The top network marketing truth exposed on belief today is that it is the most important thing you must have because if you do not have it then the people whom you have a conversation with notice it whether it is going on in person, on the phone, writing and even e-mail. How do you build belief. It is not only action but it is self-talk. The reason why having a self talk is so crucial is because you are telling the universe what do you want to accomplish and what will you give in exchange for what you'd like to receive.
Think about this. I have learned from Michael Dlouhy and Tom Big Al Schrieter that you need five key leaders on your team to have massive success in your business. Of course you are excited about having a new distributor on your team, but don't get attached to the outcome. Here is the reason why. Jordan Adler discusses in his book Beach Money that when he met Russ Noland who was back then a 25 year old multi millionaire tell him that out of 30 people you sponsor only 20% or so will be exploding your business. Most of the rest will do nothing. Jordan Adlers 16th recruit Jackie sponsored someone Judy whose business exploded! If that happened before the internet days then what is our excuse?
Belief is taking action by doing whatever it takes to avoid missing an opportunity. Because lets say you are in a company that is in massive momentum. You want to take advantage of it because if you do not then everybody will be in the company. Another thing to consider is a remarkable product that you can't get in the store. If the product will be on the shelves five years from NOW then it will be more challenging to find a company that has a first to market product.
Now it is time to use the network marketing truth exposed on belief by just taking action without worrying about the outcome and there is an old saying the more you do something the better you get at it.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Belief really is the foundation, I believe. You have to have belief in yourself, your company, your products, your abilities, whatever. Belief is necessary. Then faith. Thanks for your post, Lawrence. Nice.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely is! You are welcome Jeanne.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Without belief in ourselves we will never get off the ground. It's the fundamental principle on which everything else should be built. Thanks for the reminder Lawrence.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure. That is for sure Allan! Without it we are lost.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Great blog post. Taking advantage of momentum is important.
ReplyDeleteThat is definitely important not only because of the momentum but because if we wait too long to take action then our enthusaism decreases and our fear increases. We want to take action NOW so that such a situation must not occur.
ReplyDeleteLawrence Bergfeld