Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Network Marketing Truth Exposed On Using Your Subconcious Mind Properly

The way you use the network marketing truth exposed on using your subconcious mind properly is to ask yourself if you are lying about something to yourself or are you telling yourself the truth. Ken Klemn hits the nail on the head with that! MENTALLY FIT Darkness is the ABSENCE of light. Cold is the absence of heat. Neither darkness nor cold have sources, origins or generators. They are NOTHING. Likewise, LACK is the absence of PROSPERITY or ABUNDANCE. Weakness is the absence of POWER. There are no stores warehousing either Lack or Weakness. They are Nothing. The remedy for Darkness is to apply the tiniest bit of Light - it obliterates Darkness. The remedy for Cold is Heat. The remedy for Lack is to embrace Abundance and Prosperity. The remedy for Weakness is to acquire POWER. Physical Power is obtained by exercising the muscles against resistence. Mental Power grows from exercising the MIND - simply THINKING. Here is the boggle... We build ourselves over entirely every eleven months, so we can say we are really only eleven months old at any time. If we build the same defects back into ourselves year after year, then we have no one to blame but ourselves for our condition. We are the sum total of our own thoughts. Unfortunately, in school we were not taught HOW to think – only WHAT to think. We learned reading, writing, arithmetic and the basics of history and science through REPETITION. We learned the applied knowledge skills such as cooking, sewing, typing, woodworking, auto repair, etc. through REPEATED practice. With sufficient practice, we reach the highest level of competence: Unconscious Competence. The SUBCONSCIOUS part of us performs the skills without our Conscious effort, just as we breathe and beat our hearts. We learned our theological BELIEFS through REPEATED SUGGESTION in church, schul or mosque. ALL Beliefs are programmed in our SUBCONSCIOUS via Repeated suggestion. We will believe LIES when we hear AND REPEAT them often enough. For example, even today many folks Believe destruction is the proper route to Harmony, World Peace and Enlightenment. ALL our gut reactions and decisions are determined by our Emotional FEELINGS. Our Feelings are generated by our Belief Patterns. To change the way we react or decide, we must change the way we Feel. Thus, we must change our Beliefs. We create NEW Beliefs the same way we received our existing ones. PREDOMINANT ATTITUDE Attitude is simply the direction in which something leans. Our Mental Attitude determines how we filter and react to new SUGGESTIONS. Predominant means, “MOST of the time.” It’s okay to sway when hit by as strong gust of wind, as long as You lean the way You want to most of the time. The MAIN role of SELF-TALK is to guide Your Predominant Attitude. This is KEY before You can practice and MASTER the Skills of Visualization, Imagination, Organized Planning, Sex Transmutation, and the Sixth Sense. It also KEY in inducing PERSISTENT BELIEF, DESIRE and FAITH - and Vibrating WITH the MASTERMIND. Self-Talk is NOT the same as Your daily goal statement as outlined in Chapter 2 of TGR. Self-Talk is mainly an ongoing Attitude course correction. I know folks who set aside time each morning and/or evening for Self-Talk during their daily meditation, walk, gym workout or commute. I’m certain they have a great Attitude during the days’ bookends, but what about MOST of the day? I have posted sheets everywhere that say in big, bold print, “I AM WHOLE, PERFECT, STRONG, POWERFUL, LOVING, HARMONIOUS AND HAPPY.” These remind me to adjust my course throughout the day. Your Friend and Servant, Ken Klemm - Florida, USA P.S. Your Subconscious will probably cry, “Bullshit!” when You first begin to reprogram it. This is normal. It will accept whatever You have CHOSEN the same way You got all Your existing Beliefs - through PERSISTENT REPEATED SUGGESTION. Remember, You build POWER through repeated exercise against resistence. Avoid letting this network marketing truth exposed pass you by or else other people who utilize it will be way ahead of you in business and in life! Lawrence Bergfeld

                                                                              Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. To succeed in a network marketing business you must practice good business building habits. At the same time you need to overcome the bad habits that will kill your business.

    Network Marketing

  2. Everybody needs to hear that, especially getting over the bad habits!

    Lawrence Bergfeld
