A victorious network marketing tip on building an mlm team today is as follows: Nobody can build this business all by themselves, it takes a team of people to do so. No matter how brilliant is someone in this business they can not do it alone. Today on my companies team call my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy explained on what a person needs to do to build a team for success.
Everybody who you are friends with wears shoes. Some of them wear sneakers, some wear boots, others wear high heels. And imagine opening up your shoestore. Your goal is to get customers. Lets say one of your friends wants to buy sneakers from you. You ask them for their credit card which is okay. But when you say the following: Let me get your social security number so that we can sign you up and teach you how to sell shoes, we will train you how to become the champion shoe salesman in the county. You go on and on & your friend interupts you. He tells you to forget about the shoes and his friendship forever.
Making a list of friends and family in this business and telling them to open up their own shoestore is the kiss of death to them being in your life anymore. If you are in network marketing today then you are no different from someone who owns their shoestore. Get customers! Those who want to be in business with you will approach YOU voluntarily about it. When the time comes find out what they want to have and help them get it.
Because whenever you make a list of friends and family you are not only alienating them, but what is worse you are walking away from ten customers. If you talk to 100 people 10 become customers and 1 person becomes a distributor.
My suggestion to you is to plug into the Mentoring For Free System so that you could find people who want to turn massive failure into massive success. That way you will not be chasing people who only WANT shoes! To get the e-book Success in Ten Steps click on the link which is located on the bottom left hand corner!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Turn MLM Failure Into Massive Success Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Thanks for the suggestions and i wish you continued success in the new year.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Salma!
DeleteLawrence Bergfeld
Great suggestions here. We definitely cannot build a business alone. I feel we have to build relationships online and support each other. Building relationships will definitely grow your business.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nathaniel! It sure will.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Thanks for sharing. I like all the suggestions you've made.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Jennifer!
Lawrence Bergfeld
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