A great mlm leadership tip is to get to events today because you will have ah ha moments that you can use afterwards. Lets say you are at an event and you meet someone who has reached the top pin level in your company. Be sure to ask him what he did to get there, and do what he has done to accomplish the small goals that led into hitting the big goals. Always remember that they were a new distributor just like you have been and they never dreamed of being up on stage. They had attended an event and were inspired by someone before them who accomplished what they wanted to achieve. A big clue is the only reason why they are ahead of you is because they have followed the getting started system that their company has and met the 30 day benchmark requirements more frequently than you have.
Pat Hintze and Steve Schultz were for their first three years barely making anything. They had driven eight hours to get to the event early because they knew the top money earner was going to be there. They asked him tons of questions, like what did you do to become successful. The top money earner told them that this is something that we give away to other people, by sharing the concept. They then asked many of his team members what they did do to be successful they gave the same answer "by sharing the concept." As a result of that they discovered that nobody actually does the business. They share it with others.
When they returned from the event, they did the same thing. And their business eventually grew to thousands of distributors and they became the top money earners in their network marketing company.
There is an old saying the top mlm leadership tip is to get to events because just one ah ha moments makes a BIG difference!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Great article, Lawrence. We have to do what the successful people are doing if we want to have similar (or better) results! Keep at it. You'll do well, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteAwesome article Lawrence! Keep taking action and do it daily my friend!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Jeanne and Nate. Thanks for the compliments.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Great Article... Can't wait to read more..
ReplyDeleteThanks Esha and Vince.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Great article, I have been looking tips for network marketing for the fast weeks and very thankful I found this blog, and its really interesting helping and useful.
ReplyDeleteMultilevel Marketing
Thanks for letting my know that Tom Spry! I am glad to hear that you got value from it. Now it is time to put it to use!
ReplyDeleteLawrence Bergfeld