Sunday, July 21, 2013

Network Marketing Truth Revealed On The Mistake Of Pitching Your Deal

Everybody knows that the top network marketing truth revealed is to avoid pitching your deal to anybody.

Here is why it is wrong to do it with friends and family. Lets say that you have just opened up a new restaurant they will ask you if they are interested "When can we come?" But what if you said to them "I just opened up a new restaurant, would you like to open up one yourself?" That would turn them off and they would not want to do anything with you anymore.

Here is why it is wrong to pitch your deal to someone who is already in a network marketing company. Its a mistake because it is no different than asking your married female friend/aquaintance on a date. She would run and hide.

But it is okay to share with anyone your product because it can help them out!

I give an example on my forum post!

Build Your All Star Team Today

Hopefully you will never pitch your deal to anyone based on what you learned from this network marketing truth revealed!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

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