Sunday, April 27, 2014

Exclusive Network Marketing Tip On Comp Plan Today

An exclusive network marketing tip on your comp plan is to know how many people do you need to have in your company to earn your desired amount of income. Because it makes no sense to work as hard as someone who will earn ten times the amount as you will. For instance in some companies you have to have 400 people to earn $10,000 per month and in other companies you must have 4000 people to earn the same amount. Why work ten times harder?
Michael Dlouhy gives the following formula for every client who is looking for a company. If you have lets say people skills like Colors To Success in where you can determine what a person likes and more importantly what he can't stand and you talk to a 100 people per month. Ten will be customers and one person will be a distributor. Month Number 2 your new rep talks to 100 people per month and ten will be customers and one person will be a distributor. Think about this. Lets say every single month for ten months the process repeats itself on your entire team. That will be 512 reps on your team and 100 new customers and minimum of $10,000 per month excluding bonuses. Who doesn't want that?
There was a company there that had an excellent product that everyone wanted. But the problem was that the distibutors in the field emphasized recruit, recruit, recruit and no retail. Guess what happened? The people whom they talked wanted nothing to do with them anymore because they felt that they were talking to them like they wanted them to open up their new Mc Donalds restaurant. And they did that to the customers as well. Therefore the customers cancelled their autoship and they never heard from them again.
My team and I can help you evaluate your businesses compensation plan if you'd like. Ask yourself What would be easier for me to do? To continue to be confused on how I get paid or to use this exclusive network marketing tip on comp plan so that I can maximize it and never struggle again?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Top MLM Success Secret Exposed On Mastermind Group Today

What I learned from the top mlm success secret exposed on using what you learned from your mastermind group today is that you can't be indimidated by those who are more successful than you and those who have more money than you. A person must learn to do what the successful people do because they are out there to help you. As a matter of a fact people who are living in lack are the ones who are greedy and secretive.

Chapter 10--Power of the Mastermind

On Saturday night's Coaches Corner call Michael asked the question,

"What do you believe is one of the main judgments people have?"

I knew the answer because I've had this prejudice all of my life. Perhaps it was in my upbringing or maybe my own self-devised programs, but I've always felt "less than" whenever I'm around wealthy people. Successful people were smarter than me, more responsible than me, and definitely MORE than me.

Several years ago I was appointed to serve on an Ohio state-wide committee to improve kindergarten readiness. There were about 50 highly successful individuals from various educational and state agencies: school superintendents, state School Board members, deans of universities, and even a former governor. I was the sole representative of faith based schools.

I was incredibly intimidated by all these successful people. Lots of time was spent in the bathroom before I could even enter the meeting room. Basically I jumped to the conclusion that because of their prestigious titles, they had generous salaries, lived in beautiful homes, and drove luxury cars. I judged them as being superior to me and that affected my entire experience.

Hearing Michael lead the Mastermind discussion transported me back to that grueling experience.

Where else has my prejudice towards people with money shown up in my life? How has it held me back from achieving my own dreams of success?

Probably more than I can imagine.

Last night I was clicking through old pictures on my computer and saw the first snapshot I had taken with Michael and Linda. I remember thinking at that moment "Why in the world do these successful people want to spend time with me?" I knew they owned their life because of network marketing. I wanted that as well, but was clueless as to how to make it happen.

Over the past four years Michael and Linda have become like family to me. I have been in their home and looked at Michael's Vision Board. I see the belief he has in my success. In ALL of our success.

Being in a Mastermind requires a Decision. You can choose to stay stuck in your ways OR you can be willing to transform those parts of you that hold you back. That requires some transparency and vulnerability, which although uncomfortable, is also liberating.

I choose to let go of the Prejudice that holds me back. Instead I will use my Desire for success to be as gasoline thrown onto a fire.

Thank you Michael and Linda for this MASTERMIND which quickens those parts of us that need to be changed and sharpens us so that we too can own our lives.

Burn, baby, burn!
Margi Starr
Springfield, Ohio

One last thing about applying the top mlm success secret exposed is to eliminate the words like can't and don't because those are limiting beliefs, lets dump all limiting beliefs and do whatever it takes to get to the top using the mastermind group. It takes a team to get to the top!

Click Here To Learn How To Build Your Team
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Top MLM Secret Revealed On Powerful Mastermind Group Today

Here is how you use the top mlm secret revealed on powerful mastermind group today.

Your PLAN of ACTION will be meaningful ONLY if you take ACTION. When riches take over poverty is is done first by creating a plan of action, then taking action. Afterwards you review it and you adjust it until you are getting the results that you want. Nobody can build this business by themselves. It does not matter if you have a PHD from MIT or are a janitor. You must have a team of people who want to move forward just like you do.

Furthermore you have to be selective of whom you allow to be a part of your life. Leave the people who are not a good match alone because not only they will cause you to fall behind, they will also say negative stuff and the negativity carries a person down to poverty.

The Great Depression is a prime example. Most people thought about poverty and therefore they received it. But those who created a PLAN of ACTION and were coachable moved forward and became experts in their chosen endeavors. As a result they were wealthy.

No wonder why it is important to have FAITH, LOVE, SEX, DESIRE, HOPE, ROMANCE,ENTHUSIASM and prosperity in front of you at all times plus say your self talk. Like that you will be attracting the leaders whom you'd like to be on a one month cruise with.

Henry Ford whipped poverty, illeteracy and ignorance and within 25 years became the richest man in America. He masterminded with Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs and Luther Burbank. Andrew Carnegie surrounded himself with 50 people for the purpose of manufacturing steel.

Now it is your turn to apply the POWER OF THE MASTERMIND while taking massive action!

Or else the mlm secret revealed on the mastermind group today will be meaningless!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Learn How To Build Your Team
Lawrence Bergfeld

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Top MLM Secret Exposed On Heading To Positive Emotions Today

Russ Aker writes in his lesson plan the top mlm secret exposed on heading to the positive emotions today which means to cut out all the negative emotions because ONE negative emotion is enough to ruin ALL chances for success.

Think & Grow Rich - Chapter 10
The Ninth Step toward Riches
Power of a Master Mind

Hill points out two types of power, Negative and Positive. We
must come to understand these powers and how to manage
them. Life is a river of emotions. One side Positive and will
carry us to great fortune when we focus our mind with Faith,
Desire, Persistence and Action. The other side negative and
flows in the opposite direction.

Hill says every man who has accumulated a great fortune
has recognized the existence of this river of life. So how
does it happen that some easily flow with the current and
others struggle fighting the current? It simply consists of
one’s Thought Process.

Knowledge is gained through three sources, infinite
intelligence, accumulated experience and experiment and
research. Once you acquire knowledge it is of no value or
use until it is converted into positive power by organizing it
into definite plans and expressing those plans in terms of
action. If we depend up on our efforts alone, in assembling
knowledge and expressing it through our plans and action,
as an individual we may find it quite difficult. The question
then becomes, where would one find a resource in support
of our efforts?

You will find a resource for all which is mentioned in this blog
in a well chosen Master Mind Group of peers with similar
ambition and objectives. The group can be identified by
Positive emotion flowing easily with the current. The Group
conscience will promote Faith, Desire, Persistence and
Action. The group is actively in pursuit of knowledge through
the three sources mentioned above.

Napoleon Hill defines the Master Mind as: “Coordination of
knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or
more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

In seeking help I found "Mentoring for Free" meets all criteria
Hill suggests as foundational principles of a Master Mind
alliance. As a mater of fact the group is clearly founded on
the thirteen Principles in this book.

Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

And a great mlm secret exposed is to say 100 times per day your self talk and keep the positive emotions like faith, love, sex, romance, hope, desire, abundance and prosperity in your mind throughout your day because that way you will prospects will lean forward and say "Tell Me More!"

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Friday, April 18, 2014

MLM Leadership Tip On Persistence

I think the most important mlm leadership tip is persistence because a person who does that is someone who does whatever it takes to get to the top. He is someone who is ALL IN and avoids skipping any steps. Ken Klemn describes how you can develop into a leader by just being persistent and I learned it is okay to make mistakes and just learn from them, because if you are not growing as a leader then you are decaying.

PERSISTENCE is the Quality of a LEADER.

A Leader is not someone who will “Give it a try,” or
someone who will “Give it their best.” Both will quit
at some point, the first sooner than the second. (The
second will someday say, “I gave it my best, but it
just didn’t work out.”)

A Leader will “do WHATEVER IT TAKES”.

Another softball story...

Yesterday a young pitcher was struggling on the mound.
She had all the right pitching mechanics, but her
pitches were going wild.

Her problem? She was trying too hard. She was
CONSCIOUSLY aiming her pitches.

Your human, Conscious Brain - the one that reads,
writes and solves math problems - is no help when You
are throwing a ball.

My advice...

Pitching is an animal thing. It’s done by Your animal
muscles, directed by Your animal brain (or

“Go with You gut.” Don’t over-think. Just throw the

Do not FEAR Mistakes. MISTAKES are how Your gut gets

Your Subconscious, or Animal, Mind learns something
from every pitch You throw.


You improve Your game by competing against those who
are BETTER than You. When all Your competitors are
weaker than You, You learn nothing.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm - Florida, USA

P.S. Just throw more pitches!

Now it is time to show your persistence using this mlm leadership tip that you learned and it is no different than passing your roadtest and driving all by yourself!

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Monday, April 14, 2014

Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Being Victorious

Here is an excellent network marketing secret revealed on being victorious. You will learn how Carmen Schuster acts on faith like her 4 year old daughter did when she chose to begin kindergarten a year early despite the so called experts encouraging her not to.


The Eighth Step toward Riches

Right at the beginning of this chapter, Hill tells us: "The basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL. ... Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair."

One of the most persistent persons I know is my eldest daughter. When she was four years old she decided she'd cut her time in kindergarten short and start elementary school a year early. All her friends would go, and so would she. When I pointed out that all her friends were a year older than her, she said: "So what? I can do what they can do. I am as smart and as skilled as any of those girls, and even more so than most of the boys who will be going to school next year. There is no reason for me to stay in kindergarten for yet another year after they are gone."

I told her: "OK, if that's what you truly want, then I will support your decision in any way I can." Obviously, this was all she needed to hear to get going.
Sheer willpower got her into the pre-school class at her kindergarten and although her decision was met with quite some opposition from the staff, they later admitted to me - behind closed doors, though - that she was doing really well.

Over the next few months she successfully passed more assessments until the big day of her interview with the headmistress of the elementary school finally arrived. On our way to the headmistress' office I said to her: "Listen, at some point during this interview I will be asked to leave the room. Don't be alarmed, I'll be right outside the door. This is just so they can ask you in private if it is truly your desire that makes you want to start school a year early or if this stems from my ambition. So, if you still want this, stick to it. Don't let any of those people talk you out of it.

Don't ever let anybody tell you that you cannot do something you truly want. Don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams. Be polite, don't shout at them, and stick to your decision. I am sure this will work out all right." The interview went just as I predicted and soon, I found myself outside the office. After an hour of trying to talk my daughter out of it, the headmistress finally gave in and told her she could start school with the rest of the first graders after the summer vacation. My daughter was glowing with victory and has so far never once doubted or regretted her decision. In fact, she did such a good job that the following year, when her sister made the same request, this was not met with any opposition at all.

My firstborn is truly persistence personified, the proverbial unstoppable force. In this, I can still learn much from her. And should she ever decide when she comes of age that her future lies in network marketing, I have no doubt that she will rock this industry.

Until then, I'll do my best to learn as much as possible from her about persistence and single-mindedness, and about being laser-focused. I am sure it will be a most instructive and exciting experience.

With much appreciation,

Carmen Schuster

Cologne, Germany

To put into action this network marketing secret revealed on being victorious we must ignore compeletely the people who say "we can't!"

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Top MLM Tip Is Only Emotional Words Influence Subconscious Mind

The top mlm tip is only emotional words influence subconscious mind NOTHING else! You can tell all the facts, figures and logic to your prospect but that will make him want to walk away from you. Tom Big Al Schrieter says that it is ten times harder to convince a disinterested unmotivated prospect to do this business and or buy your product.
If you can't get emotional about what you are doing then you are in the wrong business. For example you saw the movie Titanic, you cried because your subconcious mind thought it was real. That is how decisions are being made and I hope this mlm tip will help you move forward!!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Top Home Business Secret Revealed On Making Decisions Today

A top home business secret revealed on making decisions today is to just do it! Because if you wait until conditions are good then the opportunity will disappear. Here is my lesson plan on making decisions based on what I read in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

The first step in making a decision is to create a plan of action based on what you have learned from your mentors. Do the things you can't stand first by following instructions so that you do not mess up. Then continue following the recipe when taking action with the fun activities! When you are done with your work and did a good job for the day then plan what you are going to be doing tommorow. Then take action, review and adjust.

No school or college teaches us how to make plans nor to make decisions. Its up for us to learn how to make decisions and drop the word "Nothing Is Written Into Stone" because that is a statement that implies being wishy washy.

There would not be a free America without the Declaration of Independence and there would be no automobile as well.

The following phrase would not even be in Think And Grow Rich if there was no such thing. "The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going."

If we do not plan on where we are headed to then we are just taking a ride in the car and we will land in the middle of nowhere! Lets stop the indecision and lets go to for a visual on what direction we want to go in by typing the starting address and the ending address.

Lawrence Bergfeld

PS: Less Talk More ACTION is the only way this whole home business secret revealed will work for you!!

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld