A real mlm secret exposed on choosing your upline correctly today is that they must answer all of your questions and/or find the answer to your question within a timely manner lets say 48-72 hours at the most. If they do not do that then do yourself a favor and run because if you do not then you will work with them and they will repeat that same behavior the second time and the third time you ask them questions.
Another thing you must remember is that if your upline or sponsor tells you to get into his new company or anything else then again run away from him or report him. Because he will do it to the next person whom he comes in contact with. He is distracting you by telling you to join this new company and that new company at the same time.
It is no different than wanting to be married to three four people at the same time. It is impossible. In order to make a marriage work you have to focus on having one wife and doing whatever it takes to have the best marriage ever. Same thing with building your business. There is an old saying that you must build your network marketing business once and big to pay your childrens children.
My good friend and mentors Michael Dlouhy and Richard Dennis did a call last night on choosing your company right. It has to be a five pillars company or else you will be toast. They must have a standard system where the person with no formal education can do it to the highly educated person can do it.
Hope you use this mlm secret exposed to take your business to a whole new level!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld
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