Saturday, November 1, 2014

Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Attracting Prospects Today

A top network marketing secret revealed on attracting prospects today is using the Colors To Success. When you use the Colors To Success it is magic because you could have more rapport with the prospect in two minutes than someone who has known him for two years. Here is the reason why, you are able to determine the prospects strengths and weaknesses. And you point out only one weakness to him to avoid hurting his feelings.
An example of this is as follows: For a green personality: Lets say you are mentoring and coaching a green personality. When Michael Dlouhy mentors a green personality he says to them that they have been getting ready to get ready for so long that they have missed many opportunities. Launch and learn he says which means that you learn as you go and you fail forward by making mistakes and learning from them. That gets the green to think that you are a leader in his eyes because you can point out his weakness within two minutes and if is coachable and he likes you he will want to be in business with you instead of the competition.
For a blue personality, they get scattered and do 17 unfinished projects and start the 18th. If you tell a blue that we can get you lazer focused then when he does it, he will own his life!
When it is a yellow personality you must tell her that she should not take things personally. People are saying no to you just like they are saying no to coffee at the coffee shop. And that a yellow personality should learn how to say no and not respond to requests if she does not feel like it, because when she is 40 years old she will fall into the trap of saying "When is it my turn?"
For a red personality you must let them know that this is not a sales business. This is a teaching and mentoring business. You must be able to relate to people by asking them questions. Where are you from? What do you do for a living? What do you like doing during your free time? When you visit with people by LISTENING to people and have a common bond with them, especially when you respond to the what do you do for a living question, by saying "Thats wonderful, thats great, I heard it was a terrific way to make lots and lots of money." And they disagree with that then you have a dialogue. Because if you agree on every topic then there is no conversation going on.
This will work only if you use it. If you would like to plug into our Mentoring For Free Colors Calls on the Colors To Success, you can do so on Monday Night, Tuesday Night and Thursday Night at 8 PM Eastern. Once you do that and you purchase the Colors To Success CD, Powerful Networking Secrets and go on the 30 Day Mental Cleanse Call On The Mentoring For Free System training then you will be a better listener and will ask better questions to your prospect within a month.
Now its your turn to use the top network marketing secret revealed on attracting prospects today!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Generate Champion Leads Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Very true. It is important to understand people's personalities in order to know how to talk to them and connect. If you can do that fast, then you will see quicker results in your business.

    1. You definitely must know what someone likes and what someone can't stand. Its no different than one person likes vanilla ice cream and another person likes chocolate ice cream!

      Lawrence Bergfeld

  2. The first time I heard the expression "failing forward", I smiled from ear to ear. That is what I have been doing since forever. And I have been judged for it as well. People calling me impulsive and not so wise. But when I read this I knew this has always been a good thing.

    Thank you for the reminder!

    Blessings and good luck,

    1. You are welcome Linda. That is pretty smart that you are failing forward because you are taking risks. You do not have to know everything about a certain skill while taking massive action. You learn as you go!

      Never take advice from benchwarmers!

      Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. Great insight on personalities, Lawrence! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome Bennie! It will work only if we use it!


      Lawrence Bergfeld
