What I learned from the mlm success secret revealed on autosuggestion today is that you have to have emotion with belief that you can do something. It is not what you want it is how badly you want something and what feeling you get from taking action. Ask yourself is it worth it? Ryan McChesneys lesson plan can change your business.
Chapter 4
As we continue our brainstorming journey through Hill’s Think and Grow Rich book, we have come across the fourth step towards riches: auto-suggestion. Auto-suggestion is also referred as self-talk. Hill states at the beginning of this chapter that the principle of auto-suggestion voluntarily reaches the subconscious mind and influences it with the thoughts we put in our mind. However, no thoughts, whether they be negative or positive, can enter the subconscious mind without the aid of the principle of auto-suggestion.
My biggest takeaway from this chapter is that the only way our thoughts can reach our subconscious is through auto-suggestion, which Michael has been telling each one of us from the time we first started with Mentoring for Free. To really accomplish the power of auto-suggestion, one must go back to the six steps that we described in the chapter on Desire and communicate the object of our desire directly to our subconscious mind in a spirit of absolute faith.
As we continue to say our auto-suggestion throughout the day, we must say it with belief and emotion to influence our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is not influenced with unemotional words. Just like when one does not have the desire to do what they are doing, then they will not do what it takes to reach that goal. And that goal can be anything, including money. If one does not desire it, then they have no emotions that will make the most of auto-suggestion.
As I am growing personally from starting my own business, I have learned that auto-suggestion is so powerful to help pave a way for my mind to believe that I will accomplish what I desire for. The more I say my auto-suggestion with emotion, the more I believe and know that I will achieve my desire. In addition, my auto-suggestion has given me more motivation and confidence to pursue my dream of leaving a positive legacy for my family, friends, mentors, and anybody I come to meet.
Thank you Michael and Linda for everything that you have done for me.
Ryan McChesney
Now its time to use this mlm success secret revealed on autosuggestion or else you are toast.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Turn MLM Failure Into Massive Success Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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