Sunday, July 20, 2014

Exclusive Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Decision Today

Brian Redding shares an exclusive network marketing truth exposed on decision today because he has a written plan of action which he will ACT on now and he has flushed procrastination down the toilet!

What I liked about his plan of action is steps number 5 and step number 7 because his goal besides building relationships of course is to gather a few customers and teach other people to do the same! The faster he does it then the faster he will in the game! The prize for him is accomplishing his big goal which is to be the TOP money earner in his company! BOOM!

The Seventh Step toward Riches

When reading the following paragraph, I finally saw the light, or as they say, a light bulb when on in my mind or I had a big AHA moment, and I quote:

“Those who reach DECISIONS promptly and definitely know what they
want, and generally get it. The leaders in every walk of life DECIDE quickly,
and firmly. That is the major reason why they are leaders. The world has
the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that
he knows where he is going.” – Chapter 8 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

So for eighteen years now, since I was introduced to Network Marketing in 1996, I have realized that this industry can not only make me a lot of money, make me debt free, let me own my life, let me leave a legacy for my family and the world and help me to not die with my music still in me. I also realized that this industry can also give me the time freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it.

Eighteen years ago I made the decision to never quit and as you can see, I have kept to that decision as I am still here. I also made a decision over four years ago when I was introduced to Mentoring for Free to make a decision to “BE ALL IN”.

But I have procrastinated for eighteen years now and that procrastination will stop right now. I now make the decision to do whatever it takes to become the leader that my God has intended me to be. I now make the decision to become the top leader in my company. I now make the decision to own my life, to become debt free and to reach all my goals. I now make the decision to do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it.

I have made the decision to go on a 90-day blitz (16 hours daily – 7 days a week) where I will constantly do the following.

(1) Continue to get e-Book downloads as some of these people may want to join me and my team.
(2) Continue to help every member of my team to reach and surpass their goals.
(3) Continue to be on all the calls and stay close to the fire in order to continue increasing my specialized knowledge.
(4) Continue to read great books to in order to develop my knowledge from the leaders who walked before me.
(5) Start speaking to more people as I go out and about daily when I go to church, go to the post office or run some chores.
(6) Do my self-talk at least 1,000 times daily so that I can reprogram my subconscious mind and build a unstoppable positive mindset.
(7) Constantly have in mind that I must find more customers and more distributors for my business.

I am not waiting until tomorrow to start this new journey. I have made the decision now and I am starting right now, right now, and RIGHT NOW.

So make a good decision today and stick to it to the end.

Thanks to Michael and Linda for creating this great mastermind group of positive thinking individuals and also my mentors for helping me in reaching closer to my goals and in guiding me in the decisions that I have made.

Brian Redding from Chicago

Now it is your turn to act on this exclusive network marketing truth exposed on making the decision on the plans that you have written down, since plans are USELESS without acting on it!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

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