A top mlm leadership tip on being intentional today is being clear on what you want and having a plan of action to accomplish it. You must be clear on what you want to achieve by 110%. You must say this is it I am doing it NOW because if you do not then you are much less likely to accomplish what you want.
Henry Ford wanted to build a V-8 motor so he did it. Edwin Barnes wanted to be business partner of Thomas Edison so he did it. They were not given any promises for anything. Henry Ford was not given any promises or anything and had plenty of Obstacles. Edwin Barnes had obstacles as well by not knowing Edison and not having the money to go to Orange NJ. But he had the desire to burn all bridges and tell himself there is no going back "I am going to be Thomas Edisons business partner." It took him over five years and Edison chose him over the others because he sold the Ediphone what Thomas Edison invented while the other employees were playing cards!
Now just take action and apply the mlm leadership tip on being intentional today!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Turn MLM Failure Into Massive Success Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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