The top network marketing truth revealed on creative imagination today is that if there is a will then there is a way! Leslie Winger has a plan of action for being successful in creating additional income from at home, she is on her way to earning a six figure income. Use what you learn from her by applying it in your business!
Chapter 6 Imagination: The Workshop of the Mind
Leslie Wingert
As a child I remember my Mom saying “If there is a way Leslie will figure out how to do it.” Once I made my mind up come hell or high water I would figure out a way to do it. As I grew older I let myself be more influenced with other people’s opinion. I began believing more in “Luck” than “Faith”. “I will never have money, our family wasn’t meant to.”
I do not know what happened to that child along the way. I never gave up!! I always looked until I found the answer no matter how many people tried to knock me down. The only answer I have is “life happens” and with all the ups and downs I eventually let the downs GET me down!
After losing my parents, I began realizing just how short life is. My Mom was known as a wonderful Registered Nurse. She was the most intelligent person I knew. My Dad was a brilliant sales person that could sell you swamp land. My Dad over came so many obstacles in his life. Now, they are gone. I feel life an orphan and what will I be known for? How can I measure up??
It took me a few years of aimlessly wondering around until I figured it out. I have always been in the human resource field in one way or another. I love working with people, I love helping people! My goal in life is to make enough money so I can help the less fortunate, work with hospice, mentor others.
God saw to it that I found Mentoring for Free so I can help lots and lots of people succeed. Now I have a plan. I get up each morning and know exactly what I am going to do and I look forward to my day. The first thing I do as I have my cup of coffee is thank God for everything he has done for me and my family. Mentoring for Free is my system, my plan. Using this system to the best of my ability and all the wonderful mentors I have, there are no excuses not to succeed! 30daymentalclense has helped me clear the chatter. Now, when a negative thought comes to mind I begin my self-talk or say a prayer. I have figured out that it has nothing to do with “Luck” and everything to do with “Faith”.
At times I will find myself worrying about a situation. Suddenly I will tell myself to “STOP IT!” have faith, it is in God’s hands. He will see me through! I will feel an amazing weight being literally lifted off my shoulders! I cannot begin to tell you how much happier I am today then before God led me to Mentoring for Free.
Now it is your turn to act on the top network marketing truth revealed on creative imagination!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Generate Champion Leads Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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Going to post again since I wasn't sure my first one took. I totally enjoyed reading this post. Tons of value and I can totally relate and wish you luck in achieving your financial goals and helping those less fortunate..
ReplyDeleteThanks Vince, I appreciate it! Glad to hear that you liked reading this post.
Lawrence Bergfeld