Monday, November 25, 2019

Top MLM Success Secret Following Sixth Sense Today

Tuula Rands explains an mlm success secret on how to follow your sixth sense in order to embrace opportunity, rather than let it slip through your fingers. Michael Dlouhy mentions to us to listen to our inner voice because that is guiding us. 

Tuula Rands West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Posted: 2019-11-26
Chapter 14 - The Sixth Sense
Many years ago I read a lot of articles in the Network Marketing" magazine.
These articles were written by people who were successful in the Network
Marketing Industry and they were sharing what they had learned in their
adventure in this industry.  
One Saturday evening I came across one of the articles that caught my
attention.  I knew I needed to learn more.  There was a link for me
to be able to request and download a free e-book titled "Success in
10 Steps".  I did not hesitate is filling in the information because
I knew this information was going to be critical to my success in this
industry because my sixth sense told me it would.
As Donna Karran has stated "One of our greatest gifts is intuition.  
It is a sixth sense we all have - we need to learn to tap into and use it."
When I read the e-book that evening I was so excited about it that I
could not stop until I finished reading the whole e-book.  My sixth sense
kicked in again and told me I was reading the truth and this man knew
what he was talking about and I knew we needed to talk with him.  We 
did talk with him and the rest is history.  I am still here on these
calls posting lessons and participating because that sixth sense works 
if we are willing to listen and follow through.
Aleksej Metelko “Learn to hear your inner voice, be led by your heart and never 
stop giving back – this way you shall always walk the right path 
and shall never be walking alone.”
Tuula Rands

Are you ready to use this mlm success secret and ACT on those hunches?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Lawrence Bergfeld

Thursday, November 21, 2019

MLM Secret On Using Sixth Sense As Leader

Nathan Grimes describes in detail an mlm secret on using your sixth sense which are the hunches and ideas to be shared with others! 

Nathan Grimes Lubbock, TX, United States

Posted: 2019-11-21


“Your sixth sense is the world inside your head – the world
of intuition or psychic power. It is a super sense, the
cumulative power of all your other senses: sight, touch,
smell, and hearing. It’s also an amazing source of creative
power, understanding, and insight. As we all born with
intuition, we can all use it to find meaning in our lives
and realize our full potential The trouble is most of us
aren't aware of our intuition and don't know how to use it.
Theresa Cheung

We have arrived at the pinnacles of the 13 principles of
the philosophy set forth by Napoleon Hill in writing “Thank
and Grow Rich”.  He reminds us that to understand the sixth
we must follow the path of the first 12 principles. He
calls for us to absorb, comprehend and use the twelve stepping
stones he has laid out before us by igniting our thought through
desires, faith, self-talk, specialized knowledge, imagination,
organized planning, decision(action), persistence, a mastermind,
the transmuting of sex energy, applying the subconscious mind
and using the brain in a positive manner as God intends for us.

It is with the sixth sense, that Infinite Intelligence (God) may,
and will communicate voluntarily, without any effort from, or
demands by, the individual.

Just after finishing my lunch on Thursday. Sitting in the living
room from my recliner I can look out the window and see the end
of the ramp which comes to our main entrance. I had dozed off
for a short rest, when I saw with my eyes closed someone standing
at the end of the ramp. With a jolt, I opened by my eyes not to
find anyone at the door, but I did discover that Connie was
preparing to call me, and it was near the time for the afternoon
call. The sixth sense of Connie needing me and an alert of the time.

“We each have a sixth sense that is attuned to the oneness dimension
in life, providing a means for us to guide our lives in accord with
our ideas.” Henry Reed

As stated in the first paragraph most of us aren’t aware of our
intuition and don’t know how to use it. Hill is calling us to the
awakening to our sixth sense and to listen to that small voice with
each of us. Hill had his invisible counsel of man his admired,
appreciated and emulated.

Who could that be on our counsel? Anyone, be it a parent, teacher,
minister, mentor, public leader, industry leader, military leader,
and the list can go on and on. Look for those that have had a
positive impact in life, ours or anyone else.

Michael Dlouhy has often mentioned about read the autobiography
of successful leaders as a source of inspiration. I have no doubts
that Michael can hear many of these individuals speak to him. I
have read and studied the history of biblical leaders, aviation
leaders, industry leaders, historical figures, and many more. Be
it Moses, Thomas Jefferson, Earl Nightingale, or George Patton,
their insight I have implanted in the subconscious mind and with
my sixth sense can recall lessons I have learned from most of them.

Thanks, Linda and Michael Dlouhy for heeding your sixth sense and
show me how to link to mine and use it. Bob Shoaf, I appreciate the
ways you have listened and followed the tiny voice of your
sixth sense heeding and sharing the hunches that have come. My
thanks to the Mentoring for Free mastermind for each other of you
now part of daily counsel. I am grateful to everyone who downloaded
“Success in 10 Steps” and gives me the opportunity to mentor them.

Nathan Grimes 

Are you ready to USE this mlm secret to head to the top?  

Lawrence Bergfeld

Lawrence Bergfeld

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MLM Secret On The Brain Today

Cheryl Stuhr describes an mlm secret on the brain to day and how you can put it to excellent use!

Cheryl Stuhr Houston, TX, United States
Posted: 2019-11-20

Think and Grow Rich
Chapter 13 The Brain
A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought

Just like a radio broadcast, the brain is a broadcasting and receiving station, picking up vibrations of thought which are released by every human brain.
Napoleon wrote: “The subconscious mind is the 'sending station' of the brain, through which vibrations of thought are broadcast. The Creative Imagination is the 'receiving set' through which the vibrations of thought are picked up from the ether.”
When the brain is vibrating at a high rate due to the emotion behind it; negative or positive, it becomes highly receptive to ideas released by others, whether you are at a sports game or in a riot. That high rate of vibration gives our thoughts that 'feeling' “which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by our subconscious mind.”
Personally, even though I'm not a big sports fan, I'd rather be picking up the positive energy from a sports game rather than from the high, destructive energy of a riot.
I want to thank Michael and Linda, Nathan and Connie and everyone else in our Mastermind Group in MMF for your support.

Cheryl from Houston
Are you ready to use this mlm secret?

Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld

Thursday, November 14, 2019

MLM Secret On Planting Desires In Subconscious Mind Today

Taquittee Cross explains an mlm secret on planting desires in your subconscious mind which is the decision making part of the brain! There is an old saying if you neglect doing that your car will remain in its parking space forever!

Taquittee Cross Calumet Park, Illinois, United States

Posted: 2019-11-14

The Subconscious Mind

The Connecting Link

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation. —JANE FONDA
The damaged subconscious mind is a constant process of change and Growth.
One have to start all over like a new seed planted in the ground to grow to maturity of a positive self worth to acquire Riches.
We have to plant the seed of thought in our mind, write it out our statement of desire, add EMOTIONS to it by believing it and repeating it.
Which is the water we are adding to grow our belief so that our subconscious mind believes it. And The ether will then give us the plan we need to work it all out.
Unemotional words do not influence our subconscious mind. The is no such possibility or something for nothing.
We must have faith and put in the work with our faith to train our subconscious mind to attach to the Conscious mind.
It’s not enough to say I want a Million Dollars we must say I will have 5 million Dollars by January 1, 2025, believe it and imagine us having it .
I know and believe I will have 5 million Dollars by January 1, 2025 because I already see myself owning it. And the service I will give to have it.
Well here is the Planting the realization in my subconscious mind so it can start believing it. 
On my refrigerator is a Cheak Dated January, 2025 in the Amount of $5,000,000 Dollars. 
I have Million Dollar Bills on my Why! 
I have a Million Dollar Bill in My Car! 
I see myself with this Million Dollars. 
It's not just about having the Millions of Dollars 
It's about the freedom I will Have. The stress it would relieve in my life and the one's Around me. 
No stress on trying to pay bills! 
No junk Cars! 
It has to be real to my Subconscious Mind..
I learning new ways and Have Challenges every day. When I face Challenges I think of Nathan and Michael. And although they go through alot in life They live a Life of Freedom. So I say if they could do it I can do it.
I hear Slow Down Taquittee. Stop it! Every body has health Issues, not Problems. 

1st Corinthians 3:6-8  I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.  The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. so ask yourself what am I planting in my Subconscious Mind!
I Love Myself and I Love you 
Taquittee Cross 

Are you ready to use this mlm secret today?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Lawrence Bergfeld

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

MLM Truth On Teaching Old Dog New Tricks Today

Brenda Kidd describes in detail an mlm truth that you can teach an old dog new tricks, if they are willing to learn. It does NOT matter how old a person is! You are never to old to learn anything in life. You are only old in the mind. Any excuse will do is the bottom line. Colonel Sanders was 65 when he got started and look what happened Kentucky Fried Chicken!

Chapter 12:  The Subconscious Mind The Connecting Link

I’ve heard so many times in my life the phrase, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!”  Not True!  Sometimes people adopt reasoning like this because of negative conditioning by significant others in their lives and are afraid to step out and prove them wrong.  Or they may have failed a number of times and convinced themselves that success/change is not in their future.  But no matter how they arrived at that belief, it can still be changed.  Yes, it takes time, patience and persistence, but it can be done.    

As Hill says in this chapter, we have to retrain our subconscious mind and Yes, that takes Faith.  We must learn to change our self-talk from negativity to positivity; from stating what we feel is negative in our life and rehearsing how we have failed to declaring how we are succeeding each day and celebrating the success, no matter how small it is.  If we live in the failures, our minds and bodies will begin to follow suit through physical and mental deterioration.  But concentrating on an accomplishment will result in our minds and bodies responding in very positive ways.  It doesn’t happen overnight; the change can be very small in the beginning.  But eventually the realization comes that our minds are focusing on more positives than negatives, the tiredness and lethargy we might have struggled with in the past is not as pronounced.  AND we begin to notice that we’re seeing the glass half full instead of half empty.  The beauty of it is that others will notice the change before we even see it.  The more we do it, the easier it becomes, and eventually changes from a habit to a way of life.

It is refreshing to be part of this mastermind group where we get to learn from and encourage one another.  It is truly a pearl of great price.  So thankful also that we can be each other’s cheerleaders as we think and grow rich.     

Are you ready to use this mlm truth to win big!

Lawrence Bergfeld


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

MLM Truth On Subconscious Mind Programming Today

Tuula Rands explains an mlm truth on how a person must program their subconscious mind for massive success today! 

Tuula Rands West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Posted: 2019-11-12
Chapter 12 - The Subconscious Mind
I have heard Michael Dlouhy tell us over and over that
"In order to make more, we have to become more."
In order to become more we have to change our thinking
especially about ourselves.  The majority of people
during their lifetime have been told negative things
and after a time those negative opinions
get imbedded in our subconscious mind and when we are
in the process of building a business they impact what
we believe we can accomplish and we get stuck.
We can get stuck at a certain level because we don't believe
we can make more than a certain amount.  We get stuck 
because we get scared to talk to people because we are
too concerned with what they will think about us.  We
get stuck because we don't really believe we can accomplish
what we would like to accomplish.
Paul J. Meyer stated "Your self-image is the result of all 
you have given your subconscious mind as a database, so 
regardless of your background, what you are willing to 
become is the only reality that counts." 
We have been programmed by other people and once we
realize and are able to recognize that, we can then begin
to reprogram our own minds and move forward.  Doing this
reprogramming by ourselves is very difficult
and that is why these Think & Grow Rich Lessons are so 
vital to our success.  
Hill writes"THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND consists of a field 
of consciousness, in which every impulse of thought 
that reaches the objective mind through any of the 
five senses, is classified and recorded, and from 
which thoughts may be recalled or withdrawn as letters 
may be taken from a filing cabinet."
We need to clean out our filing cabinet from the files
that were put there by other people and replace those
files with the positive input we receive here at Mentoring
for Free and be our own filing clerk.
Tuula Rands
Are you ready to put this mlm truth to USE? If not then continue being programmed by other people?

Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld