Monday, May 25, 2020

Network Marketing Tip On Wise Decision Today

Marty Roe talks about a network marketing tip on making a
smart decision to know whom to select as an employer and 
what is necessary to do to be a LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER!

Marty Roe Pine Bluff, Arkansas, United States

Chapter 8
From the book,
Think And Grow Rich!

Generally, The youth just out of school seeks any job that can
Be found. He takes the first place he finds, because he has
Fallen into the habit of Decisions. Ninety –eight out of every
Hundred people working for wages today, are in the positions
They hold, because they lacked the Definiteness of Decision,
To plan a definite position, and the knowledge of how to choose
An  employer. (Napoleon Hill)

I can relate to that paragraph, I was part of the 98% for a long
Time.  I had convinced myself that I was put here in this world
To do manual labor, work for somebody ells make somebody
Ells look good.  You are a follower not a leader, you do not
Want all the pressure that goes with being a leader.
One of the first things I learned when I first joined Think And
Grow Rich Lessons, my thinking it’s all messed up, you
Can not be a follower 100% of the time an expect great things
To happen to you. You can not be around people who think
Like the 98% and expect Great things to happen to you.
I have learned that if you want more you have to surround
Yourself with people who are in the 2%. I have made the Decision
To change my mind set to a more positive mind set, and the
Reason, I want more out of life. I do not want to be part of the
98% any more just drifting a long in life.
I heard Joel Osteen talk about his mother, the doctors told her
Back in 1981 she only had two months to live, she looked
Up all the promises God has made to me, and she started
Saying them over and over again and she got better.
I Googled Promises God Has Made To Me, I found 54 promises
God has made to me, I will be adding this to my reading.

Thank you Linda And Michael, and my Master Mind Friends,
We are Learning How To Think, Not What To Think!

Marty Roe
Pine Bluff, Arkansas,

Time to use this network marketing tip and just take massive action and get better at the game!

Lawrence Bergfeld

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