Monday, August 18, 2014

Subconscious Mind Lesson Plan

Faith, Love, Sex, Desire, Hope, Romance, Enthusiasm and Prosperity!

A person must protect their mind by having the positive emotions there at all times. One negative thought is enough to ruin all chances of productivity. Therefore we can't be around negative people because their lack thinking can ruin us. It is no different than the example of crime. When people first come into contact with crime they hate it. After a while of being a part of it they get used to it and unfortunately embrace it just like they get addicted to alcohol. If we spend time with negative people then we are our own worst enemy. We must have the positive emotions in our mind when we are around negative people and when they puke of us then lets picture our perfect day.

For myself it is seeing this beautiful woman sunbathe by the lake! What is yours?

Also you must have a why that makes you cry because if you can't get emotional about it then you do not have one.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Click Here To Save Years Of Failure & Frustration
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. I agree that being positive is so important!

  2. Great post! Positive attitude is key for happy living..

  3. A plan and your thoughts can be a powerful tool. I agree with your points and I think they bring up some interesting facts. Personally, it keeps my mind wondering if what we're doing is alright. I understand that having a positive attitude is needed to be successful but it's just surprising.

  4. Positive is important and we must take massive action all the time to get the results we want. And the more results we get, the more action we want to take!!

    Lawrence Bergfeld
