Wednesday, December 4, 2019

MLM Secret On Acting On Plans Today

I describe in detail an mlm secret on acting on a PLAN today!


Posted: 2019-12-03

Do you have a plan written down? And more importantly are you going to ACT ON IT?
Because if ain't making you smile your car will remain sitting in its parking space forever.
Zig Ziglar mentions in his CD how to get what you want that planes are meant to fly, ships are meant to head out to sea and man was built for purpose.
A plane that sits on the runway and never flies deteroriates faster than a plane that flies.
That is why you CANT have any indecision going on. It's the seedling of FEAR.
This is no different than the word "I'll try" which means forget it, I am not doing it! Are you someone who says they will do their best? That is someone who has that fast start with talent but when the first hiccup comes along then they are gone.
Napoleon Hill mentioned that money is the 8th most important thing because he knows that when people come into contact with huge amount of money let's say millions of dollars they have no clue on how to keep it. I read about a baseball player who made his first million in baseball at 19  & millions afterwards and spent it on cars He is close to 60 and has no choice but to work so that he could have a roof over his head!
Michael Dlouhy mentioned to someone on the call a while back who inherited 50K, that she should do nothing with the money but put it in the bank. Because you have to get educated about the money on what should it be invested to make it grow. Brandon Michael Dlouhy's don in-law made money in the stock market.
Have a goal just like if you were in the weight room . What muscle do you want to build? Biceps triceps, how many push-ups you need to do?
Avoid being the astronauts who got caught in the celebration like Bob Shoaf mentioned.
You must have a WHY that makes you cry and a self talk that is present, positive and personal. All positive emotions one negative thought ruins everything. 
Time to pull the trigger like Bob Shoaf and Marty Roe has, in other words stop being a benchwarmer! Get off the bleachers and onto the field!
Lawrence Bergfeld
PS: What benefited me most here using the Mentoring For Free System is the Color Personalities. I learned how to determine what a   Person likes and more importantly what a person can't stand! I am having fun building my business!

Are you ready to act your plans on this mlm secret or are you going to just keep in on the shelf?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Lawrence Bergfeld

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