Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Believing Before Seeing

We can all relate Charlines Morrison's personal story on believing before seeing to any network marketing secret revealed in our business because when others say the word you can't do that or it can't be done we prove them wrong.

The ability to believe in what can not be seen with the five senses...love and devotion equals faith/belief. My mother was my first example. She came to the US from Jamaica, was only minimally educated and worked as a secretary in a doctor's office. This same doctor would deliver me, her firstborn. My mother trusted him after all she was one of his employees. I was due in August, she went into labor in May. She didn't drive so she took the train to his office and was sent home...he said it was a false labor. She went home and called my father who showed up with the taxi he drove. About 8 hours later, I was born...I wasn't crying. They told my parents I was stillborn. My father said as they were removing me from the room I yelled. The doctor told my elated parents to accept the fact that I wasn't going to live very long. I had no fingernails, no hair had developed, I was jaundiced and could fit in the palm of the doctor's hand. Everyday my parents came to see me. Initially, I weighed 2lbs, 1oz but lost a pound. My Father was a Mason by trade and he was afraid to hold me for fear he might cause further damage. My Mother always believed differently and eventually got him to hold me in his shirt pocket. They were subsequently told to leave me in the hospital and go on with their lives. My Mother refused and Daddy did whatever she wanted.
Six months later, I'm not reaching milestones the way a baby should. She brings me in to see this doctor knowing something is wrong. She is told she is an over anxious immigrant first time mother...Go Home ! Mind you, she didn't drive and was pregnant with my brother. She always told me...she knew something was wrong. No one would talk to her, having another baby would let her know whether the problem was her. She broke down, an intern took pity and showed her my chart. It stated I had Cerebral Palsy. Long story short, placement in an orphanage or home was recommended. My father told me that for some in Jamaica, when a child isn't born "healthy" it's viewed as the parents sin in life form. My mother adamantly refused. " She's a part of me and I want all of my parts! " She was told it would be a miracle if I progressed to 10yrs old intellectually, probably wouldn't be able to speak or grasp that she was my mother. My mother, the minimally educated (by societal norms then)immigrant said it was fine because SHE knew I was HER CHILD. She told a roomful of doctors their prognosis was wrong. Again, she was called a first time mother....compared to doctors what did she know. My father always says," It was in your eyes, we saw it. They didn't."
I am a college graduate, I drive my own car and pay my own bills. My family knows I'm the one most likely to be able to help in a crisis. At first glance, my mother was all of the adjectives she was labeled. She had no way of knowing whether she or the doctors would be right. There were rough times and numerous hospital stays with children whose parents had opted to leave them behind...my parents and siblings would be there for regular visits and it was always known I had parents that wanted me home. Those children looked forward to seeing my family as much as I did. My mother loved them too.... I asked her why she would keep me not knowing the end result. She said" Human is not perfect, doctors are human so even they may get it wrong 10% of the time and their wrong was her right." She couldn't see, touch, taste or hear what my future might be, but, her love and devotion to me drove her belief in what I could be. Charline M.- Orlando, Fl

Now lets continue using this network marketing secret revealed on believing before seeing.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Belief can be powerful Lawrence. If you've got belief you can accomplish so much. Thanks for sharing

  2. You are welcome Allan and the more we believe in what we are doing the more we will accomplish what we want.

    Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. it's so good to have met you again on cast off blog syndication lawrence... and nice post you've got here

  4. Thanks Asalou!!


    Lawrence Bergfeld
