An exclusive network marketing tip on your comp plan is to know how many people do you need to have in your company to earn your desired amount of income. Because it makes no sense to work as hard as someone who will earn ten times the amount as you will. For instance in some companies you have to have 400 people to earn $10,000 per month and in other companies you must have 4000 people to earn the same amount. Why work ten times harder?
Michael Dlouhy gives the following formula for every client who is looking for a company. If you have lets say people skills like Colors To Success in where you can determine what a person likes and more importantly what he can't stand and you talk to a 100 people per month. Ten will be customers and one person will be a distributor. Month Number 2 your new rep talks to 100 people per month and ten will be customers and one person will be a distributor. Think about this. Lets say every single month for ten months the process repeats itself on your entire team. That will be 512 reps on your team and 100 new customers and minimum of $10,000 per month excluding bonuses. Who doesn't want that?
There was a company there that had an excellent product that everyone wanted. But the problem was that the distibutors in the field emphasized recruit, recruit, recruit and no retail. Guess what happened? The people whom they talked wanted nothing to do with them anymore because they felt that they were talking to them like they wanted them to open up their new Mc Donalds restaurant. And they did that to the customers as well. Therefore the customers cancelled their autoship and they never heard from them again.
My team and I can help you evaluate your businesses compensation plan if you'd like. Ask yourself What would be easier for me to do? To continue to be confused on how I get paid or to use this exclusive network marketing tip on comp plan so that I can maximize it and never struggle again?
Lawrence Bergfeld
Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Great point! The tips is very helpful on my business and my team. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Richard!
ReplyDeleteLawrence Bergfeld
You are right in saying "why work 10 times harder?' I'm currently having to work 10 times harder since I do not have any recruits or downline in my direct sales business.
ReplyDeleteWould it be okay if you could work ten times easier?
DeleteLawrence Bergfeld
Working smarter is my thought, thanks for sharing this information very helpful.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Nursing Affilate and I hope you and your team use it.
Lawrence Bergfeld