Brian Redding discusses in his lesson plan an exclusive network marketing secret revealed on mlm specialized knowledge today. When you use it here is what happens, you will find people who want what you have rather than you having to chase friends and family.
Before we can acquire the specialized knowledge that we all will need to become the Professional Network Marketers that most of us so desire, we must take a good inventory of ourselves.
When we take this inventory, we must be brutally honest with ourselves as we cannot assume we know something unless we can do what we know. For example, there is about 25 hours of training on creating and maintaining a blog in the Mentoring for Free archived calls, but unless you have your own blog and are maintaining it weekly, you cannot say that you have acquired this specialized knowledge.
Listening to a few audios and knowing the ins and outs of creating a blog, is not enough to say that you are a blog expert. To me, you are a blog expert when people are attracted to you blog AND it is generating you some e-Book downloads weekly.
We all must constantly be improving our quality of our specialized training by being on all our weekly Mentoring for Free training sessions, of which by the way there are 10, but we must also add into our weekly habits time when we can go the archive and learn from the masters who have gone before us.
You must take an honest look at yourself in the mirror and see what you know and are using and also what you don’t know and what you are not using.
The Mentoring for Free system teaches 9 ways of getting e-Book downloads. You must become very proficient at one method before starting a new method of getting e-Book downloads.
After you have determined what Network Marketing Specialized Knowledge you want to achieve, write down a plan on what you have to do to acquire this specialized knowledge. You cannot always depend on your upline to teach you everything because many times they may not have that specialized knowledge also.
But in most cases they know you can find it and can direct you to the Mentoring for Free archives.
I must thank all my mentors and Michael and Linda, for all they have done to get me on this road to success and have shown me where I can acquire the specialized education that I need to be successful in this wonderful Network Marketing industry.
Brian Redding from Chicago
Now it is your turn to use this exclusive network marketing secret revealed or continue just reading books and being a benchwarmer!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld
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I love your statement of gratitude to your mentors. Appreciation and gratitude are very noble traits.
ReplyDeleteIt sure is! We must avoid taking things for granted.
ReplyDeleteLawrence Bergfeld