Friday, June 5, 2020

Network Marketing Secret On Persistence Application Today

Bill Riske discusses a network marketing secret on how to be a winner with respect to persistence. Avoid being an Uncle Darby who quit 3 feet from gold, be someone who is a champion like Mohammed Ali!

Bill Riske Houston, Texas, USA

Posted: 2020-06-03

The Eighth Step toward RicheHill s
Hill tells us PERSISTENCE is an essential factor in the procedure of 
transmuting DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is 
Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair. Men
who accumulate great fortunes are generally known as cold-blooded, and 
sometimes ruthless. 
Often they are misunderstood. What they have is willpower, which they mix with
persistence, and place back of their desires to insure the attainment of their
Take for instance Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, many times they were told that
what they were trying to achieve was not possible. They persisted and never gave
History tells us these two men were the most successful and accomplished all their
goals and more.
Why? because they NEVER took no for an answer, They had a strong DESIRE and 
PERSISTENCE to reach their GOAL.
AS network marketers we also must have a BURNING DESIRE and PERSISTENCE to 
meet the GOAL we have set for ourselves.
We are sure to meet bumps in the road and disappointment along the way.
My own experience I have met with a lot of bumps and disappointments in my 10+
years in this business. I did not give up although sometimes it was very 
I am very thankfull to Linda & Michael Dlouhy for this MFF platform that gives
me an opportunity to participate and aquire knowledge from this Master Mind
I am gratefull to my friend Bob Shoaf that found me and introuced me to MFF.
Thanks to all my Master Mind partners that I have the opportunity to 
communicate and acquire their knowledge and how they see each weeks lesson.
Bill Riske 
Houston Tex.

Now be persistent on USING this network marketing secret and do whatever you want whenever you want!

Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld

Thursday, June 4, 2020

MLM Secret On Avoiding Bad Phrases Today

Tom Big Al Schrieter talks about an mlm secret of avoiding bad phrases today because then our prospect gets defensive!

We don't see this coming.
We prepare our notes. Focus on our prospects' motivations. Then carefully begin our presentation story ... and instantly, we have that bad feeling again. It is over.


Over already? We haven’t finished our entire list of benefits. What went wrong? Why did our prospect make a "no" decision?

Here is what happens in our prospects’ minds.

We want our prospects to decide if our business will improve their lives, or not.

Somewhere in our presentation, our prospects change their decision criteria. Now they think, "You are a salesman. What can I find in your presentation to protect me from you?"

What triggers this?

Rapport and the words we say. That is why we must be careful of the words and phrases we use with our prospects.

If we notice this change in decision criteria, stop. Rewind the previous 30 seconds and see what we said that triggered this disaster.

Some examples of possible words or phrases that could trigger this event?

  • "Just share this with your friends."
  • "And if everyone sponsors just two ..."
  • "Make a prospect list of 200 names."
  • "If your 'why' is big enough, you will figure out how to do it."
  • "Pretend to be excited when talking to ..."

Great phrases help us. Bad phrases doom us instantly. Making a list of both types of phrases for our business is one of the best exercises we can do.

Now its time to use this mlm secret today and learn SKILLS so that our prospects say Tell Me More!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Lawrence Bergfeld