Monday, April 14, 2014

Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Being Victorious

Here is an excellent network marketing secret revealed on being victorious. You will learn how Carmen Schuster acts on faith like her 4 year old daughter did when she chose to begin kindergarten a year early despite the so called experts encouraging her not to.


The Eighth Step toward Riches

Right at the beginning of this chapter, Hill tells us: "The basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL. ... Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair."

One of the most persistent persons I know is my eldest daughter. When she was four years old she decided she'd cut her time in kindergarten short and start elementary school a year early. All her friends would go, and so would she. When I pointed out that all her friends were a year older than her, she said: "So what? I can do what they can do. I am as smart and as skilled as any of those girls, and even more so than most of the boys who will be going to school next year. There is no reason for me to stay in kindergarten for yet another year after they are gone."

I told her: "OK, if that's what you truly want, then I will support your decision in any way I can." Obviously, this was all she needed to hear to get going.
Sheer willpower got her into the pre-school class at her kindergarten and although her decision was met with quite some opposition from the staff, they later admitted to me - behind closed doors, though - that she was doing really well.

Over the next few months she successfully passed more assessments until the big day of her interview with the headmistress of the elementary school finally arrived. On our way to the headmistress' office I said to her: "Listen, at some point during this interview I will be asked to leave the room. Don't be alarmed, I'll be right outside the door. This is just so they can ask you in private if it is truly your desire that makes you want to start school a year early or if this stems from my ambition. So, if you still want this, stick to it. Don't let any of those people talk you out of it.

Don't ever let anybody tell you that you cannot do something you truly want. Don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams. Be polite, don't shout at them, and stick to your decision. I am sure this will work out all right." The interview went just as I predicted and soon, I found myself outside the office. After an hour of trying to talk my daughter out of it, the headmistress finally gave in and told her she could start school with the rest of the first graders after the summer vacation. My daughter was glowing with victory and has so far never once doubted or regretted her decision. In fact, she did such a good job that the following year, when her sister made the same request, this was not met with any opposition at all.

My firstborn is truly persistence personified, the proverbial unstoppable force. In this, I can still learn much from her. And should she ever decide when she comes of age that her future lies in network marketing, I have no doubt that she will rock this industry.

Until then, I'll do my best to learn as much as possible from her about persistence and single-mindedness, and about being laser-focused. I am sure it will be a most instructive and exciting experience.

With much appreciation,

Carmen Schuster

Cologne, Germany

To put into action this network marketing secret revealed on being victorious we must ignore compeletely the people who say "we can't!"

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Great post will power and believing in yourself are key ingredients to life. I love your daughter has made her mind up that she can do anything and is not afraid. Thanks for sharing I shared too.

    1. You are welcome Nursing Affiliate, it is very imperiative that we do learn from Carmens daughter. If a four year old could make decisions then why can't we.


      Lawrence Bergfeld

  2. Your daughter sounds much like mine. She LOVED school and loved learning things. Because of that she was always ahead of her age group. When she skipped 1st grade people frowned and told me :I was pushing her". I told them they did not know my daughter very well if they thought that. I used to tell people that I never pushed her, I was to busy hanging on while she dragged me forward at the speed of her mind :)

    She also stood up for what she believed in and for the rights of other students (at 7) and quickly earned the respect of the teachers and administrators. By the time she was in high school she pretty much ran things because she had proven she was responsible, respectful and capable. So she was rarely questioned on her decisions and when she was if she could present a valid reason for her wishes she usually won her request.

    Good for you for supporting your daughter in a request that most parents would have tried to talk their child out of.

    1. Carmen did a great job in supporting her daughters decisions and we all must learn to never talk ourselves or let other talk ourselves out of anything.

      Because they are not living our lives for us. We are!

      Lawrence Bergfeld
