Sunday, November 24, 2013

MLM Leadership Tip On Belief

There is an old mlm leadership tip on belief that if you do not believe you can accomplish something you will never take action to do it. How do you know when someone believes that he can accomplish whatever he'd like to achieve? He is someone who takes action regardless of the cirumstances around him. When other people make excuses like its going to rain, its to heavy, blah, blah, blah. He just does what he wants to do. For instance when Michael Dlouhy focused on winning the BMW he created a movie in his mind about the car. Visualizing the color of it, the softness of the seats, the dashboard and everything that he wanted the car to consist of and he said "I am going to win that car", his wife Linda at first did not believe him and Richard Dennis did not believe him either. Then he said that he would not be discussing that topic with them anymore. But when Michael just kept on focusing on what he wanted to accomplish, that is the car! Linda caught his posture and bought a keychain from the BMW and told her friends that they will be comming over after convention with the new BMW. They didn't believe her but she did not listen to the naysayers. She went with Michael to the companys convention and they won the car!!

Now it is your turn to use the mlm leadership tip on belief in building your business!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Burning Desire Today

A network marketing truth revealed on having a burning desire today means taking action on accomplishing your goals and cutting off all sources of retreat. That means knowing what you want to achieve and just doing it, you do not look to the left, you do not look to the right you do not ask yourself could have or should have, you ask yourself "what if" or anything else you just do it! When a person sets out to accomplish their goals they live here in the NOW and they see themselves as being successful nothing else. When Michael Dlouhy had met his wife Linda in his fathers shop he talked to her for 15 minutes and then he visualized himself getting married to her. Then on his second date he proposed to her, and Linda at first thought he was crazy but the point is that he believed that he and Linda were meant to be together and after 2 years Linda finally said that she loved him. Point is he made it happen.

Apply this network marketing truth revealed on burning desire today to accomplish your goals and make it happen.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Exclusive Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Obtaining Influence Today

An exclusive network marketing secret revealed on obtaining influence today is to ask your prospect questions that matter to him. What if he says that he is interested in your product or in your opportunity? Do you give him everything that he needs to know? Of course not because he will say at the end that you are a very knowledgeable person but he can't do what you just did to him because it is something that will turn off my contacts. Here is what I have learned from my good friends and mentors Tom Big Al Schrieter and Ken Klemn. What would you like to know first? Then your prospect will tell you and pay attention to the ANSWER that he gives to you. If he asks how much your product costs? Answer that ONLY. Then ask what would you like to know next? Answer that ONLY as well. You get the idea. Just answer what your prospect asks and do not give him more information that he asks for because you will then shoot yourself in the foot.

Remember that you will obtain influence with this network marketing secret revealed only if you use it, if you do not you may as well leave this information alone just like you leave a book of knowledge in the bookstore on the shelf that you aren't going to apply and teach to others after you buy it.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Network Marketing Truth Revealed On How To Have Faith

This is the network marketing truth revealed on how to have faith which I posted on the 30 Day Cleanse lesson plan in Chapter 3 of Napoleon Hills Book Think And Grow Rich!

How to Have Faith? Answer is self talk and ACTION. My self talk is that I am having fun attracting and sponsoring Black Diamonds into my business, easily and consistently through education and teamwork. Talking to prospects is a HABIT, picking up the phone is a HABIT. At first we can't stand it, after a few times we like it, but as we do it OVER & OVER again it becomes a part of our lives and we can't wait to do it many more times!!

When people see us in action and we are going in life then will be the turnaround point just like it has for many people in Mentoring For Free. David Haines, Brian Redding, Marsha Sortino, Ken Klemn and many more who do not have to ask their prospect the used car salesman question of "Do you have any questions or are you ready to get started?" People are asking them if they could sponsor them into their company no matter what product they have and no matter how many people it takes to earn $10,000 per month.

They know, like and trust their behavior on the internet and on the phone and thats the attractor factor!

If you do not apply this network marketing truth revealed on how to have faith then doubt and fear will take over the whole process and you will be a wandering generality instead of a meaningful specific.


Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Monday, November 11, 2013

Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Creating Success Today

The top network marketing secret revealed on creating success today means that if you knew that you could not fail then how would you live your life? The answer to that question is that you would be taking more action to most importantly accomplish your goals. There is an old saying that faith without action is dead. Therefore the more actions you take and the more adjustments you make the quicker you will reach the top of your companies compensation plan. It is great to rely on mentors and books by successful people like Michael Dlouhy & Linda Dlouhy but ulitmately it is up to you to take responsiblity by taking ACTION. ACTION BUILDS BELIEF!

Now it is your turn to use the top network marketing secret revealed on creating success today or else it is your loss!!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Top Network Marketing Truth Revealed On Authority

The top network marketing truth revealed on authority is to be one or be on your way on becoming one because if you are not an authority at some point in this industry then you are wasting your time. People want to be dealing with people whom they can learn from so that they can take their business to the next level. You are either growing or you are dying. There is no such thing here as both.

I learned tonight from Richard Dennis that to be an expert at something you must know every single detail of how it works. Lets say you want to do blogging which is a great way to get traffic to your website. First thing you have to do is keyword research. Are people looking for the word? How much is the competition? Also you must have a catchy headline to attract readers and keywords must be in the title.

Next comes your first sentence. If your first sentence is no good people will not read the rest of the article, video or blog no matter how long it is. Have a catchy first sentence. And don't forget the keyword has to be in the first sentence for it to get into google.

And for every line you write ask yourself the question "so what?" If it does not make sense to the reader or if it is not story driven or humor then get rid of that sentence.

After writing a couple of good paragraphs in the body then head to the conclusion & put the same keyword in the last sentence

Once again use the network marketing truth revealed on become an authority by focusing on getting good at something so that your products can choose you as their sponsor, rather than they having to head to the competition.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Utilizing Faith Today

A top network marketing secret revealed on utilizing faith today is taking action and believing that we can have massive mlm success. Why believing? Because there is an old saying you get what you expect. Below is a lesson done by Tuula Rands on how a person can get started on the right foot with faith!

The dictionary tells us “faith is a strong belief or trust
in someone or something.”

Hill tells us we can develop our faith.

So how do we develop our faith to the point that we know beyond any
doubt that we can build a huge Network Marketing business?

I believe, when we first begin, we have to borrow someone
else’s faith.

So I borrowed Michael’s and Linda’s faith. They tell us
“they will believe in us until we believe in ourselves”
and not only did they tell us that, they also continually
prove it by their actions.

The Bible tells us that “faith without works is dead”.

Michael is on all the calls, he is always looking for ways to
help us with tools, he is always available to answer questions,
do coaching calls, etc. etc. Linda is working behind the scenes
keeping the whole thing turning and supporting Michael.

They are proving their faith in us by all these actions,
but somewhere along the line, we have to take possession
of that faith ourselves.

I believe I took possession of that faith in myself to make
my business a success when I answered the question
of how differently I would live my life if I knew I could not fail.

Michael and Linda believe in me, have faith I would
succeed, help me when I need help but I HAD TO TAKE
RESPONSIBILITY. Taking responsibility is also a part of

Faith is not just sitting around and thinking about doing something in my business,
or wishing it would grow faster, wondering why it is working for
others and not me. Faith is not hanging on to excuses.

Faith is taking the responsibility of examining ourselves, being
willing to do everything we can to move our business forward
believing the outcome, and putting our work boots on and
going to work like we know we cannot fail and know success is inevitable.

The only proof we have of our faith is the actions we take and the
more actions we take the more our faith grows.

We are Professional Network Marketers and our actionsare the proof.

Just utilize this network marketing secret revealed on having faith and take responsibility with MASSIVE ACTION and you will live your life way differently than you do today.

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Exclusive Network Marketing Tip On Rapport Today

An exclusive network marketing tip on rapport today is that it must be in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone new for the first time or else it is done. Think about how con-men and TV Commercials build rapport, they talk to the subconcious mind of a person which is the decision making part of the brain.

There is no time for FORM. Which is family, occupation, recreation and motivation. Its no different than jogging with someone, if you go too fast you are way ahead of him, if you are too slow then you guys can't have a conversation. The point is that because we have to talk to a lot of people in mlm we must build rapport quick.

Here is a tip on building rapport that I learned from Tom Big Al Schrieter. I am just curious, do you happen to know someone who wants to create additional income from at home. I am just curious, do you happen to know someone who wants to lose weight. It is a great to use the third party approach for that and referrals because you are speaking to the subconcious mind. You want to remember to avoid saying the words "I or you" because that gives the salesman alarm to others and it ruins everything.

Another way you can repeat that is by saying "Who do you know who wants to lose weight?" Who do you know who wants to create additional income from at home.

When you have a normal conversation with someone about a topic other than business and you switch subjects to bring up your product and or opportunity you can say "Oh by the way, I am just curious... and repeat the same for your product and opportunity." Oh by the way is a great way to bring customers and distributors in because you never know where they are comming from.

Tom Big Al Schrieter says this network marketing tip will work only if you use it NOT if you just are listening to it, it worked for him because he tested it and got results!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld