Sunday, March 3, 2013

Top Home Business Secret Exposed On Accomplishing Goals Today

The top home business secret exposed on accomplishing goals today is as follows: Think about when you want to hit a new pin level in your company by a certain date. You take out a piece of paper and list what are the steps you have to take to get there. Today I listened to Zig Ziglars CD on "How To Get What You Want" and he said that you can accomplish more in one day than in three or four days if you just wrote down the steps to getting there and of course TAKE ACTION! That way you will get further ahead than most people and cramming will be a thing of the past.

The only time you are on your way in your business is if you are going from one pin level to the next NOT before. Accomplishing goals is no different than losing weight in a month. Lets say that you want to lose 30 pounds in April. How many pounds you need to lose per day. How much time you need to exercise?

Just use this home business secret exposed today NOT tommorow!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

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