Saturday, May 17, 2014

MLM Leadership Tip On Failing Forward

There is an old saying an mlm leadership on failing forward will keep people in the game during the tough times. Today my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy shared with us on our team call a story about someone who was stuck in an underground mine for 17 years. The other 50 people in there were buried. I heard that he survived on rice, fungus and water but recently he got out. To make a long story short he never quit.
How does this relate to building our mlm business. It definitely relates to our mlm business because in order to make more we have to become more. That means that we have to work on ourselves through personal development and be the person whom others want to be in business with. We must not have an ego because if we are being show offs then others will want nothing to do with us.
My good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy in his 36 years of network marketing has seen people start out with nothing and have massive success. However in the end they lost it all because they did not work on themselves. For instance they were not educated on how to save the money and how to invest it right. They went for too many expensive toys like the house, the yacht, the private jet etc. Money is great but it does not make you a better person. Don't think that living in a gated community with all the wealthy people will make you happy.
Generally speaking what makes a person happy is when he is productive, volunteering, doing the fun stuff and of course using traditional mlm leadership tip of helping others get what they want so that he can get what he wants.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Good article. I agree that working on personal development is a must, whether you are wealthy or poor. It's a must. Thanks!

  2. You are welcome Jeanne, it definitely is a must regardless of circumstances!


    Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. it's a very good article on the topic of never give up and also work on educate yourself 12 months ago i went to investors simintor just to educate myself and now i am doin the same with mlm just to educate myself and getting to know what i am doing

  4. That is very smart of you Gavin. You definitely do need to get educated in this business. It is no different than becoming a doctor or a ditchdigger, you have to have skills. Without skills you are toast.

    Lawrence Bergfeld
