have to do is keyword research. Are people looking for the word? How much is the competition? Also you must have a catchy headline to attract readers and keywords must be in the title.
Next comes your first sentence. If your first sentence is no good people will not read the rest of the article, video or blog no matter how long it is. Have a catchy first sentence. And don't forget the keyword has to be in the first sentence for it to get into google.
And for every line you write ask yourself the question "so what?" If it does not make sense to the reader or if it is not story driven or humor then get rid of that sentence.
After writing a couple of good paragraphs in the body then head to the conclusion & put the same keyword in the last sentence
Once again use the network marketing truth revealed on become an authority by focusing on getting good at something so that your products can choose you as their sponsor, rather than they having to head to the competition.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Utilizing Faith Today
A top network marketing secret revealed on utilizing faith today is taking action and believing that we can have massive mlm success. Why believing? Because there is an old saying you get what you expect. Below is a lesson done by Tuula Rands on how a person can get started on the right foot with faith!
The dictionary tells us “faith is a strong belief or trust
in someone or something.”
Hill tells us we can develop our faith.
So how do we develop our faith to the point that we know beyond any
doubt that we can build a huge Network Marketing business?
I believe, when we first begin, we have to borrow someone
else’s faith.
So I borrowed Michael’s and Linda’s faith. They tell us
“they will believe in us until we believe in ourselves”
and not only did they tell us that, they also continually
prove it by their actions.
The Bible tells us that “faith without works is dead”.
Michael is on all the calls, he is always looking for ways to
help us with tools, he is always available to answer questions,
do coaching calls, etc. etc. Linda is working behind the scenes
keeping the whole thing turning and supporting Michael.
They are proving their faith in us by all these actions,
but somewhere along the line, we have to take possession
of that faith ourselves.
I believe I took possession of that faith in myself to make
my business a success when I answered the question
of how differently I would live my life if I knew I could not fail.
Michael and Linda believe in me, have faith I would
succeed, help me when I need help but I HAD TO TAKE
RESPONSIBILITY. Taking responsibility is also a part of
Faith is not just sitting around and thinking about doing something in my business,
or wishing it would grow faster, wondering why it is working for
others and not me. Faith is not hanging on to excuses.
Faith is taking the responsibility of examining ourselves, being
willing to do everything we can to move our business forward
believing the outcome, and putting our work boots on and
going to work like we know we cannot fail and know success is inevitable.
The only proof we have of our faith is the actions we take and the
more actions we take the more our faith grows.
We are Professional Network Marketers and our actionsare the proof.
Just utilize this network marketing secret revealed on having faith and take responsibility with MASSIVE ACTION and you will live your life way differently than you do today.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The dictionary tells us “faith is a strong belief or trust
in someone or something.”
Hill tells us we can develop our faith.
So how do we develop our faith to the point that we know beyond any
doubt that we can build a huge Network Marketing business?
I believe, when we first begin, we have to borrow someone
else’s faith.
So I borrowed Michael’s and Linda’s faith. They tell us
“they will believe in us until we believe in ourselves”
and not only did they tell us that, they also continually
prove it by their actions.
The Bible tells us that “faith without works is dead”.
Michael is on all the calls, he is always looking for ways to
help us with tools, he is always available to answer questions,
do coaching calls, etc. etc. Linda is working behind the scenes
keeping the whole thing turning and supporting Michael.
They are proving their faith in us by all these actions,
but somewhere along the line, we have to take possession
of that faith ourselves.
I believe I took possession of that faith in myself to make
my business a success when I answered the question
of how differently I would live my life if I knew I could not fail.
Michael and Linda believe in me, have faith I would
succeed, help me when I need help but I HAD TO TAKE
RESPONSIBILITY. Taking responsibility is also a part of
Faith is not just sitting around and thinking about doing something in my business,
or wishing it would grow faster, wondering why it is working for
others and not me. Faith is not hanging on to excuses.
Faith is taking the responsibility of examining ourselves, being
willing to do everything we can to move our business forward
believing the outcome, and putting our work boots on and
going to work like we know we cannot fail and know success is inevitable.
The only proof we have of our faith is the actions we take and the
more actions we take the more our faith grows.
We are Professional Network Marketers and our actionsare the proof.
Just utilize this network marketing secret revealed on having faith and take responsibility with MASSIVE ACTION and you will live your life way differently than you do today.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Exclusive Network Marketing Tip On Rapport Today
An exclusive network marketing tip on rapport today is that it must be in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone new for the first time or else it is done. Think about how con-men and TV Commercials build rapport, they talk to the subconcious mind of a person which is the decision making part of the brain.
There is no time for FORM. Which is family, occupation, recreation and motivation. Its no different than jogging with someone, if you go too fast you are way ahead of him, if you are too slow then you guys can't have a conversation. The point is that because we have to talk to a lot of people in mlm we must build rapport quick.
Here is a tip on building rapport that I learned from Tom Big Al Schrieter. I am just curious, do you happen to know someone who wants to create additional income from at home. I am just curious, do you happen to know someone who wants to lose weight. It is a great to use the third party approach for that and referrals because you are speaking to the subconcious mind. You want to remember to avoid saying the words "I or you" because that gives the salesman alarm to others and it ruins everything.
Another way you can repeat that is by saying "Who do you know who wants to lose weight?" Who do you know who wants to create additional income from at home.
When you have a normal conversation with someone about a topic other than business and you switch subjects to bring up your product and or opportunity you can say "Oh by the way, I am just curious... and repeat the same for your product and opportunity." Oh by the way is a great way to bring customers and distributors in because you never know where they are comming from.
Tom Big Al Schrieter says this network marketing tip will work only if you use it NOT if you just are listening to it, it worked for him because he tested it and got results!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
There is no time for FORM. Which is family, occupation, recreation and motivation. Its no different than jogging with someone, if you go too fast you are way ahead of him, if you are too slow then you guys can't have a conversation. The point is that because we have to talk to a lot of people in mlm we must build rapport quick.
Here is a tip on building rapport that I learned from Tom Big Al Schrieter. I am just curious, do you happen to know someone who wants to create additional income from at home. I am just curious, do you happen to know someone who wants to lose weight. It is a great to use the third party approach for that and referrals because you are speaking to the subconcious mind. You want to remember to avoid saying the words "I or you" because that gives the salesman alarm to others and it ruins everything.
Another way you can repeat that is by saying "Who do you know who wants to lose weight?" Who do you know who wants to create additional income from at home.
When you have a normal conversation with someone about a topic other than business and you switch subjects to bring up your product and or opportunity you can say "Oh by the way, I am just curious... and repeat the same for your product and opportunity." Oh by the way is a great way to bring customers and distributors in because you never know where they are comming from.
Tom Big Al Schrieter says this network marketing tip will work only if you use it NOT if you just are listening to it, it worked for him because he tested it and got results!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Champion MLM Tip On Pull Through Marketing Today
A champion mlm tip on pull through marketing today is to LISTEN to what your prospect wants to have and help him get it. If you are unable to do that then refer him to someone who has what he wants because one day he will come into contact with someone who wants what you have. And as a result of that he will reciprocate and refer business to you.
Thats the mlm tip that I learned from my good friend and mentor Ken Klemn if you decide to let it pass you by then you will be someone who sells hamburgers to customers that are looking for pizza!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Thats the mlm tip that I learned from my good friend and mentor Ken Klemn if you decide to let it pass you by then you will be someone who sells hamburgers to customers that are looking for pizza!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Top MLM Tip On Marketing A Remarkable Product Today
This afternoon I have listened to a recorded call on the Five Pillars To Success done by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy and I have learned the top mlm tip on marketing a remarkable product today, that is a product that is first to market and is unavailable at Sams Club nor elsewhere.
An advantage to marketing a remarkable product that is first to market is that you get market share on the product and there is no competition with other companies. If you have a value priced product that is remarkable that you can't get elsewhere and the company meets the five pillar test then go for it immediately.
Think about this when Alexander Graham Bell first came out with the telephone it was at that time the first to market product. Of course that is obvious but the fact that I am mentioning it is because too many people take the telephone for granted and if we can't learn from history then it is our loss.
Now it is time to use this mlm tip on marketing a remarkable product today or else the opportunity will go to other people.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
An advantage to marketing a remarkable product that is first to market is that you get market share on the product and there is no competition with other companies. If you have a value priced product that is remarkable that you can't get elsewhere and the company meets the five pillar test then go for it immediately.
Think about this when Alexander Graham Bell first came out with the telephone it was at that time the first to market product. Of course that is obvious but the fact that I am mentioning it is because too many people take the telephone for granted and if we can't learn from history then it is our loss.
Now it is time to use this mlm tip on marketing a remarkable product today or else the opportunity will go to other people.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Exclusive Network Marketing Truth Exposed Is To Elminate Indecision Today
An exclusive network marketing truth exposed is to eliminate indecision today because that is the seed of fear. My good friend Tuula Rands discusses how she cut fear out of her life by being disgusted with her situation by just taking massive action. She is on her way to being a Black Diamond in her company.
Indecision, doubt and fear.
Hill tells us that before the information in this Chapter will
be of any use to us we must be prepared to accept the
philosophy which begins with study, analysis and understanding
the enemies. The enemies are so powerful that they will even
hinder the working of our sixth sense.
If you cannot make up your mind about something (indecision)
you begin to doubt and once you doubt you become fearful.
If you doubt, it is impossible to make a decision
and again fear rears its ugly head.
If you fear to begin with, doubt is there right from the
beginning and indecision will always follow.
One feeds upon the other.
My preparation for getting rid of fear was more a disgust with
myself and wanting to change so bad that I was willing to
give up my comfort zone.
Fear is a crippler. It holds us back from living the
life we were meant to live. We ourselves are the only ones
that can change our situation. We have to conquer our own
fears. No one else can do it for us.
Before I found the Mentoring For Free System I was doubtful, indecisive and
fearful about succeeding in Network Marketing. I had reached
the point that nothing was working and I had no clue as to what
to do. I only knew I believed in the industry and was not going to
The Mentoring for Free system taught me the things I needed to
know about building a business but more important it taught me
that I could succeed and the System also had the solution as to
how to do it.
Michael keeps telling us “to make more we have to
become more.”
The solution is the 30 day mental cleanse.
The 30 day mental cleanse is more than anyone can even imagine
when they first become acquainted with the System. I believe a
lot of people think they have already had a lot of personal development
from other programs they were involved with and kind of dismiss the idea
that this could be any different. They do not recognize the fact that this
is NOT just any other system.
In order to really understand, you have to become totally immersed in the
System by submitting lesson plans each week, attending all the calls and
most important, and the scariest for a lot of us, is participation.
Without participation I would never have gotten over my fears.
I was crippled by my fears and they held me back until I took the actions
necessary to change. No one could do it for me. I had to be willing
to get out of my comfort zone to move forward.
I am not crippled anymore and what a wonderful feeling it is to live
life without fear.
The 30day Mental Cleanse is the vehicle anyone can use to move
forward and live the life we were meant to live.
We have the vehicle. We just have to supply the action.
Indecision, doubt and fear – bedfellows we want to live without.
There is an old saying that action kills fear and to use this network marketing truth exposed just take action today, that way you will not be crippled by fear!
See You At The Top
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Indecision, doubt and fear.
Hill tells us that before the information in this Chapter will
be of any use to us we must be prepared to accept the
philosophy which begins with study, analysis and understanding
the enemies. The enemies are so powerful that they will even
hinder the working of our sixth sense.
If you cannot make up your mind about something (indecision)
you begin to doubt and once you doubt you become fearful.
If you doubt, it is impossible to make a decision
and again fear rears its ugly head.
If you fear to begin with, doubt is there right from the
beginning and indecision will always follow.
One feeds upon the other.
My preparation for getting rid of fear was more a disgust with
myself and wanting to change so bad that I was willing to
give up my comfort zone.
Fear is a crippler. It holds us back from living the
life we were meant to live. We ourselves are the only ones
that can change our situation. We have to conquer our own
fears. No one else can do it for us.
Before I found the Mentoring For Free System I was doubtful, indecisive and
fearful about succeeding in Network Marketing. I had reached
the point that nothing was working and I had no clue as to what
to do. I only knew I believed in the industry and was not going to
The Mentoring for Free system taught me the things I needed to
know about building a business but more important it taught me
that I could succeed and the System also had the solution as to
how to do it.
Michael keeps telling us “to make more we have to
become more.”
The solution is the 30 day mental cleanse.
The 30 day mental cleanse is more than anyone can even imagine
when they first become acquainted with the System. I believe a
lot of people think they have already had a lot of personal development
from other programs they were involved with and kind of dismiss the idea
that this could be any different. They do not recognize the fact that this
is NOT just any other system.
In order to really understand, you have to become totally immersed in the
System by submitting lesson plans each week, attending all the calls and
most important, and the scariest for a lot of us, is participation.
Without participation I would never have gotten over my fears.
I was crippled by my fears and they held me back until I took the actions
necessary to change. No one could do it for me. I had to be willing
to get out of my comfort zone to move forward.
I am not crippled anymore and what a wonderful feeling it is to live
life without fear.
The 30day Mental Cleanse is the vehicle anyone can use to move
forward and live the life we were meant to live.
We have the vehicle. We just have to supply the action.
Indecision, doubt and fear – bedfellows we want to live without.
There is an old saying that action kills fear and to use this network marketing truth exposed just take action today, that way you will not be crippled by fear!
See You At The Top
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Monday, October 14, 2013
Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Tapping Into Emotions Today
A top network marketing secret revealed is to tap into emotions because people do not make up their mind based on logic, especially not women. Women are tuned into their feelings much more than men are. They are the one who are better listeners than me. They can pick up when a situation is not supposed to be happening. My good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy says that women can read mens minds. But it does not work vice versa. Michael has to ask his wife what she wants him to do in certain situations because he understands it better than getting indirect hints from her.
Another thing is that women can pick up whether something is true or not better than men without any proof. For instance at one time our good friend and mentor Tuula Rands knew that she had to download the free e-book Success In Ten Steps from an article that Michael Dlouhy put up, because she had the feeling that what he was saying was the truth.
What us guys must learn is how to listen. Because in the network marketing industry 68% are women. For instance when they are thrilled about the results of how a product changed their life for the better. They tell all their friends about it, where as most guys keep it a secret. Personally I think it is silly to keep anything as a secret, especially the effect of what a product has done for someone to their life. I share other peoples testamonials. For instance I shared a testamonial that I learned from a local event in my town with someone else and another testamonial that I learned happened to someone whom I met at my company convention. One of the testamonials worked because I sold a product. If I did not share my friends story nothing would have happened.
Bill Gates for instance is a prime example of a guy who was able to tap into his emotions at the age of 19. He saw everyone having a computer in their house one day and everything being connected, without any proof of evidence being true. That is believing before you see it. Can others see the passion in our eyes when we are having a conversation with them? If not then we must have fun serving people by helping them get what they want, if they can see that we enjoy doing it then they are going to want to be a part of our lives.
Another thing is that they guy should support his wife in the business by doing coaching calls for her, that way she will be more productive in her strengths in building the business while taking care of the kids at the same time. That will make a great team.
One final thing about the network marketing secret revealed is to LISTEN to what goes on around you because then you will get the feeling on how to conduct yourself.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Another thing is that women can pick up whether something is true or not better than men without any proof. For instance at one time our good friend and mentor Tuula Rands knew that she had to download the free e-book Success In Ten Steps from an article that Michael Dlouhy put up, because she had the feeling that what he was saying was the truth.
What us guys must learn is how to listen. Because in the network marketing industry 68% are women. For instance when they are thrilled about the results of how a product changed their life for the better. They tell all their friends about it, where as most guys keep it a secret. Personally I think it is silly to keep anything as a secret, especially the effect of what a product has done for someone to their life. I share other peoples testamonials. For instance I shared a testamonial that I learned from a local event in my town with someone else and another testamonial that I learned happened to someone whom I met at my company convention. One of the testamonials worked because I sold a product. If I did not share my friends story nothing would have happened.
Bill Gates for instance is a prime example of a guy who was able to tap into his emotions at the age of 19. He saw everyone having a computer in their house one day and everything being connected, without any proof of evidence being true. That is believing before you see it. Can others see the passion in our eyes when we are having a conversation with them? If not then we must have fun serving people by helping them get what they want, if they can see that we enjoy doing it then they are going to want to be a part of our lives.
Another thing is that they guy should support his wife in the business by doing coaching calls for her, that way she will be more productive in her strengths in building the business while taking care of the kids at the same time. That will make a great team.
One final thing about the network marketing secret revealed is to LISTEN to what goes on around you because then you will get the feeling on how to conduct yourself.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Champion MLM Secret Revealed On Using Sixth Sense To Get To The Top Today
What I learned from this lesson on the Sixth Sense done by Ernest Tucker is a champion mlm secret revealed on using the sixth sense in business and in life so that I can grow into that leader whom people want to be in business with. Because this is the Sixth Sense it makes it easier for me to get the feeling when an important situation around me is happening.
The sixth sense is a portion of the subconscious mind, a receiving set of plans, ideas, thoughts, hunches that pop into your mind. It has also been known as creative imagination along with many whom often say it has preformed miracles and is oftened referred to as a “guardian angel”.
In my life time I have learned to never question what happens to you. 99% of the time there was a reason (if you believe in faith).
I have had my Angel sitting on my shoulder many many times and made sure nothing happened to me even when my sixth sense failed to warn me or help me.
I remember a time when a small lizard crawled up my leg and learned how to accept help from others. I remember when a small girl jumped in my lap and hugged me and said “thank you for my freedom” I learned how to accept thanks. I remember when I was driving home from Florida and say a lady with a small child in arms sitting beside her car. I stopped changed her tire and she told me she was taking her child to the hospital I knew my sixth sense was working.
I have learned we need to say our self talk and have a mastermind group we need to talk to every day. I say my self talk hundreds of times daily, talk to that guy in the mirror and as I sit by the river every morning and watch the sunrise and talk to my spiritual master mind group. It has taken many months for me to change my life thank those who believe in me and begin to enjoy a wonderful life.
I thank Shelly for getting me to join MFF and Michael for getting me to join 30 mental cleanse and for all the people in MFF for their help. Through ever ones that is helping I am slowing crawling to the top and I will be their soon. Nothing is more important than my why which is coming to life day by day. Move over black diamonds I’m on my way up.
An example of this mlm secret revealed on the sixth sense can be definitely used when a new idea comes up and I have the feeling that this is the plan to create and of course USE it!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The sixth sense is a portion of the subconscious mind, a receiving set of plans, ideas, thoughts, hunches that pop into your mind. It has also been known as creative imagination along with many whom often say it has preformed miracles and is oftened referred to as a “guardian angel”.
In my life time I have learned to never question what happens to you. 99% of the time there was a reason (if you believe in faith).
I have had my Angel sitting on my shoulder many many times and made sure nothing happened to me even when my sixth sense failed to warn me or help me.
I remember a time when a small lizard crawled up my leg and learned how to accept help from others. I remember when a small girl jumped in my lap and hugged me and said “thank you for my freedom” I learned how to accept thanks. I remember when I was driving home from Florida and say a lady with a small child in arms sitting beside her car. I stopped changed her tire and she told me she was taking her child to the hospital I knew my sixth sense was working.
I have learned we need to say our self talk and have a mastermind group we need to talk to every day. I say my self talk hundreds of times daily, talk to that guy in the mirror and as I sit by the river every morning and watch the sunrise and talk to my spiritual master mind group. It has taken many months for me to change my life thank those who believe in me and begin to enjoy a wonderful life.
I thank Shelly for getting me to join MFF and Michael for getting me to join 30 mental cleanse and for all the people in MFF for their help. Through ever ones that is helping I am slowing crawling to the top and I will be their soon. Nothing is more important than my why which is coming to life day by day. Move over black diamonds I’m on my way up.
An example of this mlm secret revealed on the sixth sense can be definitely used when a new idea comes up and I have the feeling that this is the plan to create and of course USE it!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
My Lesson Plan On Chapter 11 In Think And Grow Rich
The main idea of this chapter is that we must say our self talk and take massive action. All the seven positive emotions must be with us every minute. They are Faith, Love, Sex, Desire, Hope, Romance, Enthusiasm and Prosperity. Because one negative emotion ruins everything we can't go there because if we do then we will repel people without realizing the reason why.
It is not only how many people we talk to each day, it is the quality of conversations that we had with them. Did we seem to be friendly? Were we LISTENING to them at least twice as much as we were talking? Did we show a genuine interest in them or were we just talking to them only to get their business?
Here is the rest of the story.
Avoid Procrastination Today and Stop The Delay
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
It is not only how many people we talk to each day, it is the quality of conversations that we had with them. Did we seem to be friendly? Were we LISTENING to them at least twice as much as we were talking? Did we show a genuine interest in them or were we just talking to them only to get their business?
Here is the rest of the story.
Avoid Procrastination Today and Stop The Delay
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Ultimate MLM Secret Exposed Using Pull Through Marketing Today
A top mlm secret exposed on pull through marketing is that you are taking the volunteers instead of convincing prospects to join you into your business just like a person who wants to change someone elses religion when the convincee refuses to do anything about it and is telling you in secret code NO!
Here is how pull through marketing works. Pull through marketing means that inside yourself you are interested what the other person wants from you and what he needs from you as well. You listen to what is going on. Ernest Tucker says it all. When he has a conversation with someone else he gets the feeling whether they are interested in him or not. Becauase if they are not interested in him why would he waste his time talking to people who do not want to talk to him. That can lead to trouble down the road and Ernest avoid that at all costs.
What he does is make a great impression on the prospects within the first 30 seconds by making them smile either with a compliment or something that is truly funny that makes them laugh and he avoids being sarcastic. That way he doesn't get them to think in their minds "he is a funny guy". He gets them to open up and have a fun dialogue with conversation and laughter when its appropriate.
Due to the fact that they want to know more about him and what he does because of his genuine behavior towards them prospects ask him how they can become a customer of the products that he has and sometimes a distributor as well.
Now it is your turn to duplicate what Ernest Tucker does by using the mlm secret exposed NOW!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Here is how pull through marketing works. Pull through marketing means that inside yourself you are interested what the other person wants from you and what he needs from you as well. You listen to what is going on. Ernest Tucker says it all. When he has a conversation with someone else he gets the feeling whether they are interested in him or not. Becauase if they are not interested in him why would he waste his time talking to people who do not want to talk to him. That can lead to trouble down the road and Ernest avoid that at all costs.
What he does is make a great impression on the prospects within the first 30 seconds by making them smile either with a compliment or something that is truly funny that makes them laugh and he avoids being sarcastic. That way he doesn't get them to think in their minds "he is a funny guy". He gets them to open up and have a fun dialogue with conversation and laughter when its appropriate.
Due to the fact that they want to know more about him and what he does because of his genuine behavior towards them prospects ask him how they can become a customer of the products that he has and sometimes a distributor as well.
Now it is your turn to duplicate what Ernest Tucker does by using the mlm secret exposed NOW!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Friday, September 13, 2013
Benefiting From The Mastermind Group
Are you applying and teaching others what you have learned from your mastermind group?
If not then consider this!!
This is the beginning of Chapter 10 of the book and it will save you time and everyone elses time!
"Plans are inert and useless, without sufficient POWER to translate them into ACTION!!"
Click here to read the rest of the story or kiss your success GOODBYE!
Avoid Procrastination Today and Stop The Delay
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
If not then consider this!!
This is the beginning of Chapter 10 of the book and it will save you time and everyone elses time!
"Plans are inert and useless, without sufficient POWER to translate them into ACTION!!"
Click here to read the rest of the story or kiss your success GOODBYE!
Avoid Procrastination Today and Stop The Delay
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The Best Way Of Being Persistent
The champion mlm truth revealed on colors to success today is that it makes it easier for you to attract prospects. Richard Dennis mentioned that he couldn't make friends for his life during the first 17 years of his network marketing career. That all changed when he met Michael Dlouhy and watched him make new friends on the phone & in person with people whom he never met. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of them.
What matters to us is doing Slight Edge Work by Jeff Olson. Having a to do list for the next day that we write down on paper the night BEFORE going to bed. Complete with a checkmark whatever is on our list. If we are not getting the results we want at first lets ask ourselves "How can we get better?" Answer is self talk BUT those words have to be emotional. Because if it isn't then it is not going to reach the subconcious mind. We attract what we want with our emotions and the most important skill we must have is social skills.
Click here for the rest of the story
Stop The Chatter
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
What matters to us is doing Slight Edge Work by Jeff Olson. Having a to do list for the next day that we write down on paper the night BEFORE going to bed. Complete with a checkmark whatever is on our list. If we are not getting the results we want at first lets ask ourselves "How can we get better?" Answer is self talk BUT those words have to be emotional. Because if it isn't then it is not going to reach the subconcious mind. We attract what we want with our emotions and the most important skill we must have is social skills.
Click here for the rest of the story
Stop The Chatter
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Champion MLM Truth Revealed On Colors To Success Today
The champion mlm truth revealed on colors to success today is that it makes it easier for you to attract prospects. Richard Dennis mentioned that he couldn't make friends for his life during the first 17 years of his network marketing career. That all changed when he met Michael Dlouhy and watched him make new friends on the phone & in person with people whom he never met. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of them.
The red personality is the one who is the best negotatior. He is focused and is the one people others work with only because he is successful. Because of his ego he drives them away. When he learns people strengths and weaknesses he no longer says its my way or the highway. Then they will be coachable rather then being defeated so badly that only when it really hurts them they ask for help.
It takes forever for the green personality to make a decision. They fall into paralysis analysis. But once they take action they do it! They must avoid speaking their reality into existence by saying the words try, maybe, possibly and we will see because then they make the situation worse then it already is. They must definitely say self talk like oxygen and use words like attract, awesome, will, absolutely and am. That way they will be the person people want to be in business with.
The blue personality sees the big picture and has all the details. But the blue can be very scattered and jumping from one deal to the next. They always fall for the hype. If they can team up with a green personality who is detailed oriented and get focused then they can build a big team. Another thing they need is an autoresponder because they must follow up with their clients when they speak to them.
The yellow personality is the best at building relationships. They listen to people which everyone needs to hear. So few people in this world get attention because they are constantly talking and talking. There is an old saying that a person must listen TWICE as much as they talk. When you can do that and understand what the other person has meant, then you are on the way to success. Yellows must stop taking no personally. Does the waitress cry when someone says no for coffee. We don't cry either. We just serve the people who want our help instead of taking it personally or even worse chasing them down. When the yellows can have their own agenda first and not always putting people first by being afraid to say no, then they will do it. In other words they must be assertive by being their own person.
That is the mlm truth revealed on Colors To Success that I learned, lets all take action by USING it!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The red personality is the one who is the best negotatior. He is focused and is the one people others work with only because he is successful. Because of his ego he drives them away. When he learns people strengths and weaknesses he no longer says its my way or the highway. Then they will be coachable rather then being defeated so badly that only when it really hurts them they ask for help.
It takes forever for the green personality to make a decision. They fall into paralysis analysis. But once they take action they do it! They must avoid speaking their reality into existence by saying the words try, maybe, possibly and we will see because then they make the situation worse then it already is. They must definitely say self talk like oxygen and use words like attract, awesome, will, absolutely and am. That way they will be the person people want to be in business with.
The blue personality sees the big picture and has all the details. But the blue can be very scattered and jumping from one deal to the next. They always fall for the hype. If they can team up with a green personality who is detailed oriented and get focused then they can build a big team. Another thing they need is an autoresponder because they must follow up with their clients when they speak to them.
The yellow personality is the best at building relationships. They listen to people which everyone needs to hear. So few people in this world get attention because they are constantly talking and talking. There is an old saying that a person must listen TWICE as much as they talk. When you can do that and understand what the other person has meant, then you are on the way to success. Yellows must stop taking no personally. Does the waitress cry when someone says no for coffee. We don't cry either. We just serve the people who want our help instead of taking it personally or even worse chasing them down. When the yellows can have their own agenda first and not always putting people first by being afraid to say no, then they will do it. In other words they must be assertive by being their own person.
That is the mlm truth revealed on Colors To Success that I learned, lets all take action by USING it!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Being A Champion With Persistence Today
Here is the top network marketing truth revealed on being a champion with persistence today written by my good friend and mentor Brian Redding.
The Eighth Step toward Riches
In this Chapter, Napoleon Hill gives us many examples of people around the world who showed an extreme amount of PERSISTENCE throughout their lives. I some cases their persistence or will power comes across as them being ruthless but on examining their strong habits, we see that they were not ruthless but very persistent.
Henry Ford created a good habit of always followed through with all of his plans.
He also mentioned that the majority of people are willing to give up so easily at the first sign of opposition or misfortune but it is people like the Fords, Carnegies, Rockefellers and Edisons who carry on despite all opposition to attain their goal.
He mentions how Fanny Hurst through her persistence conquered Broadway when thousands and thousands of people fail to ever reach their goals of being successful on Broadway. Talent alone will not do it as it also requires a person with a lot of persistence.
Kate Smith was another performer like Fanny Hurst who reached her goals as a top singer through her powerful will power and also conquered Broadway. It pays to be PERSISTENT.
Hill also speaks how Andrew Carnegie had taught him how to toss way his fear of criticism and for the next 20 years to organize a philosophy on personal achievement.
He mentions W.C. Fields went from being a comedian in vaudeville to being an actor in a new profession in the movies. This is just another sign of great persistence as he never gave up.
Marie Dressler was down and out but at an old age through her strong PERSISTENCE brought her outstanding triumph.
Eddie Cantor lost his entire fortune during the Great Depression of 1929, but because of his courage and persistence he created even a greater fortune.
The biggest AHA that I got from this Chapter is that IF ONE HAS PERSISTENCE, ONE CAN GET ALONG VERY WELL WITHOUT MANY OTHER QUALITIES. This seems to say that with a lot of persistence, we will reach our goals of success. I know that I have a lot of persistence as I am very hard headed and stubborn. So besides persistence which I believe that I have plenty of, I must also acquire the specialized knowledge which I will need to attract people to me but I also must get rid of my stinking thinking because I cannot afford to think that way anymore. I must change my poverty mindset to a wealth or prosperous mindset.
Hill also point out the four simple steps to lead to the habit of Persistence.
(1) A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment. That to me is owning my life and being completely debt free with complete financial security. I will not die with my music never being played. In my company it is reaching the level of Black Diamond and creating many Black Diamonds on my journey which is a very happy journey.
(2) A definite plan expressed with continuous action. My plan is to always be close to the fire where I can learn from people like Michael Dlouhy, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, Richard Dennis, Jerry ‘D’Rhino’ Clark, Artemis Limpert and Jim Rohn. I must speak up on all these calls and do a lesson plan weekly. I must reachout to people who are struggling in the Network Marketing industry and help them with their goals. I must find customers and sponsor distributors. I must spend many hours on the telephone following up with people who need my help.
(3) A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including all negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances. By doing my self-talk daily, I will build my immune system against these dream stealers who want to pull me back into their rat hole.
(4) A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage and not discourage me to follow through with both plan and purpose. Well I have that in my Wednesday Mental Cleanse family who participate on the calls and who also submit a lesson plan weekly that continuously inspires me and teaches me that I am not alone in my desires and the mindset needed to achieve them.
Hill also mentions how Wallace Simpson won over the heart of King Edward of England with her constant persistence and her great love for this man.
Mohammed the great prophet who wrote the Koran and started a new religion had a very up and down life but his great persistence made him very revered among the Arabic population.
We Love to all the members of this awesome Mastermind Group and thanks to all the mentors who help us daily keep with our persistence to be leaders in this beautiful Network Marketing industry.
Special thanks go out to Michael and Linda for always believing in every one of us.
Brian Redding in Chicago
Now it is time for use to take ACTION based on this network marketing truth revealed.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The Eighth Step toward Riches
In this Chapter, Napoleon Hill gives us many examples of people around the world who showed an extreme amount of PERSISTENCE throughout their lives. I some cases their persistence or will power comes across as them being ruthless but on examining their strong habits, we see that they were not ruthless but very persistent.
Henry Ford created a good habit of always followed through with all of his plans.
He also mentioned that the majority of people are willing to give up so easily at the first sign of opposition or misfortune but it is people like the Fords, Carnegies, Rockefellers and Edisons who carry on despite all opposition to attain their goal.
He mentions how Fanny Hurst through her persistence conquered Broadway when thousands and thousands of people fail to ever reach their goals of being successful on Broadway. Talent alone will not do it as it also requires a person with a lot of persistence.
Kate Smith was another performer like Fanny Hurst who reached her goals as a top singer through her powerful will power and also conquered Broadway. It pays to be PERSISTENT.
Hill also speaks how Andrew Carnegie had taught him how to toss way his fear of criticism and for the next 20 years to organize a philosophy on personal achievement.
He mentions W.C. Fields went from being a comedian in vaudeville to being an actor in a new profession in the movies. This is just another sign of great persistence as he never gave up.
Marie Dressler was down and out but at an old age through her strong PERSISTENCE brought her outstanding triumph.
Eddie Cantor lost his entire fortune during the Great Depression of 1929, but because of his courage and persistence he created even a greater fortune.
The biggest AHA that I got from this Chapter is that IF ONE HAS PERSISTENCE, ONE CAN GET ALONG VERY WELL WITHOUT MANY OTHER QUALITIES. This seems to say that with a lot of persistence, we will reach our goals of success. I know that I have a lot of persistence as I am very hard headed and stubborn. So besides persistence which I believe that I have plenty of, I must also acquire the specialized knowledge which I will need to attract people to me but I also must get rid of my stinking thinking because I cannot afford to think that way anymore. I must change my poverty mindset to a wealth or prosperous mindset.
Hill also point out the four simple steps to lead to the habit of Persistence.
(1) A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment. That to me is owning my life and being completely debt free with complete financial security. I will not die with my music never being played. In my company it is reaching the level of Black Diamond and creating many Black Diamonds on my journey which is a very happy journey.
(2) A definite plan expressed with continuous action. My plan is to always be close to the fire where I can learn from people like Michael Dlouhy, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, Richard Dennis, Jerry ‘D’Rhino’ Clark, Artemis Limpert and Jim Rohn. I must speak up on all these calls and do a lesson plan weekly. I must reachout to people who are struggling in the Network Marketing industry and help them with their goals. I must find customers and sponsor distributors. I must spend many hours on the telephone following up with people who need my help.
(3) A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including all negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances. By doing my self-talk daily, I will build my immune system against these dream stealers who want to pull me back into their rat hole.
(4) A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage and not discourage me to follow through with both plan and purpose. Well I have that in my Wednesday Mental Cleanse family who participate on the calls and who also submit a lesson plan weekly that continuously inspires me and teaches me that I am not alone in my desires and the mindset needed to achieve them.
Hill also mentions how Wallace Simpson won over the heart of King Edward of England with her constant persistence and her great love for this man.
Mohammed the great prophet who wrote the Koran and started a new religion had a very up and down life but his great persistence made him very revered among the Arabic population.
We Love to all the members of this awesome Mastermind Group and thanks to all the mentors who help us daily keep with our persistence to be leaders in this beautiful Network Marketing industry.
Special thanks go out to Michael and Linda for always believing in every one of us.
Brian Redding in Chicago
Now it is time for use to take ACTION based on this network marketing truth revealed.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Exclusive Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Organized Planning
Here is a synopsis of the exclusive network marketing secret revealed on organized planning, it will work only if you use it!
The only way to get out of poverty is to create a plan of action & then just do the necessary activities that will move you towards your goals. If you are not getting the results that you want then change your plans. Avoid being a Samuel Insuill. None of this has to do with your college degrees.
As I said many times in the last few years I have two bachelors degrees. One in accounting & the other one in finance. And I am not paid what I am worth. That is a prime example of Napoleon Hills Truth. People who had a better education than Henry Ford lived in poverty because they have planned to fail due to the fact that their plan of action was missing. Take for instance a plan of action for a day.
Do the things that you can't stand doing first then do all the fun stuff! Add new things to your activities as well. That is specifically what other people in your mastermind group are doing today and mainly what they are getting results with. Abandon anything that does not work and whatever has nothing to do with building your business.
This is network marketing. NOT net play or net easy marketing. We are all looking for our five key leaders especially right now. And for that matter it means we have to become excellent at building relationships. Now this industry is in momemtum and we can't afford to spend time with the wrong people nor begging people to join. We want leaders who take initiative get results and teach others how to repeat exactly what they have accomplished.
Like that we will reach our goals sooner than we think. You want to say "I am glad I did" NOT "I wish I had."
Now it is time to apply & teach the exclusive network marketing secret revealed on organized planning so that they can take massive action and accomplish their goals!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The only way to get out of poverty is to create a plan of action & then just do the necessary activities that will move you towards your goals. If you are not getting the results that you want then change your plans. Avoid being a Samuel Insuill. None of this has to do with your college degrees.
As I said many times in the last few years I have two bachelors degrees. One in accounting & the other one in finance. And I am not paid what I am worth. That is a prime example of Napoleon Hills Truth. People who had a better education than Henry Ford lived in poverty because they have planned to fail due to the fact that their plan of action was missing. Take for instance a plan of action for a day.
Do the things that you can't stand doing first then do all the fun stuff! Add new things to your activities as well. That is specifically what other people in your mastermind group are doing today and mainly what they are getting results with. Abandon anything that does not work and whatever has nothing to do with building your business.
This is network marketing. NOT net play or net easy marketing. We are all looking for our five key leaders especially right now. And for that matter it means we have to become excellent at building relationships. Now this industry is in momemtum and we can't afford to spend time with the wrong people nor begging people to join. We want leaders who take initiative get results and teach others how to repeat exactly what they have accomplished.
Like that we will reach our goals sooner than we think. You want to say "I am glad I did" NOT "I wish I had."
Now it is time to apply & teach the exclusive network marketing secret revealed on organized planning so that they can take massive action and accomplish their goals!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Utilizing Champion Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Organized Planning Today
Would it be okay if you could have a mastermind group to teach
you how to utilize the champion network marketing truth exposed
on organized planning today? If you do then apply and teach what
Russ Aker is telling you hear because you will learn how to control
your mind in order to focus on accomplishing your goals.
Persistent positive thought toward a desired idea or goal
mixed with definiteness of purpose will cause one to
manifest their destiny. Everything man creates or
acquires begins as thought for a personal need, created
through a burning Desire. THOUGHTS are Things.
In attaining our Desire, we must have Faith. Faith is the
visualization of, and Belief in the attainment of Desire. I
am what I say I am. I have what I say I have regardless
of the current evidence.
Autosuggestion is how we exercise control of our mind?
We do it by being aware, sometimes known as "seeing
or being awake" to the information presented to us and
"consciously" allowing only that which we want entry.
Successful men and women never stop acquiring
Specialized Knowledge related to their major purpose
or “why”. That purpose creating the Desire to manifest
their dreams to a physical reality.
If our passion for that which is Imagine wells up in us as
a Burning Desire followed by our PLANS and ACTIONS
we will with PERSISTENCE manifest that reality we Desire.
ORGANIZED PLANNING – “Mentoring for Free” has a
complete “organized plan” for all participants of the
master mind group. It is called the Recipe. There is a
complete check list in the “toolkit” at MFF Pro with a
step by step recipe so you won’t get left behind. The
checklist and recipe offer direction for all the practical
and specialized instruction one needs for success in any
5-Pillar network marketing opportunity. We have
additional specialized live interactive instruction on our
mastermind training calls offered five days a week
several times a day, most calls recorded for further
reference. The only things required of us as individuals
are to participate assimilate & activate the information
and training through a “DAILY PLAN”, and
enthusiastically apply Action, creating that which we
For additional information about Mentoring for Free and
how you can attain the book “Success in 10 Steps”,
contact the person who shared this blog with you…so
you don’t get left behind.
If you are coachable then my team and I can show you how
to use the network marketing truth exposed on organized planning.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
you how to utilize the champion network marketing truth exposed
on organized planning today? If you do then apply and teach what
Russ Aker is telling you hear because you will learn how to control
your mind in order to focus on accomplishing your goals.
Persistent positive thought toward a desired idea or goal
mixed with definiteness of purpose will cause one to
manifest their destiny. Everything man creates or
acquires begins as thought for a personal need, created
through a burning Desire. THOUGHTS are Things.
In attaining our Desire, we must have Faith. Faith is the
visualization of, and Belief in the attainment of Desire. I
am what I say I am. I have what I say I have regardless
of the current evidence.
Autosuggestion is how we exercise control of our mind?
We do it by being aware, sometimes known as "seeing
or being awake" to the information presented to us and
"consciously" allowing only that which we want entry.
Successful men and women never stop acquiring
Specialized Knowledge related to their major purpose
or “why”. That purpose creating the Desire to manifest
their dreams to a physical reality.
If our passion for that which is Imagine wells up in us as
a Burning Desire followed by our PLANS and ACTIONS
we will with PERSISTENCE manifest that reality we Desire.
ORGANIZED PLANNING – “Mentoring for Free” has a
complete “organized plan” for all participants of the
master mind group. It is called the Recipe. There is a
complete check list in the “toolkit” at MFF Pro with a
step by step recipe so you won’t get left behind. The
checklist and recipe offer direction for all the practical
and specialized instruction one needs for success in any
5-Pillar network marketing opportunity. We have
additional specialized live interactive instruction on our
mastermind training calls offered five days a week
several times a day, most calls recorded for further
reference. The only things required of us as individuals
are to participate assimilate & activate the information
and training through a “DAILY PLAN”, and
enthusiastically apply Action, creating that which we
For additional information about Mentoring for Free and
how you can attain the book “Success in 10 Steps”,
contact the person who shared this blog with you…so
you don’t get left behind.
If you are coachable then my team and I can show you how
to use the network marketing truth exposed on organized planning.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Exclusive Network Marketing Secret Revealed On A Remarkable Product Today
An exclusive network marketing secret revealed is that a person in network marketing today must have a remarkable product or else they will lose their prospects to the competition. A remarkable product is a product that prospects would buy without being a distributor of a network marketing company. They would buy it month after month and year after year. It would be a product that they could not live without.
Take for instance nutritional products. People consume it every single month and when they are satisified with the results that they are having from using the products they tell their friends about it. And because their friends can see that they have an emotional attachment to the product they ask them where can they order from it. Imagine that one of your customers told 24 other people of the results he or she has with the product and lets say half of them become your loyal customer. That is 12 more customers for you!
If your sponsor is asking you to make a list of you friends and family when you sign up for building a business. Run! Here is the reason why you should do that. He is telling you to make a list of your friends and family in order for you to get them into their deal. That is no different from you opening up a Mc Donalds down the street and telling your family "Hey I just opened up a new McDonalds, would you like to open up yours?" If you do that then they will be done with you.
On the other hand if you just say "I just started my own business." And then they ask you what is your business and you reply "I have an online health and nutrition store." Then they ask you what products do you have? Then share with them a link to your website so that they can look at it and or give them a brochure. Follow up with them within 48 hours, latest 72 hours because you do not want to give it more than 3 days to follow up because then they forget about it. If you leave a message that is okay as well, because at least you followed up with them.
The best way to follow up is by asking questions and listening to their answers. That is how you build rapport with your prospects. Here is a good follow up question. "What product would you like to know more about?" Then listen to them to what they want and be a professional pointer by pointing the product out to them.
Last but not least about this network marketing secret revealed on a remarkable product to remember is that they less you talk and the more you listen the more influence you will have and therefore the more likely someone will be your customer!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Take for instance nutritional products. People consume it every single month and when they are satisified with the results that they are having from using the products they tell their friends about it. And because their friends can see that they have an emotional attachment to the product they ask them where can they order from it. Imagine that one of your customers told 24 other people of the results he or she has with the product and lets say half of them become your loyal customer. That is 12 more customers for you!
If your sponsor is asking you to make a list of you friends and family when you sign up for building a business. Run! Here is the reason why you should do that. He is telling you to make a list of your friends and family in order for you to get them into their deal. That is no different from you opening up a Mc Donalds down the street and telling your family "Hey I just opened up a new McDonalds, would you like to open up yours?" If you do that then they will be done with you.
On the other hand if you just say "I just started my own business." And then they ask you what is your business and you reply "I have an online health and nutrition store." Then they ask you what products do you have? Then share with them a link to your website so that they can look at it and or give them a brochure. Follow up with them within 48 hours, latest 72 hours because you do not want to give it more than 3 days to follow up because then they forget about it. If you leave a message that is okay as well, because at least you followed up with them.
The best way to follow up is by asking questions and listening to their answers. That is how you build rapport with your prospects. Here is a good follow up question. "What product would you like to know more about?" Then listen to them to what they want and be a professional pointer by pointing the product out to them.
Last but not least about this network marketing secret revealed on a remarkable product to remember is that they less you talk and the more you listen the more influence you will have and therefore the more likely someone will be your customer!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Top MLM Leadership Tip On Successfully Duplicating Results Correctly Today
Here is the top mlm leadership tip on successfully duplicating results today: It is sponsoring someone into the business and letting him do his favorite activity! Lets say you have sponsored a Tom Big Al Schrieter into your business. Tom Big Al Schrieter cannot even stand using the telephone. He likes talking to people face to face.
Now lets assume that your favorite activity is talking to people on the telephone and you do not want to go to the coffee shop or anywhere else in town to meet new people and when Tom Big Al Schrieter is ready to join your business you tell him were going to use the phone tonight to contact people. Tom Big Al Schrieter will be gone! That is because he can not stand calling people on the telephone.
What you need to do when sponsoring a new person into your business is to be a professional pointer by pointing your new business partner to the activity that he likes to do. Back to the Tom Big Al Schrieter example. If you were to sponsor him then you would have to point him to a tool that explains to him how to talk to people face to face. That tool would need to give him a few sentences that will get prospects to say to him, tell me more about the product and the business.
Tom Big Al Schrieter would need to know about the product when he would be talking to his friends and family not the business. Because if he were to talk to his friends and family about the business then they would react to him by thinking that he wants to get them into their deal. That would cause him to alienate themselves from him.
Remember to use this mlm leadership tip on duplicating results letting your new business partner to the activity that he feels comfortable with NOT what you want him to do!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Now lets assume that your favorite activity is talking to people on the telephone and you do not want to go to the coffee shop or anywhere else in town to meet new people and when Tom Big Al Schrieter is ready to join your business you tell him were going to use the phone tonight to contact people. Tom Big Al Schrieter will be gone! That is because he can not stand calling people on the telephone.
What you need to do when sponsoring a new person into your business is to be a professional pointer by pointing your new business partner to the activity that he likes to do. Back to the Tom Big Al Schrieter example. If you were to sponsor him then you would have to point him to a tool that explains to him how to talk to people face to face. That tool would need to give him a few sentences that will get prospects to say to him, tell me more about the product and the business.
Tom Big Al Schrieter would need to know about the product when he would be talking to his friends and family not the business. Because if he were to talk to his friends and family about the business then they would react to him by thinking that he wants to get them into their deal. That would cause him to alienate themselves from him.
Remember to use this mlm leadership tip on duplicating results letting your new business partner to the activity that he feels comfortable with NOT what you want him to do!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Exclusive Network Marketing Tip on attracting prospects to you
An exclusive network marketing tip on attracting prospects to you is to make it about them. There is an old saying that people do not care how much you know about something, unless they see that you care about them. Avoid using the words, I and me. Tom Big Al Schrieter says that prospects do not care how great your opportunity is, they care about their problems. Therefore if you are making it about yourself then do yourself a favor and stop it! A prospect has things he needs to do in his life and things that he wants to do with his life. Does your prospect need to pay taxes? Yes. Does he want to pay taxes? No but he does it anyway because if he doesn't he will get in trouble. Does your prospect need to go to the dentist? Yes, Does he want to go to the dentist? No. If you solve other peoples problems then your problems will disappear. How do you accomplish that?
Harry Browne says find out what people want and help them get it.
Here is what a prospect has when there is a problem.
1. Does a prospect have a problem to solve?
2. Are you able to solve it?
3. Does the prospect want to solve the problem?
4. And most important does he want to solve the problem with you?
To use the exclusive network marketing tip here is question number four because the only way you will benefit from using this article is if he wants to solve it with you, that can happen if he knows you by you learning a little bit about each other, likes you because you are easy to get along with, and main thing is trusts you because you are certain in what you are talking about and you do what you say that you will do!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Harry Browne says find out what people want and help them get it.
Here is what a prospect has when there is a problem.
1. Does a prospect have a problem to solve?
2. Are you able to solve it?
3. Does the prospect want to solve the problem?
4. And most important does he want to solve the problem with you?
To use the exclusive network marketing tip here is question number four because the only way you will benefit from using this article is if he wants to solve it with you, that can happen if he knows you by you learning a little bit about each other, likes you because you are easy to get along with, and main thing is trusts you because you are certain in what you are talking about and you do what you say that you will do!!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Stay Away From Multiple Streams Of Income & Bui...
Stay Away From Multiple Streams Of Income & Bui...: The reason why a person must stay away from multiple streams of income is because you can get unf...
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Get Over The I Don$$q$t Know Anyone Excuse Today
Get Over The I Don$$q$t Know Anyone Excuse Today: This morning I read an article in the Networking Times magazine and I have learned from Ron Forre...
Why Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words
Why Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words: The reason why body language speaks louder than words is because people can feel if we know what...
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Have You Said Your Self Talk Today?
Have You Said Your Self Talk Today?: If you do not say your self-talk in this business then you are missing out big time! You are lit...
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Without Doing Our Self Talk We Are Toast
Without Doing Our Self Talk We Are Toast: Tuula Rands describes the reason why in her post!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
You Either Attract People Or You Repel Them
You Either Attract People Or You Repel Them: You must remember is that you either attract people or you repel people. No other way around that... You Either Attract People Or You Repel Them
Sunday, July 28, 2013
You Are Training Your Prospect The Second You O...
You Are Training Your Prospect The Second You O...: Here is the reason why. Because if you do it incorrectly or improperly then your prospect will do...
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The Reason Why The Word How Is So Dangerous?
The Reason Why The Word How Is So Dangerous?: The reason why the word how is so dangerous is because it will cause you to feel stuck. And the m...
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Network Marketing Tip On Sponsoring Your Weakness
A network marketing tip that we can use is sponsoring your weakness that means someone who has strengths that you do not have. Lets say your weakness is building relationships then become friends with someone who is excellent at it and sponsor him. Lets say you are terrible at follow up sponsor someone who is a master of it! Get the idea? Like I said in my previous post yesterday that we can't build this business alone, it takes a team of likeminded people to do it from different backgrounds. When you learn from someone who is great at what you are unable to do at first, then this network marketing tip is working because your weakness becomes your strength!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Network Marketing Truth Revealed On The Mistake Of Pitching Your Deal
Everybody knows that the top network marketing truth revealed is to avoid pitching your deal to anybody.
Here is why it is wrong to do it with friends and family. Lets say that you have just opened up a new restaurant they will ask you if they are interested "When can we come?" But what if you said to them "I just opened up a new restaurant, would you like to open up one yourself?" That would turn them off and they would not want to do anything with you anymore.
Here is why it is wrong to pitch your deal to someone who is already in a network marketing company. Its a mistake because it is no different than asking your married female friend/aquaintance on a date. She would run and hide.
But it is okay to share with anyone your product because it can help them out!
I give an example on my forum post!
Build Your All Star Team Today
Hopefully you will never pitch your deal to anyone based on what you learned from this network marketing truth revealed!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Here is why it is wrong to do it with friends and family. Lets say that you have just opened up a new restaurant they will ask you if they are interested "When can we come?" But what if you said to them "I just opened up a new restaurant, would you like to open up one yourself?" That would turn them off and they would not want to do anything with you anymore.
Here is why it is wrong to pitch your deal to someone who is already in a network marketing company. Its a mistake because it is no different than asking your married female friend/aquaintance on a date. She would run and hide.
But it is okay to share with anyone your product because it can help them out!
I give an example on my forum post!
Build Your All Star Team Today
Hopefully you will never pitch your deal to anyone based on what you learned from this network marketing truth revealed!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Think And Grow Rich And Never Quit
Think And Grow Rich And Never Quit: Be enthusiastic like Edwin Barnes was by knowing that your product is a product that can be sold...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Getting Over Fear The Right Way
Getting Over Fear The Right Way: To get over your fears you must take action immediately or else you will remain in fear. Think a...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Just Use Your Companys System
Just Use Your Companys System: If you want to be successful in any network marketing company then use the system that they give ...
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
My Lesson Plan On Fear
My Lesson Plan On Fear: Doing things today what others wont so that we can have tommorow what others can$$q$t. Click her...
Monday, July 8, 2013
Look For Motiviation In A Prospect
Look For Motiviation In A Prospect: A person needs to look for in a prospect not only skills but motivation because a motivated perso...
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Difference Between Busy And Productive
Difference Between Busy And Productive: The most crucial element for our success in this business is productivity. Most people unfortunat...
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Avoid Explaining A Compensation Plan To Others ...
Avoid Explaining A Compensation Plan To Others ...: The reason why a person must avoid explaining a compensation plan to others when asked is because...
To Accomplish Your Mission In Business & In You...
To Accomplish Your Mission In Business & In You...: The key to success in a persons life is to be open to learning new things and taking action on th...
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Exclusive Home Business Secret Revealed Using The Sixth Sense Today
A top home business secret revealed is using the Sixth Sense correctly because then you will know when its time to put yourself first and do today what others won't so you can have tommorow what others can't. My good friend Toni Laurieto explains it all!!
The door to the temple of wisdom: through which infinite intelligence may and will communicate voluntarily without any effort from or demands by the individual. The sixth sense often comes to one’s rescue if we are still enough to listen and use the principal. Hill also refers to it as the receiving set called “hunches or inspirations”. It comes only through meditation from mind development from within. It is mental and spiritual.
Michael often tells us when you find someone you connect with put them on your top of your list.
Hill talks about how he held an imaginary council meeting with this group of men he called councils.
Hill used the same principle of this philosophy by putting these men on his top list the one’s he most admired.
He imitated these nine men who he was most impressed with in order to shape his character. He wanted to acquire different knowledge and qualities from each of these council members.
This past year, through the use of personal development, I have grown the most. By plugging into the MFF system I am becoming the person I was intended to be. By plugging into the 30 Day Mental Cleanse I am clear about the way I want my life to be, the person I am working on becoming. Very much like Hill had a council; I too am shaping my character from the knowledge of those in leadership that I surround myself with. Jim Rohn: for his business philosophy, positive affirmations and wittiness. John Maxwell: for his leadership. Joyce Meyer: for her faith. My grandmother: for her patience and wisdom.
The sixth sense directs us to accomplish our daily goals, through intuition and by taking action on that intuition. The key to this success is to do what Michael tells us to do. Say our daily self talk. By saying our daily self talk we learn to push fear out of the way and take action and move forward. We learn to program our minds to take us where we want to go to be that person we want to be.
I have much to learn yet on how to obtain the ability to use the sixth sense. I must stay close to the fire by continuing on the 30daymental cleanse. My goal is to master fear like Michael and Ken do, overcome procrastination, and as a yellow I need to master putting myself first so that I can position myself to that financial goal that I have set for myself.
So are you going to use this home business secret revealed on the sixth sense as a direction to accomplish your goals like Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemn and thousands of other people have or are you going to remain a wandering generality?
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The door to the temple of wisdom: through which infinite intelligence may and will communicate voluntarily without any effort from or demands by the individual. The sixth sense often comes to one’s rescue if we are still enough to listen and use the principal. Hill also refers to it as the receiving set called “hunches or inspirations”. It comes only through meditation from mind development from within. It is mental and spiritual.
Michael often tells us when you find someone you connect with put them on your top of your list.
Hill talks about how he held an imaginary council meeting with this group of men he called councils.
Hill used the same principle of this philosophy by putting these men on his top list the one’s he most admired.
He imitated these nine men who he was most impressed with in order to shape his character. He wanted to acquire different knowledge and qualities from each of these council members.
This past year, through the use of personal development, I have grown the most. By plugging into the MFF system I am becoming the person I was intended to be. By plugging into the 30 Day Mental Cleanse I am clear about the way I want my life to be, the person I am working on becoming. Very much like Hill had a council; I too am shaping my character from the knowledge of those in leadership that I surround myself with. Jim Rohn: for his business philosophy, positive affirmations and wittiness. John Maxwell: for his leadership. Joyce Meyer: for her faith. My grandmother: for her patience and wisdom.
The sixth sense directs us to accomplish our daily goals, through intuition and by taking action on that intuition. The key to this success is to do what Michael tells us to do. Say our daily self talk. By saying our daily self talk we learn to push fear out of the way and take action and move forward. We learn to program our minds to take us where we want to go to be that person we want to be.
I have much to learn yet on how to obtain the ability to use the sixth sense. I must stay close to the fire by continuing on the 30daymental cleanse. My goal is to master fear like Michael and Ken do, overcome procrastination, and as a yellow I need to master putting myself first so that I can position myself to that financial goal that I have set for myself.
So are you going to use this home business secret revealed on the sixth sense as a direction to accomplish your goals like Michael Dlouhy, Ken Klemn and thousands of other people have or are you going to remain a wandering generality?
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Using The Slight Edge Effectively!
Using The Slight Edge Effectively!: Here is a word picture that will illustrate all that!.Lets say that on August 1st you will do ten...
Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Top MLM Truth On Using Subconscious Mind Today
Reggie Liggins discusses the top mlm truth on using the subconscious mind today so that we should be able to get rid of the thoughts that do not serve us and make room in our mind for the thoughts that will lead us to taking action and in the end us being prosperous!
The Twelfth Step toward Riches
"Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality". ~ Earl Nightingale
I am usually somewhat sure that I know what Hill is talking about in each chapter, but I am having some trouble with this chapter. I am not sure I understand the concept of "stepping up the vibration" of my thoughts. Yes, I know that they need to be mixed with the positive emotions. But what confuses me is that often Michael tells us to SLOW our brain down, or at least slow down the chatter in our minds, while in this chapter we are told that "when the brain is vibrating at a RAPID rate, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other brains through the medium of the ether, but it gives to one's own thoughts that 'feeling' which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by one's subconscious mind". So I assuming that there is something that I need to slow down, but on the other hand, there is something that I need to speed up. Anyway, I hope that Michael will address this on the Mental Cleanse call when we discuss this chapter.
I was in awe when reading about the number of brain and nerve cells and just the vast capacity of our brains. I tend to disagree with people who suggest that we only use a tenth of it's capacity. I don't think we come anywhere near that. The great mystery to me is how do we harness the potential power of our brains. Of course it has been said in this group many times that we could do so much more if we just believed that we could not fail. So while we might lack the knowledge and/or ability to tap into all that is available, we can do plenty with we have access to if we apply the lessons learned in this book and in this mastermind group.
I understand that our subconscious mind has been entrusted to do the things that our conscious mind can't be trusted to do, like regulate our growth, heart beat and our breathing, make sure that the nutrients we eat nourish the appropriate cells, and just keep our body functioning like a well oiled machine. I am glad that we don't have to remember to breathe and that we cannot by an act of our conscious minds decide to stop pumping blood to our vital organs. I agree wholeheartedly with Hill when he suggested that our brains are capable of so much more than performing on the maintenance activities required for our survival, and that our brains have the media to communicate with the intangible forces including Infinite Intelligence.
Earl Nightingale said that the human mind is the last unexplored continent on earth. I don't believe that is from a lack of trying. There are so many intangibles in this thing called life. We cannot put either the subconscious or conscious mind under a microscope and examine its components or contents. Man's spirit or soul (provided that is different from the subconscious) is not subject to examination either. The intangibles remain a mystery and probably always will. But thankfully, we now know how to influence the subconscious mind and use it to communicate with Infinite Intelligence. Thanks to Michael and Linda Dlouhy and this wonderful Mastermind Group for helping us all to become more, indeed even to "Think and Grow Rich"
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
The Twelfth Step toward Riches
"Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality". ~ Earl Nightingale
I am usually somewhat sure that I know what Hill is talking about in each chapter, but I am having some trouble with this chapter. I am not sure I understand the concept of "stepping up the vibration" of my thoughts. Yes, I know that they need to be mixed with the positive emotions. But what confuses me is that often Michael tells us to SLOW our brain down, or at least slow down the chatter in our minds, while in this chapter we are told that "when the brain is vibrating at a RAPID rate, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other brains through the medium of the ether, but it gives to one's own thoughts that 'feeling' which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by one's subconscious mind". So I assuming that there is something that I need to slow down, but on the other hand, there is something that I need to speed up. Anyway, I hope that Michael will address this on the Mental Cleanse call when we discuss this chapter.
I was in awe when reading about the number of brain and nerve cells and just the vast capacity of our brains. I tend to disagree with people who suggest that we only use a tenth of it's capacity. I don't think we come anywhere near that. The great mystery to me is how do we harness the potential power of our brains. Of course it has been said in this group many times that we could do so much more if we just believed that we could not fail. So while we might lack the knowledge and/or ability to tap into all that is available, we can do plenty with we have access to if we apply the lessons learned in this book and in this mastermind group.
I understand that our subconscious mind has been entrusted to do the things that our conscious mind can't be trusted to do, like regulate our growth, heart beat and our breathing, make sure that the nutrients we eat nourish the appropriate cells, and just keep our body functioning like a well oiled machine. I am glad that we don't have to remember to breathe and that we cannot by an act of our conscious minds decide to stop pumping blood to our vital organs. I agree wholeheartedly with Hill when he suggested that our brains are capable of so much more than performing on the maintenance activities required for our survival, and that our brains have the media to communicate with the intangible forces including Infinite Intelligence.
Earl Nightingale said that the human mind is the last unexplored continent on earth. I don't believe that is from a lack of trying. There are so many intangibles in this thing called life. We cannot put either the subconscious or conscious mind under a microscope and examine its components or contents. Man's spirit or soul (provided that is different from the subconscious) is not subject to examination either. The intangibles remain a mystery and probably always will. But thankfully, we now know how to influence the subconscious mind and use it to communicate with Infinite Intelligence. Thanks to Michael and Linda Dlouhy and this wonderful Mastermind Group for helping us all to become more, indeed even to "Think and Grow Rich"
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Belief
Here is the network marketing truth exposed on belief written by Benjamin Matthew Drake.
This chapter provided a friendly reminder that all along since meeting Jenny I had believed that we were to get married. I had convinced myself of such well before meeting Jenny, through a self talk in the past. I was also acting as if I was already such to Jenny and already taken.
Our thoughts come from our mind and are projected to others minds to them. They can also come from another persons mind, as the chapter on the power of the mastermind has demonstrated you can create another brain when two or more people get together to solve the same problem. As Michael has demonstrated with his video on and that we can literally be changed by good thoughts from another person or negative thoughts from others.
For some people who are constantly around people who think the lack thoughts it becomes their life and programming. Who they are as a person, these people need to find a way to get around those positive people to overcome those influences within their own lives. Weather its listening to audios all nite long and self talk, they have to do something to block out that bad influence. As stated by Napoleon Hill in a previous chapter we are not given any challenge we are unable to overcome.
There is quite often a way to do such, it’s a matter of saying I am going to do this even though it may be the last thing I do. Jim Rohn puts it well when he says “This is my mountain in life, you will either see me waving my flag from the top or dead on the side as I am not coming back”. Personally this says I am not going to be that same person. I am going for that goal and achieve it.
Numerous people have gone through the challenges and come out the otherside. When a man is convinced that he can do something, nothing is going to stop him. As Napoleon Hill states we also need to use auto suggestion (self talk) and faith. We have to build our faith regularly.
Thank you to my wonderful mentors Michael Dlouhy, Willena Flewelling and Ken Klemm for your love inspiration guidance and support. To the mental cleanse participents thank you for your inspiring lessons,
Abundant love, hugs and health
Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Now it is time to use the network marketing truth exposed on belief by being around all the positive people who help you get results in business and in life and eliminate the negative ones because one negative person ruins everything!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
This chapter provided a friendly reminder that all along since meeting Jenny I had believed that we were to get married. I had convinced myself of such well before meeting Jenny, through a self talk in the past. I was also acting as if I was already such to Jenny and already taken.
Our thoughts come from our mind and are projected to others minds to them. They can also come from another persons mind, as the chapter on the power of the mastermind has demonstrated you can create another brain when two or more people get together to solve the same problem. As Michael has demonstrated with his video on and that we can literally be changed by good thoughts from another person or negative thoughts from others.
For some people who are constantly around people who think the lack thoughts it becomes their life and programming. Who they are as a person, these people need to find a way to get around those positive people to overcome those influences within their own lives. Weather its listening to audios all nite long and self talk, they have to do something to block out that bad influence. As stated by Napoleon Hill in a previous chapter we are not given any challenge we are unable to overcome.
There is quite often a way to do such, it’s a matter of saying I am going to do this even though it may be the last thing I do. Jim Rohn puts it well when he says “This is my mountain in life, you will either see me waving my flag from the top or dead on the side as I am not coming back”. Personally this says I am not going to be that same person. I am going for that goal and achieve it.
Numerous people have gone through the challenges and come out the otherside. When a man is convinced that he can do something, nothing is going to stop him. As Napoleon Hill states we also need to use auto suggestion (self talk) and faith. We have to build our faith regularly.
Thank you to my wonderful mentors Michael Dlouhy, Willena Flewelling and Ken Klemm for your love inspiration guidance and support. To the mental cleanse participents thank you for your inspiring lessons,
Abundant love, hugs and health
Benjamin Mathew Drake
Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia
Now it is time to use the network marketing truth exposed on belief by being around all the positive people who help you get results in business and in life and eliminate the negative ones because one negative person ruins everything!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Exclusive Home Business Secret Revealed On Being Focused Today
An exclusive home business secret revealed on being focused today is to first of all be a part of a mastermind group because nobody can build this business alone. It takes a team of people from different backgrounds getting together and staying together to assist each other in accomplishing their goals. Andrew Carnegie built his empire by using the ideas his mastermind group shared with him. He first created a plan. Then he set goals with deadlines and took action!! Remember the definition of a goal is a dream with a time limit!
Here is how Bev Bojarskis lesson plan can help you accomplish your goals.
The Ninth Step toward Riches
Power…the Mastermind is the Driving Force that creates power for me in my endeavours. The human mind is a form of energy, partially being spiritual in nature. When the minds of two or more people harmonize for the same cause or objective, the spiritual units of energy form an affinity, the “psychic” phase, a powerful part of the Mastermind. I don’t have to really understand the How of this, but I need to understand that it is essential to my life, my goals. This is a process only Nature understands, God’s laws of Nature translates this energy into matter, the building blocks available to mankind. It is the Energy involved in THINKING! This puts even more clarity on the title of this great book.
There is such Great Power shared by all in this harmonious Mastermind group, the greatest part being that it is headed by Infinite Intelligence. The senses being of man are not always reliable, on the other hand Infinite Intelligence DOES NOT ERR! Wow, my Mastermind is really powerful, what a resource of abundance at my “thinking call”. Hill puts great emphasis on Thinking and Mediating as I read this chapter, so that my perspective can see not just the details of this chapter but how all the chapters flow together and relate in a powerful chain reaction.
My power here must be mixed with FAITH, DESIRE, PERSISTENCE, applied through a plan and that plan must be set into ACTION! They all work together as a unit and they all are necessary to the success of my life and goals. These are all positive Things and Emotions that will keep me on the side of the river that flows upward to Wealth. I am so tired of drifting downward toward mediocrity, poverty and misery.
The ONLY way I change from one side of the river to the other from the negative to the positive is to APPLY what I have learned here, my THINKING PROCESS, staying positive in mind, spirit and body will keep me on the right side of the river. It reminds me of the song, keep on the sunny side….
What happens around me is not what matters, it is how I perceive it that matters. Only through application and use can I propel myself over to the good side and only through application and use of the Positive Emotions can I stay there.
I think about how charged I am after a mental cleanse call with my great Mastermind, that gives me the energy and positivity to keep on keeping on. We are in harmony about being on the right side of positivity. We care for and encourage one another. We share and uplift. Now how great and powerful is that! My part in this Mastermind is to live in the Now in the Positive Emotions, saying my self-talk daily, staying plugged in, reading good books, and anything that applies positivity, all these are tools of action.
Thank you for the journey, it is great and powerful to be among like-minded friends.
So are you going to plug into a mastermind group who is building their companies today or are you going to follow the friends and family technique that worked yesterday. Bev Bojarski is on her way to being a shining star in her company. Therefore if you just read about this exclusive home business secret revealed on being focused today without using it, then it will be useless!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Here is how Bev Bojarskis lesson plan can help you accomplish your goals.
The Ninth Step toward Riches
Power…the Mastermind is the Driving Force that creates power for me in my endeavours. The human mind is a form of energy, partially being spiritual in nature. When the minds of two or more people harmonize for the same cause or objective, the spiritual units of energy form an affinity, the “psychic” phase, a powerful part of the Mastermind. I don’t have to really understand the How of this, but I need to understand that it is essential to my life, my goals. This is a process only Nature understands, God’s laws of Nature translates this energy into matter, the building blocks available to mankind. It is the Energy involved in THINKING! This puts even more clarity on the title of this great book.
There is such Great Power shared by all in this harmonious Mastermind group, the greatest part being that it is headed by Infinite Intelligence. The senses being of man are not always reliable, on the other hand Infinite Intelligence DOES NOT ERR! Wow, my Mastermind is really powerful, what a resource of abundance at my “thinking call”. Hill puts great emphasis on Thinking and Mediating as I read this chapter, so that my perspective can see not just the details of this chapter but how all the chapters flow together and relate in a powerful chain reaction.
My power here must be mixed with FAITH, DESIRE, PERSISTENCE, applied through a plan and that plan must be set into ACTION! They all work together as a unit and they all are necessary to the success of my life and goals. These are all positive Things and Emotions that will keep me on the side of the river that flows upward to Wealth. I am so tired of drifting downward toward mediocrity, poverty and misery.
The ONLY way I change from one side of the river to the other from the negative to the positive is to APPLY what I have learned here, my THINKING PROCESS, staying positive in mind, spirit and body will keep me on the right side of the river. It reminds me of the song, keep on the sunny side….
What happens around me is not what matters, it is how I perceive it that matters. Only through application and use can I propel myself over to the good side and only through application and use of the Positive Emotions can I stay there.
I think about how charged I am after a mental cleanse call with my great Mastermind, that gives me the energy and positivity to keep on keeping on. We are in harmony about being on the right side of positivity. We care for and encourage one another. We share and uplift. Now how great and powerful is that! My part in this Mastermind is to live in the Now in the Positive Emotions, saying my self-talk daily, staying plugged in, reading good books, and anything that applies positivity, all these are tools of action.
Thank you for the journey, it is great and powerful to be among like-minded friends.
So are you going to plug into a mastermind group who is building their companies today or are you going to follow the friends and family technique that worked yesterday. Bev Bojarski is on her way to being a shining star in her company. Therefore if you just read about this exclusive home business secret revealed on being focused today without using it, then it will be useless!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Monday, June 3, 2013
Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Taking A Risk
An intelligent network marketing truth exposed is to take a risk because if you do not take a risk you are a fading networker. Think about this: If a house is empty it deteriorates faster if nobody lives in it, if a car remains in its parking space then it deteriorates faster, if a plane doesn't fly it ruins. Therefore if you are not failing forward by learning new stuff and making new mistakes then you are working backwards and falling behind.
Just use this network marketing truth exposed and take a risk!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
Just use this network marketing truth exposed and take a risk!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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