A dirty mlm secret revealed regarding publicly traded mlm companies today is the following: When your company owner is pressured to go public by society he loses the right to make the choices that are best for the distributors.
If he chooses to add a bonus to the company instead of it taking a couple of weeks it could take up to a year. The reason why that is the case is because it has to be approved by stockholders, attorneys, lawyers. In one case scenario a companys distributors lost 80% of their monthly paycheck to the investors of the company. The investors, stockholders, attorneys and lawyers are nothing to the company. Without the distributors getting customers and finding team members to gather customers the company is then nothing. The distributors should get most of the money.
Last thing you must remember about this dirty mlm secret revealed is that you must avoid joining a company that is publicly traded because they do not have your back and to search it look at the records of the owners too!
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Lawrence Bergfeld
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Very interesting! Never thought in this perspective..
ReplyDeleteIt can definitely make someone think twice about jumping into the wrong deal.
ReplyDeleteLawrence Bergfeld
Very interesting. It is really important to choose the right mlm company to get behind and promote these days. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteIt sure is and the people who are running it can't make it about them!
ReplyDeleteLawrence Bergfeld
Interesting article and thanks for the Tip!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Salma! Time to use it!
Lawrence Bergfeld