An mlm secret on overcoming fear today is just doing it! Think about when you go on a ride on a roller coaster at Great Adventure for the first time. The roller coaster there called the Scream Machine has seven loops. When I was 12 years old I went on that for the first time, of course I was afraid. But then my father said to me that I should close my eyes. I went on it and then I returned safely.
This is no different than talking to people on the phone. At first the phone weighs 500 pounds and you can't stand doing it. The second time its still a nuisance. The third time you are worried, hesitant and not willing to do anything. That is when most people quit. But in the last minute you tell yourself "I'd better do it because in the end I will feel much worse if I have missed out on it!" Then you just take charge of it and make the call!
You do it over and over again & after a year from now you begin teaching others! You share with them how you overcame fear when they question it, and their training from you shortens their learning curve! That is the magic of duplication!
Now its time to use this mlm secret and get over your fear!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld
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