Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Top Network Marketing Success Secret Revealed On Persistence Today

What I learned from reading Sheri Henrys lesson plan on persistence is a top network marketing success secret revealed on reaching your goals is to take action and keep your eyes on the prize when accomplishing task after task. That way you will focus on what you have and you will no longer pay attention to what you do not have.

The Eighth Step Toward Riches

As I think of the word "persistence", it reminds me that in order to achieve anything you truly desire you must keep moving forward until you reach the goal you set for yourself. Unless that desire is a deep burning desire, it will be easy for you to quit before you even give yourself the opportunity to see just how successful you can be.

You must have a definite goal that you are aiming for and a definite plan as to how you will achieve the end result. Persistence, concentration of effort and definiteness of purpose will help you reach that goal.

If your persistence is lacking at times, surround yourself with a Master Mind Group. You must have a clear picture of what you desire. With the extra support you will be able to form a clearer picture of what you need to do and how you can create what you need to be successful. In order to create the large sums of money you desire, you must develop the necessary “money consciousness”.

Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind that is not occupied with the “money consciousness”. It seems to be very easy to slip into a “lack consciousness” when we are not currently creating the amount of money we need and desire.

It is very easy to fall into the pattern of acknowledging what we don’t have in this now instead of focusing on what we truly desire to manifest into in our lives. We must be conscious at all times with regard to what we are saying and thinking.

For some reason it seems to be easier to focus on what we don’t have or desire than it does to focus on what we do have and what we desire to create new in our life. It is a pattern that must be changed if we ever hope to be successful in our life.

This network marketing success secret revealed only if we USE Sheri Henrys advice!!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

1 comment:

  1. It definitely is and people buy YOU. They buy from you only because they believe in you and they ask you to sponsor you as well for the same reason.

    Lawrence Bergfeld
