Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lesson Plan On Autosuggestion

We must have a chief aim in life with respect to what we want to accomplish. It has to make us cry just like our WHY makes us cry. If our WHY does not make us cry then we do not have one.

We have to take the action steps that get us paid in our business and focus on them. That is gathering a few customers and teaching other leaders to do the same thing. When you focus on those two things then everyone gets paid. The more you intentionally focus on something the stronger you will be attracted to it. Then the more you want to do it.

When you keep on repeating your companies Steps To Success then other people will get the feeling that you are doing your monthly homework like you are supposed to do and they will want what you have. You will be then attractive like a magnet.

Think about the energy at your companys convention. They were people who had massive results from massive action over & over. They did whatever it took to be number one and some had no college degrees. For that I will say what is our excuse?

Lets accomplish our goals and meet deadlines just like we used to back in school when our papers were due!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Turn MLM Failure Into Massive Success Today
Lawrence Bergfeld


  1. Nothing motivates like a deadline. Besides papers being due, like when our taxes are due. You put it off, and put it off, then all of a sudden, you finish. This is a good reminder to take action. Thanks!

  2. You are welcome Debi. And furthermore the SOONER we take action the faster the fear will be gone!

    Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. Lawrence I agree with turing MLM into a massive success today. Like you, I market on the web daily and I just came across a business that has huge potential. It's absolutely free, offers everything you can think of... We earn not only for what we already do, but from an array of legal and financial services that pays you up to $1,500 and more per sale. It's simple and totally free! For anyone looking for a simple way to earn online without investment, this could be it! Can't beat free! http://is.gd/xaQJ2L

  4. I am not a prospect for any business but if you are coachable then my team and I can help you build your business using the Mentoring For Free System.

    However there is a catch. The catch is that you can not charge anyone for anything that we will be teaching you, you must pay it forward by sharing what you learned from us for free.

    Below is the link to the free e-book Success In Ten Steps. That book is a page turner. Make sure to notice what happens in Chapter 5 of the book because you will learn a secret about marketing that they don't teach you in any business school!


    Lawrence Bergfeld

  5. Feeling inspired is the best way to get me to finish something quickly, I get tunnel vision. If I'm not inspired, I definitely need a quick deadline,

  6. That is smart because if you can't stand doing something and have to do it then you just do that first to get it out of the way, so that you can move onto the fun stuff!

    Lawrence Bergfeld
