Thursday, December 25, 2014

Top MLM Leadership Tip On Winning Today

A top mlm leadership tip on winning today is the following: Listen with the positive emotions to your prospect by having faith, love, sex, desire, enthusiasm, hope, romance and prosperity in mind. Avoid having one negative emotion in mind because your prospect can feel if something is bothering you and that unfortunately repels him.
I do not want to mention any of the negative emotions because just one is enough to sink your ship. Point is serve more people by genuinely helping them out. There should be a smile on your face. Never go prospecting or talk to people online if you had a bad day.
Hope this mlm leadership tip will help you move forward.

Merry Christmas

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Learn How To Attract MLM Prospects Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. It is true that your prospect can pick up on your negativity. Things will backfire if you approach with a negative attitude. Thanks for the reminder, Lawrence. Have great holidays!

  2. Thanks Jeanne! One negative thought brings other negative thoughts and we don't go there!

    Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. are right on target with this - that's why my coaches always tell me to center myself before I contact prospects - and I always coach to stay out of your own mind as you visit.

    1. Absolutely Donna. Never make it about you because if you do then you get nowhere fast! Always make it about them!

      Lawrence Bergfeld

  4. This is so important. Once you start with the negative thoughts, you can get into a trap. Great reminder.

    1. Thanks Allison, we must keep the negatives out of our house today and focus on the positives!

      Lawrence Bergfeld
