Kristen Burnett describes in detail that a person must ACT on the idea that crosses their mind right away because if they let it sit on the table then someone else will put it to use.
Kristen Burnett Fairhope, Alabama, United States
This chapter truly highlights how important the power of decision in ones life is.
To quote Amelia Earhart: "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. "
This past week, I've had the presence of a really wonderful idea that involves expanding on my Etsy shop but taking it in a new direction by having my own website. This is really important to me because the idea is close to my heart and life experiences and it's a way to cut out losses by eliminating Etsy. I've been in planning mode, and though I've had to change directions at least 5 times since I've had the idea, I wouldn't even be at this stage unless I had decided to act on the idea. As Earhart says " The process is its own reward" and I've found that to be very true for me already.
As a person who gets frustrated when things change and I have to start again, this process of writing and rewriting plans and patterns has been necessary AND helpful.
It is said that if you have a great idea and you don't do anything to act upon it, that it will find another host. I definitely don't want my ideas to be had by somebody else especially when it was within my power to do something about it.
Thank you to Michael and Linda Dlouhy for creating this group and thank you to everyone who participates for inspiring me with what you have overcome and what you strive to achieve.
Kristen B.// Fairhope AL
Are you going to use this network marketing leadership and USE your ideas NOW. If not ask yourself the following: Do I want to say "Man I am glad I did or I wish I had?"
Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld
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