A top mlm secret exposed on customers today is that they are the most important part of building your business. Here is the reason why. You open up a shoe store. The first people you tell is your family. Then they come to the store to see what shoes they would like to have. Here is where network marketers make their mistakes. They ask their family members to give them their credit cards so that they can learn how to open up their shoe stores. This is the real world and guess what the friends and family do after hearing such a proposal? They avoid you and your business like the plague. No Thanksgiving Dinner or anything.
It makes more sense to gather customers not only because its the lifeblood of your business but because if they later ask you if they could sponsor them into your business to partner up with you, rather than you bringing it up so that you alienate them. Here is the reason why. My friend Brian and I went to our network marketing companys convention almost 2 years ago and there were 6000 people in attendance. 90% of the people started out as customers before joining their business and only 10% were enterprenurial. And furthermore if people use the products that they like and they bring you referrals before business is brought up they are likely to ask you "How can I get paid?" I referred so many people to you.
The only time it is appropriate to bring up your business is in this situation. Lets say someone voluntarily complains about his or her job and/or they complain that they were laid of short of retirement, then you can ask them "Have they considered doing something about it?" If they say yes then share them a good two minute story like this: I got a good story takes about two minutes, want to hear it?" If they say no to either question then leave them alone. You want people on your team who dedicate themselves to moving forward and who are their own best customer. Because if they don't use the products then their team members won't use it either. Bottom line pay attention to the response and be the judge!
Now its time to use this mlm secret exposed on customers today because without customers nobody can get paid!
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Lawrence Bergfeld
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You are correct in that customers are everything. It is up to us to attract customers by providing them with solutions to their problems. If we continue to focus on solving the problems of others, the customers will continue come in my view.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Nathaniel! And most importantly if we help other people solve their problems then our problems will disappear.
DeleteLawrence Bergfeld
This is an interesting post. I guess I have never heard of MLM and so had to google. Learn something new everyday! Thanks
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear that Denise! It will work for you only if you use it.
Lawrence Bergfeld