Sunday, March 31, 2013

Exclusive Home Business Secret Revealed On Visualization Today

Here is the exclusive home business secret revealed on visualization today on this forum! Its a surprise!

Click here for the rest of the story.

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Now apply the exclusive home business secret revealed today NOT tommorow!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Home Business Truth Revealed On Leaving Safety Net Behind Today

Aleesha Gunther describes the home business truth revealed on leaving your safety net behind because if you do not then you will end up lost in the woods!

This chapter brings to mind all the stories Michael D'Louhy tells us. The story about the door for his daughter's wedding is the story my subconscious mind has chosen to send forth for my conscious mind to recall.

What Michael shares with the people Hill writes about is not simply the use of a BURNING DESIRE to transmute his thoughts into their physical equivalent. For DESIRE alone is not enough. Though Desire may be the emotion or ingredient that sets everything in motion. There are other ingredients which must be present if one is to find success in the achieving of one's goals. You can't have stew without potatoes. Without potatoes it is not stew. But a variation thereof.

We all have the gift of thought. Just as we all have Desires. But this is where the similarities end. There are many of us who have never had stew because we lack the right ingredients. There are many variations there of which have been tasted by some. For example, we have, The Back Up Plan, The Safety Net, Settling for Second Best, Settling for Whatever Comes Our Way and many, many others.

The next must have ingredient after Thought and Desire is BELIEF. You must BELIEVE with all that you are, with every fiber of your being, that you WILL have that which you Desire. You must be All In. You must know exactly, beyond a shadow a doubt, what it is you Desire and you must BELIEVE you WILL have EXACTLY what you Desire. Or, you will end up with a variation there of.

Whatever the Desire may be. IT just IS. Michael did not think or say, "Maybe I will find the perfect door." No. No. No. Michael brought a van instead of a limo because he couldn't fit the door inside the limo. His thoughts, actions and Desires were of him already having the perfect door. He was DETERMINED to have it and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he would be traveling home with the perfect door. Not just any door. The PERFECT DOOR. Settling for second best never entered his mind.

In comparing Michael to the people in Hill's book, the are many commonalities which they all share. A THOUGHT for something they DESIRE. BELIEF in their DESIRE. Knowing they would have that which they DESIRE beyond a shadow of a doubt. Sheer DETERMINATION and a DEFINITE PURPOSE. PERSISTENCE. And the main ingredient. The beef for our stew. They all have the main ingredient.

They all have the sheer POWER OF WILL. Think back to the characters in the book.

Mr. Barnes: Thought and said, " I WILL be Edison's business associate."
Mr. Darby: "I WILL make this sale. No is not an option."
The Little Girl: "I WILL have that fifty cents." I am not leaving without it.
Mr. Ford: "I WILL have my 8 cylinder engine." I do not care how long it takes.
Michael: " I WILL have the perfect door."

They did not have back up plans or plan B. They did not have safety nets. They were persistent and remained steadfast and true to their Definite Purpose. They had no alternate plans because they did not need them. Having all the other ingredients in place all they needed was the Beef. The Sheer Power of Their Wills.

Are you going to use the home business truth revealed on leaving safety net behind or are you going to have a Plan B and have the just in case mentality?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Persistence Today

Below is a link to my lesson plan of the network marketing truth revealed on persistence today. I describe how Edwin Barnes, Uncle Darby and Henry Ford remained persistent during the tough times!

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Just put the network marketing truth revealed on persistence today to use!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Top Home Business Secret Exposed Is To Use Mostly We In Conversations

This evening I have learned that the top home business secret exposed is to use we in conversations because if you are more concerned yourself than anything else you are then toast. You have to say the word we because you are working together with your customers and your current and future distributors.

Dale Carnegie says in his book How To Win Friends and Influence people is to make it about them & I also learned that Kim Klaver said in an interview with Jerry Clark that the definition of a leader who is successful is someone who finds someone to do what they want because the person wants to do it themselves. If you want them to do it for your reasons forget about it, they will resist you and they will not follow through when you ask them to do it. If they want it more for themselves than you want it for them than bingo!

Those are the people who were loyal customers and had great results and now want to make money by spreading the word of what the product did for them. They tell their before and after story and then they say you may know someone who could use it.

Just use the home business secret exposed correctly by using the word we and make it about your customer and distributor today!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Real MLM Secret Exposed On Choosing Your Upline Correctly Today

A real mlm secret exposed on choosing your upline correctly today is that they must answer all of your questions and/or find the answer to your question within a timely manner lets say 48-72 hours at the most. If they do not do that then do yourself a favor and run because if you do not then you will work with them and they will repeat that same behavior the second time and the third time you ask them questions.

Another thing you must remember is that if your upline or sponsor tells you to get into his new company or anything else then again run away from him or report him. Because he will do it to the next person whom he comes in contact with. He is distracting you by telling you to join this new company and that new company at the same time.

It is no different than wanting to be married to three four people at the same time. It is impossible. In order to make a marriage work you have to focus on having one wife and doing whatever it takes to have the best marriage ever. Same thing with building your business. There is an old saying that you must build your network marketing business once and big to pay your childrens children.

My good friend and mentors Michael Dlouhy and Richard Dennis did a call last night on choosing your company right. It has to be a five pillars company or else you will be toast. They must have a standard system where the person with no formal education can do it to the highly educated person can do it.

Hope you use this mlm secret exposed to take your business to a whole new level!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, March 10, 2013

MLM Tip On Using Because Today

A top mlm tip is to use the word because today due to the fact that your prospect will want to know more of what you have to share with them. Here is the reason why. We have use the word because ever since early childhood and if you can back your point of view with examples in a story then that can lead him to either buy your product or join your company.

Or as my good friend and mentor Richard Dennis said on last nights generic call with Mentoring For Free. It can be used as a headline a first sentence and as a story. Remember that if your headline is no good and your first sentence isn't good nobody is going to be reading your blog, article or watch your video. A good tip that I learned is to ask yourself the words "so what?" if it doesn't lead to a story in the business or of your product or anything else that you give value you to then your reader is going to stop reading the article.

To back up with the saying of "so what?" in the previous paragraph good friend and mentor Ken Klemn always says people do not see your product they do not see your opportunity. People see YOU. They buy your belief level and the passion in your eyes. Vince Lombardi says that if you can't get excited about what you have to offer then you are in the wrong business.

The mlm tip on because will work only if you use it!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Top Home Business Secret Exposed On Accomplishing Goals Today

The top home business secret exposed on accomplishing goals today is as follows: Think about when you want to hit a new pin level in your company by a certain date. You take out a piece of paper and list what are the steps you have to take to get there. Today I listened to Zig Ziglars CD on "How To Get What You Want" and he said that you can accomplish more in one day than in three or four days if you just wrote down the steps to getting there and of course TAKE ACTION! That way you will get further ahead than most people and cramming will be a thing of the past.

The only time you are on your way in your business is if you are going from one pin level to the next NOT before. Accomplishing goals is no different than losing weight in a month. Lets say that you want to lose 30 pounds in April. How many pounds you need to lose per day. How much time you need to exercise?

Just use this home business secret exposed today NOT tommorow!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld