A top mlm tip is to use the word because today due to the fact that your prospect will want to know more of what you have to share with them. Here is the reason why. We have use the word because ever since early childhood and if you can back your point of view with examples in a story then that can lead him to either buy your product or join your company.
Or as my good friend and mentor Richard Dennis said on last nights generic call with Mentoring For Free. It can be used as a headline a first sentence and as a story. Remember that if your headline is no good and your first sentence isn't good nobody is going to be reading your blog, article or watch your video. A good tip that I learned is to ask yourself the words "so what?" if it doesn't lead to a story in the business or of your product or anything else that you give value you to then your reader is going to stop reading the article.
To back up with the saying of "so what?" in the previous paragraph good friend and mentor Ken Klemn always says people do not see your product they do not see your opportunity. People see YOU. They buy your belief level and the passion in your eyes. Vince Lombardi says that if you can't get excited about what you have to offer then you are in the wrong business.
The mlm tip on because will work only if you use it!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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