Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Top Home Business Secret Revealed On Persistence Today

The main thing about the top home business secret revealed on persistence is not only to be persistent day in and day out but to always submit an activity report. I think without submitting an activity report we are like driving from New York to Houston without a map.


Persistence, the dictionary describes as “the quality
that allows someone to continue doing something
or trying to do something even though it is difficult or
opposed by other people.

There is a story in the Bible of a lady and the unjust judge.
It is found in Luke 18:1-6

“Then He (Jesus Christ) spoke a parable to them, that men
always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: "There was
in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man.

Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him,
saying, 'Get justice for me from my adversary.'

And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within
himself, 'Though I do not fear God nor regard man,
yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest
by her continual coming she weary me.

Then the Lord said, "Hear what the unjust judge said.”

We are told in this story that the judge did not want to
deal with this lady but because she kept coming back to
him requesting his help, he finally helped her because
she was persistent in her request and he knew she would
not quit until he did what she requested.

The Lord also states that we ought to pray and not lose
heart that we are to pay attention to what the unjust judge

That means we are to be consistent in our persistence
without giving up and we will eventually receive what
we ask for.

In other words, we are to ask in the first place and
keep asking and doing. It does not happen without doing.
The lady had to keep going back , she had to keep doing.
If she had not, the unjust judge would not have even given
her and her problem a thought but because of her persistence
in going back to him he got weary of it all and just helped her
to get rid of her.

Do we have the same kind of persistence concerning our
business that this lady had? Do we ask (self talk) and do we
do the actions required to get what we ask for, Or, do we just
expect it to happen because we want it to happen?

Maybe it is time for us to have a reality check? And how do we do that?
It is very simple and something we should be doing consistently.

Our reality check is our activity report? Our activity report says it all.
By our activity report we can measure our level of persistence.

Our Activity report may not be an unjust judge but it can be a reality judge.
Are we willing to go there just as the lady was willing to keep going
back to the unjust judge who really did not care what happened to her
but he did regard her persistence and her persistence paid off.

Do we have persistence? Do we really want to know what our persistence level is?
If we do, we just have to ask our reality judge.

Are you going to quit at the first sign of defeat or are you gonna take action during the tough times and keep on moving forward till the end? Once again use this home business secret revealed on persistence to get what you want in life, no matter how difficult the task is. Jim Rohn mentioned success weighs ounces and failure weighs tons. So create a plan and act on it, or else you will get left behind!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Champion Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Accurate Information Today

Katherine Clement discusses the champion network marketing truth revealed on obtaining accurate information today so that people should NOT go through years of mlm trial and error. They will be successful in network marketing when they learn from someone who is building today NOT who built their business 5 years ago, 10 years ago nor even 20 years ago. Also she emphasizes that a person can not sell someone or close someone into their deal because then they won't do anything.

The Seventh Step toward Riches

This chapter speaks to the ability of making a swift decision.

I don't know if it's because everyone in this niche has read this
book at some point or what but I have heard this from almost every
"Leader" in this industry.

I see the Truth in it...and the danger in it.

Not in the lesson itself but in how it gets used. The lesson gets
condensed into "Leaders make Swift Decisions!" when actually it
should be more like "Leaders make Swift Decisions after obtaining
enough truthful and accurate information to make one!"

People are indoctrinated with the short version and then pitched
upsell after upsell with the occasional "Leaders make Swift Decisions!"
thrown in. Before you know it, people are selling their cars and
losing their homes because of debt.

BUY NOW!! Click the button below! You love your family don't you?

Are you trying to make a sale or build a business?

If you sell someone on your product or business will
have to sell them on it tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
Of course they won't make it to next year and neither will you.

Offer Value, develop a Relationship, provide truthful, accurate
information...and let them sell themselves.

That is one of the things I love about Mentoring for Free. Unlike
most of the training available out there, they are not teaching
super secret neurolinguistic hypnotic ninja mind control powers
to make the next upsell...they are teaching communication skills,
relationship skills, organization, marketing, mindset and every
other skill you need to be a Professional Network Marketer.

They teach you not only how to build a business but how to build
a team, a mastermind, a family. People you will share your life
with, not be ashamed to look in the eye three months from now.

They teach you how to speak but more importantly how to listen.
They teach you how to build people.

For Free.

I have to say...I'm really glad I was struggling with
my business and super glad my "spidey sense" finally kicked in!
In hindsight, it was there all along which is why I was
struggling. I thought it was my mindset...turns out it was
my heartset. Make no mistake, they are counting on you to
confuse the two.

Its funny...being the coachable person I am, I did exactly what
they told me to do. Every morning I read my Major Definite Purpose
and Self Confidence formula...but every time I read the following
sentence, my heart cringed.

"I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure,
unless built upon truth and justice, therefore,
I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit
all whom it affects."

No transaction Which does not benefit ALL whom it effects...
well...that takes out a lot of companies and systems right there!
I realize that no company has 100% success rate but there is a huge
difference between closing someone and mentoring someone...
between leading someone and using them as a customer to buy
your endless series of products.

Think about that...are you succeeding? Are your people succeeding?
Is what you are doing duplicatable by the average part-time person?
If not, are you taking their money knowing that 9 out of 10 of them
will fail? Are you OK with that...because thats "their" fault for
not working hard enough...not sacrificing more?

How does that feel to you? It feels horrible to me.

Thank Goodness I paid attention to my heart and started seeking
better ways. If not, I wouldn't have been open to checking out
the e-book and I wouldn't have found this Amazing group of people!

The Mind is easily manipulated...but the Heart always recognizes Truth...
when you are trying to make that decision, make sure you consult the right one.

Much Love to Michael,Linda and all the people who volunteer to help with
the calls as well as sharing their insights on these assignments.
Network marketing is an Amazing industry when it is approached from
the heart and not the pocket.

Now that you have accurate information use the champion network marketing truth revealed to share accurate information with youtr team or remain in the failure desert forever!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Monday, July 21, 2014

Decision Lesson Plan

The decision chapter is very similar to organized planning. You have to ACT on what you want to accomplish because if you do not then you may as well be at the bowling alley.

Nearly 25,000 people confessed that their lack of decision caused their failure. The ones who chose to act were the ones who had success.

Henry Ford manufactured his Model T car and people asked him to change it. He delayed it and it was a mistake, however it was much better than being wishy, washy and being influenced by opinions when he reached his decision.

The Declaration Of Independence was signed by 56 people on July 4th 1776 and they staked their lives on it. They masterminded on it. Without a team that ACTED on accomplishing a COMMON goal there would not have been the United States.

It is up to us to learn from the EXPERTS at Mentoring For Free and pay it forward to our e-book downloads and the people who we come in contact with out and about so that in the future they will be EXPERTS as well.

We either fail forward by learning from our mistakes and from other people mistakes & train our new people what NOT to do so that they should have it easier than we did and they should make it to the top! Because remember it is all about THEM! NOT US!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Exclusive Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Decision Today

Brian Redding shares an exclusive network marketing truth exposed on decision today because he has a written plan of action which he will ACT on now and he has flushed procrastination down the toilet!

What I liked about his plan of action is steps number 5 and step number 7 because his goal besides building relationships of course is to gather a few customers and teach other people to do the same! The faster he does it then the faster he will in the game! The prize for him is accomplishing his big goal which is to be the TOP money earner in his company! BOOM!

The Seventh Step toward Riches

When reading the following paragraph, I finally saw the light, or as they say, a light bulb when on in my mind or I had a big AHA moment, and I quote:

“Those who reach DECISIONS promptly and definitely know what they
want, and generally get it. The leaders in every walk of life DECIDE quickly,
and firmly. That is the major reason why they are leaders. The world has
the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that
he knows where he is going.” – Chapter 8 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

So for eighteen years now, since I was introduced to Network Marketing in 1996, I have realized that this industry can not only make me a lot of money, make me debt free, let me own my life, let me leave a legacy for my family and the world and help me to not die with my music still in me. I also realized that this industry can also give me the time freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it.

Eighteen years ago I made the decision to never quit and as you can see, I have kept to that decision as I am still here. I also made a decision over four years ago when I was introduced to Mentoring for Free to make a decision to “BE ALL IN”.

But I have procrastinated for eighteen years now and that procrastination will stop right now. I now make the decision to do whatever it takes to become the leader that my God has intended me to be. I now make the decision to become the top leader in my company. I now make the decision to own my life, to become debt free and to reach all my goals. I now make the decision to do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it.

I have made the decision to go on a 90-day blitz (16 hours daily – 7 days a week) where I will constantly do the following.

(1) Continue to get e-Book downloads as some of these people may want to join me and my team.
(2) Continue to help every member of my team to reach and surpass their goals.
(3) Continue to be on all the calls and stay close to the fire in order to continue increasing my specialized knowledge.
(4) Continue to read great books to in order to develop my knowledge from the leaders who walked before me.
(5) Start speaking to more people as I go out and about daily when I go to church, go to the post office or run some chores.
(6) Do my self-talk at least 1,000 times daily so that I can reprogram my subconscious mind and build a unstoppable positive mindset.
(7) Constantly have in mind that I must find more customers and more distributors for my business.

I am not waiting until tomorrow to start this new journey. I have made the decision now and I am starting right now, right now, and RIGHT NOW.

So make a good decision today and stick to it to the end.

Thanks to Michael and Linda for creating this great mastermind group of positive thinking individuals and also my mentors for helping me in reaching closer to my goals and in guiding me in the decisions that I have made.

Brian Redding from Chicago

Now it is your turn to act on this exclusive network marketing truth exposed on making the decision on the plans that you have written down, since plans are USELESS without acting on it!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Champion MLM Leadership Tip On Sponsoring Today

Margi Starr describes the champion mlm leadership tip on sponsoring today and I learned that the best prospects to sponsor are the most busiest ones because they are the ones who get the job done, due to the fact that they are used to accomplishing things in a limited amount of time. Here is how to get organized so that you can make it happen!

I admit it—I love organization. The words “Put it back where it belongs” were drilled into me when I was a kid. Apparently, the training stuck, because I like to live in a fairly organized house, have a fairly organized desk, and live a fairly organized life.

I’m not a compulsive neat freak, but I admit that too much clutter drives me crazy. I totally "get it" when people tell me they have to organize their desk before they can tackle a major task. My own desk has a magical way of getting buried with paperwork and it sidetracks me from doing what I need to do. Taking a few moments to straighten and file brings me a sense of calm. Ahhh….

The challenge with Organization is that because I’m predominately a Blue Personality, it’s easy for me to get ten things going on at one time. My computer desk disappears under the multiple projects that I’m working on. Current books I’m reading are stacked in a pile off to the side. Fluorescent sticky notes are plastered everywhere. I admit that I get busy doing numerous things at one time—and forget to look at the sticky note reminders. So much for multi-tasking.

(Most Blues will relate to this. However, my husband, who is Green, never writes anything down on a sticky note, especially a fluorescent one.)

Several weeks ago my son asked me if I could help him with office work for his business. It is growing faster than he planned and he realized he needed extra support ASAP. It’s an ideal situation for me because it gives me the opportunity to work from home and have a flexible schedule.

So now my Organized Planning has gone to a whole notha level.

There’s an old saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person.

I guess there’s some truth to that because in these past several weeks, I’m amazed at what I’ve learned and accomplished.

All the computer skills I’ve learned through Mentoring For Free are serving me well. Perhaps even more importantly, is the mindset that I can do more than I ever thought possible. The ability to figure out a business website has been easy as well as other basic computer skills I’ve had to master.

Thank goodness that I’ve continued to expand my computer skills set in the past several years through Mentoring for Free!

Even more importantly, Mentoring for Free has helped me develop critical thinking skills. I’ve learned new marketing skills and creative ways to connect with people. In fact, learning new things has become a way of life.

It’s a fresh reminder that the new tools we are constantly learning in MFF, especially the ability to Mastermind, are extremely valuable. Where else in the world can you get free training no matter what your profession?

When you drill down deep, it all comes back to what you believe about yourself. That’s where the value of the Mental Cleanse comes in. Many of us here acknowledge that these lessons are like oxygen to us. Taking the time to write them not only sharpens our communication skills, but it keeps us moving forward in our lives.

And that, my friends, is so much fun! Who doesn’t want to live a life that is brimming full with new opportunities!

As you read this chapter on Organized Planning, don’t be overwhelmed by the list of the Thirty-One Causes of Failure. First time I read that list I saw myself in each one. Now I simply grab one of those brilliant ideas and work it into my life.

The second item on that list says that 98% of the people do not have a Central Purpose or a Definite Goal. 98%! Instead of discovering their true purpose most people get stuck in the clutter of their lives. They spend their whole lives getting ready to get ready. Sadly, many of them die with the music still in them.

But then there’s the 2%!

These are the people who know their Purpose and are diligent in their planning and pursuit. They are not perfect. They stumble and fall, but they always get up. They have bad days occasionally, but they never lose sight of their Perfect Day and their WHY.

The 2% have desks that get a little cluttered—but they clean it off, file what needs to be saved, throw away what’s no longer needed, and keep moving forward!

So here’s the question:

“Are you living like the 98% or like the 2%?”

Here’s to the 2%!

Now it is your turn to accomplish your goals in mlm by applying this mlm leadership tip and use the knowledge you learned plus never stop studying because if you are not moving forward then you are working backwards!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Organized Planning Lesson Plan

The only way you can be successful in this business and in any business as well is if you have a PLAN that is faultless and you act on it. There will be always challenges to accomplish any goal that we want to achieve. However it is our job to do the necessary small steps day by day to get to where we want to be in our business. The Freedom Tower in New York City was NOT a fly by night project. Before they ever put a brick down they had a blueprint of whatever they want in the tower. Once they had a blueprint that they saw would work they acted on it!

Another example I have is the to do list. It is no different than our homework assignments back in school. 1, 2, 3, 4,5. Same thing. If we don't get around to finish one thing that goes on the list for the next day.

Why do some people develop into leadership faster than others? They are more coachable and follow the leader more thoroughly and they have more of an open mind for learning something new. They are willing to fail forward by getting up from the ground themselves and just walking!

If you are not where you want to be in your business yet consider the Slight Edge philosophy. Plan, Do, Review, Adjust. When you do that then you will be on your way to getting what you want accomplished in network marketing.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Champion MLM Secret Exposed On Productivity

This is Tuula Rands mlm secret exposed on productivity. I learned from it that we must have a detailed plan and take action every single minute during the hours we dedicate to our business. No surfing webs, etc.

I have been listening to some of the recordings
on our team calls from a few years back.

Sarah Thompson was truly a Professional Network Marketer.
She was very organized in what she did in her business
and she was very successful.

I remember on one of the calls she was telling us she
would schedule her day into 15 minute increments and
fill in those times with everything she did from meditating
to talking to clients to helping and training the rest
of us on the calls and anything else she needed to do each day.

Fifteen minute increments! Now that is very organized

Can we all organize our lives to that degree? I would have
to say probably not.

If you live alone it may be possible because you only have
your time to accouhousehold, time takes on a different challenge.
nt for. Once you have someone
else in the
I do not live alone and I presently live in a “Renovation.” We are
renovating a very old house and as we are doing the work ourselves
that brings up unexpected challenges every day.
So in order to build my business I organize my plans as best I can in
my situation.

I get on as many MFF calls and Team calls as I can. Daily, except
for Saturday, I advertise the e-book, do my self talk , and as
I get clients downloading the e-book I call them, go through the
three steps and continue helping them after the coaching call as
best I can.

I have scheduled Tuesday and Thursday to promote my
business locally by going out to meet people and talk to them about
my business. I use a datebook to keep track of the appointments I
make. That is about as organized in my business as I can do at this point.

We are not all the same, we do not all have the same situations in our
lives and we are all learning and growing and understanding at our own
speed and level.

We just need to be wise in the use of our time and
utilize that time the best we can. Live in the “now” each day and do what we
can when we can and eventually we will own our time and then we can
do what we want when we want.

Now it is time for you to use this mlm secret exposed on productivity to get ahead in your business!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Champion Home Business Secret Revealed On Getting Prospects Attention Today

The champion home business secret revealed on getting your prospects attention today is to catch them, keep them and convince them. First of all it takes 30 seconds to get your prospects attention in a headline, TV show, telelphone conversation on the phone and to make a first impression.
You must have a powerful first sentence to get the conversation going says Richard Dennis and Milo Frank, because if it sounds dull they are gone. Just like they change the channel if they can't stand a TV show within 30 seconds. You are the message. The news learns how to narrow down a story to 30 seconds, if it is more than that then it goes off the air.
That is all on the champion home business business secret revealed on getting your prospects attention in 30 seconds, I love the book How To Get Your Point Across in 30 seconds or less, it is definitely a page turner!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Exclusive MLM Tip On Finding Prospects Today

An exclusive mlm tip on finding prospects today is as follows: Go make friends! Here is why. People join people they do not join companies. They are attracted to you because of the skills that you have. They will not join you in your business nor anything else just because you invite them to dinner or gift them something. It is no different than dating. A person can NOT buy love.
Tom Big Al Schrieter went on an MLM Cruise and had conducated a seminar. 40 leaders on the ship attended the seminar. The rest of the people on the cruise were sunbathing while the leaders were getting ahead!
Tom did a survey and 36 of the 40 people which is 90% of them were sponsored by a relative or a friend into the business. This confirms that friends do business with friends.
Now your warm market may not be part of your business. And you might be saying that you do not have one. However that is not an excuse. Join a club and go to a Meetup and you will meet people with common interests.
If you run out of friends then go make new ones. Hope you will use this mlm tip to grow your business!!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Top MLM Leadership Tip On Who Develops Into A Top Leader Today

The top mlm leadership tip on who develops into a top leader today is as follows: There are three types of distributors in the world that I learned about from Tom Big Al Schrieter: Those who say that they will give it a try, those who say that they will do their best and those who will do whatever it takes.
The distributors who say that they will give it a try are the ones who sit around and complain that their check is not big enough, my sponsor does not help me and they complain about autoship etc. They are the ones who escape everything and are most of the time out of the business within 90 days.
The distributors who say that they will do their best, are in and out in and out not that much more successful than the ones who say they will give it a try. They are the ones who imply that they will call their next prospect when it is convenient for them etc.. Because of that they last the most one or even two years.
Last but not least you have the distributors who will do what ever it takes to be successful in this business. They will work the business no matter how inconvenient it is to them, no matter if the products are backordered or anything else. They will be the ones whom you would want to be with on a 30 day cruise. Point is this you are looking for five key leaders. Leaders become leaders because they are first intelligent followers. That is they follow the people who have what they want and they never question it. If Tom Big Al Schrieter asked Michael Dlouhy to walk to convention Michael would do it!
The numbers do not lie in this business, just like Jordan Adler discusses in his book beach money. Out of 30 distributors that you sponsor. 10 will do nothing, 10 will do a little bit and 6 our of the 30 will be the leaders whom you would want to be on a one month cruise.
Those who are taking action and have prospects with them for questions or any clarifications to either become a customer to be a distributor merit your time, the other ones you should spend much less time with. Remember that 20% of the people on your team will be likely to be leaders.
If any distributor complains to you regarding their sponsor, then you should ask them the following: What can your sponsor do for you that you are not willing to do for yourself? That will put the decision on your distibutor to take action!
Now it is your turn to apply this mlm leadership tip on developing into a top leader in this business, because like Richard Dennis says that if you do not have a plan on being a leader in this industry then you are wasting your time.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Friday, July 4, 2014

Top Home Business Secret Revealed On Taking Risks Today

The top home business secret revealed on taking risks today is as follows: Everybody knows that taking risks are scary but more frequently than not the price of not taking a risk is much steeper than the price of taking a risk.
Here is the reason why. When you start something new you will almost always be unsure of what to do, maybe because you are afraid to fail. Think about when you started to walk as a toddler, you fell but then you got up. Have you survived it? Of course you did! So what is the reason that you tell yourself you can't do it? Wherever you are in your business just do something, even if it is the incorrect action. Incorrect action is better than no action at all! Ask Richard Dennis he failed miserably for the first 17 years of his mlm career until he acted on what he learned. Then after his 18th year in network marketing he was able to quit being a busdriver and do mlm full time.
All of the leaders began as followers. They became leaders because they followed the master who had what they wanted. The person who follows the leader most effectively develops into the leader in the shortest amount of time.
Now its up to you to act on this top home business secret revealed on taking risks!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Exclusive Network Marketing Secret Revealed On MLM Specialized Knowledge Today

Brian Redding discusses in his lesson plan an exclusive network marketing secret revealed on mlm specialized knowledge today. When you use it here is what happens, you will find people who want what you have rather than you having to chase friends and family.

Before we can acquire the specialized knowledge that we all will need to become the Professional Network Marketers that most of us so desire, we must take a good inventory of ourselves.

When we take this inventory, we must be brutally honest with ourselves as we cannot assume we know something unless we can do what we know. For example, there is about 25 hours of training on creating and maintaining a blog in the Mentoring for Free archived calls, but unless you have your own blog and are maintaining it weekly, you cannot say that you have acquired this specialized knowledge.

Listening to a few audios and knowing the ins and outs of creating a blog, is not enough to say that you are a blog expert. To me, you are a blog expert when people are attracted to you blog AND it is generating you some e-Book downloads weekly.

We all must constantly be improving our quality of our specialized training by being on all our weekly Mentoring for Free training sessions, of which by the way there are 10, but we must also add into our weekly habits time when we can go the archive and learn from the masters who have gone before us.

You must take an honest look at yourself in the mirror and see what you know and are using and also what you don’t know and what you are not using.

The Mentoring for Free system teaches 9 ways of getting e-Book downloads. You must become very proficient at one method before starting a new method of getting e-Book downloads.

After you have determined what Network Marketing Specialized Knowledge you want to achieve, write down a plan on what you have to do to acquire this specialized knowledge. You cannot always depend on your upline to teach you everything because many times they may not have that specialized knowledge also.

But in most cases they know you can find it and can direct you to the Mentoring for Free archives.

I must thank all my mentors and Michael and Linda, for all they have done to get me on this road to success and have shown me where I can acquire the specialized education that I need to be successful in this wonderful Network Marketing industry.

Brian Redding from Chicago

Now it is your turn to use this exclusive network marketing secret revealed or continue just reading books and being a benchwarmer!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld