Sunday, November 9, 2014

Huge Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Becoming An Expert Today

This morning I have learned a huge network marketing secret revealed on becoming an expert today from Richard Dennis. A prospect has to see you as a leader in his eyes or else he is going to find someone else to sponsor him instead of you. Therefore he has to learn something new from you that he could benefit. You can't be just like any other networker out there. Because if you are then you are competing with the leaders for the prospects. It is no different than a girl choosing a guy with a sense of humor who tells funny stories over a guy who talks him to sleep.
Therefore you have to tell your prospects your story and how you can help him move forward in his business. Lets say you like doing videos then learn as much as you can on that topic so that you can teach your prospect how to upload the videos, do the keyword research so that he could get to page one google. And explain to him that he needs to comment on other peoples videos and blogs so that he can get traffic to his video as well. Because one way relationships in this business do not last. It is always a two way street online just like offline. Over time when others learn something new from your prospect and he makes new friends on the internet by giving value on lets say leadership for instance, then he gets comments on his video. And the more dialogue he has between the people whom he gives value to, the more likely they will refer to him as to go to person.
This huge network marketing secret revealed on becoming an expert today really ties down to Zig Ziglars quote, "If you help other people solve their problems then yours will disappear!

Generate Champion Leads Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Thank you for this important post! Well done!

  2. You are welcome Jeanne!


    Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. Enjoyed reading this. It reminds me of why I appreciate the power of blogging so much: It's an important tool that can be leveraged to gain credibility as a leader. Thanks for the post!

  4. You are welcome Bennie! It sure is a crucial tool and it definite duplicates if you give value to others so that they could take their businesses to the next level!


    Lawrence Bergfeld

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Priya! Time to put them to use!


      Lawrence Bergfeld

  6. This is so true and sharing of skills really does help others get what they want and helps you to be successful too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome Nomusam. It sure does!


      Lawrence Bergfeld
