Saturday, May 9, 2015

Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Making Decisions Today

This evening I have listened to the top network marketing secret revealed on making decisions today. What I have learned about making decisions is to be clear on what you want to accomplish and just acting on it right away. Richard Dennis explained that thinking about how you are going to accomplish something is NO different than looking behind you while driving behind the wheel. You have to move forward. The how is equal to crashing.
Of course you are taking risks by moving forward but unfortunately you are taking a BIGGER risk by not doing anything. The small tasks that you do every day which is the Slight Edge will compound over time. The results are invisible. Which is the definition of faith which means having total belief in something that you have no proof of.
Michael Dlouhy makes decisions on NO information. His way of doing things is launch and learn, launch and learn just doing it. Richard Dennis explained in his call that if you do not know what to do on the fsootball field then just do something! WHen that happened to him his coach said tackle someone do something. And furthermore the University of Oregon has won championships by making more plays than any other team in college football. They made decisions whether they were wrong or right.
Being a leader in this industry is more important than making money. Because you have to have a plan for being a leader no different than being an intelligent follower. For example a great way to make a quantum leap is by writing your own book on Amazon and becoming a best publisher. That way you will have prospects wanting to purchase your book and some will want to do business with you by noticing the impact you made on them with the excellent content and the good quality that you have written! A great thing that a person can add to it is a video with a Whiteboard. That will brand you even better.
Prospects do not see the home office nor your companys founder, they see you. If they see that they are dealing with a leader who takes risks, plans, does and adjust with the Slight Edge method plus improves himself all the time by learning new skills. Then they will follow you and you must not only to use the network marketing secret revealed on making deicions today you must get better at it as well by never making the same mistake twice!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Turn MLM Failure Into Massive Success Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

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