Sunday, February 23, 2014

Top MLM Truth Exposed On Compensation Plan Today

The top mlm truth exposed on compensation plan today is that it has to pay you for retailing products to others or else there is no business. If your upline is telling you to recruit, recruit, and make a list of your friends and family then run because it is illegal to recruit anyone in a business that has no product. Too many people do not pay attention to that obvious thing.
Another thing is that if your company is paying only 2% retail sale every time you make one then there is another red flag too, due to the fact that the rest of the money gets split up for the company purchasing a new building, a country club, a jet just to show off and fake what gets done. That is another reason why the company can get shut down.
Thirdly Richard Dennis mentioned that the compensation plan has to pay the part time person. Lets get back to retail now. You must make at least 35%-40% whenever you sell a product to someone, especially when there is that part time person earning that extra paycheck on a shoestring budget to pay their bills and the product must be consumable every single month.
You must have autoship in this business to consume the product and retail the product as well. If there is no autoship then there is no business. You can write it off as an overhead expense on your Schedule C.
Last but not least on the mlm truth exposed on compensation plan today is that you have to know your numbers, how many people does it take to earn $500 per month. Some companies have 25 people others have 250 people and there is no way that the person who has 250 people can compete with the person who needs 25 people.
My team and I will be happy to help you evaluate your compensation plan if you'd like.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Generate The Best Leads Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Thanks for Sharing Lawrence. I appreciate your content on MLM wishing you much success. I shared for you

  2. More good MLM content here Lawrence, thanks for sharing.

  3. You are welcome everyone!!


    Lawrence Bergfeld

  4. Yes, I will this post. I your words do not say about which MLM Plan is good to business.

  5. My team and I can help you calculate how many people do you need in your business to earn $500.00 for example and compare it to other plans as well.


    Lawrence Bergfeld

  6. Thanks for the comment. Time to put it to use!
