Today I listened to a training call by Richard Dennis and the most important part of your future in mlm is to have an impact of lots and lots of people. It will be very difficult to do so without that. A person needs to become a specialist at doing videos using Fiver because this year 2015 70% of online traffic is done by video and by 2017 its going to be 80%. And those who miss out on it get left behind.
Another thing is creating your Amazon best selling e-book. That is another wave of the future. People will be hungry for skills and how to find a constant stream of prospects. When they see you with your e-book they will look at you as someone whom they want to learn from NOT just another networker on the block. Amazon will one day have more traffic than google and we want to go through the challenges on getting our stuff there on Amazon and becoming the experts at it. We will hire someone to publish and write the books.
Richard Dennis made an impact on people by creating a cassette tape on Dead Doctors Don't Lie and people would contact him as if he were his long lost brother. They then teamed up with him as business partners and he sponsored them. Another one was Tomato Warnings too. That was the technology back then.
Point is that people will have to come to you just like they did for Richard Dennis. The people at his company convention back in 1995 instead of going to lunch 90% of them during lunch break were chatting with him and skipped their lunch.
Now its time for you to use the mlm truth revealed on impact or keep on treading water.
Lawrence Bergfeld
Turn MLM Failure Into Massive Success Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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