Monday, September 14, 2020

MLM Secret On Being Persistent Today

 Michael Grant Simon talks about an mlm secret on being persistent today! Are you that way or are you just floundering!

Michael Grant Simon Stillwater, Minnesota, United States

Posted: 2020-09-15



In conventional careers sales can be the hardest way to make a living or the easiest way to make a leaving.  In many cases it will be difficult in the early days, or at least on the experiences I had in my conventional career.   


Things can significantly change for an individual under certain conditions.  First of all you need to find a good company, with a great product or service, that offers value, and priced within reason.  This is the same concept as Michael stresses on joining the right network marketing company.  I would advise anyone who is looking into sales that they do their due diligence on the company.  Find out as much as you can from current and past employees.  Note, if you find out it’s a revolving door company for sales professionals, you need to run not walk.  I wasted my time more than once.


Secondly you need to have the right attitude.  Most will not buy from someone who has the Debbie Downer attitude.  Plus, I would not want someone working for or with me who has this demeanor.  You will have bad day even if you are the best sales professional in your company and industry.


Some products or services may be easy to sell. Some prospects will buy immediately because they are ready to buy.  Most, big sales, however, will not happen on the first call.  It never happened for me in the different industries I worked in.   Many will fail simply because they do not have the right mindset and are not persistent.  


You need to have persistence to succeed. According to Hill, the lack of persistence is the weakness common to most who fail.  One may conquer the weakness of persistence based on the intensity of their desire.  If you lack the desire to achieve something big you will not follow through. You will quit at the first sign of trouble.



Very few people will say yes on the first call.  Before I reentered network marketing again, I marketed pet insurance by building relationships with veterinary hospitals in a large territory.   One of the first things I learned was most veterinarians does not know how to run their practices in a business sense.


Veterinary Schools are no less selective if not more in terms of applicants as medical schools are. So it’s safe to say that Veterinarians have above average intellect. They have love and compassion for animals. Many, however, are not the most business minded.    The reason I am bringing this up is most Veterinarians did not grasp why their clients would need pet insurance.  We had to successfully market this concept to the clinic owner. Pet owners who insure their furry friends will be their best clients.  When fluffy has a serious injury or illness they will not ask what this will cost them, they will ask what can you do for them. This is why you recommend them to consider insuring their puppy or kitten at the end of the first visit. 


A few clinic owners understood the value of insurance quickly. Most, however, did not and were not receptive or even polite in the first few calls.  In other words they were not happy to see you when you walked through the door.  We were just one of the ten other sales professionals or pest that is wasting their time. 


Many clinic owners finally agreed to an appointment with me after I had stopped by several times, called their office, and e-mailed them.   A number of Territory Partners who were doing the same thing did not last very long.  A few contracts were terminated due to lack of activity, but many quit simply because they were not patient or persistent.  As said a few weeks ago, this was tough, but things were moving steadily forward due to my persistence.  I only stepped aside due to health reasons. 


Network marketing is no different than a conventional sales position and or career.  As Michael teaches you need to be involved with a five-pillar company, have the proper mindset and you have to be persistent.  Most people will fail not because they have no persistent. They will quit after they have talked to their circle of friends and relatives. They said no and some may even use some more constructive vocabulary and worst of all you may be insulted.  This does not mean they are bad humans, they just might not understand the concept, have a desire for more, or they know you to well.  You have been involved with different ventures even a prior network marketing experience and quit.  This is just the latest thing.


As Epictetus said, “ It’s not what happens to you it is how you react to it that matters!” Is best to thank your friend or relative for their time and drive forward.  Many high level earners in network marketing have brought some people into their business after they had success down the road.  This includes financial prosperity, they had a setback, or maybe they see you are growing as a human in a positive direction.  They might want what you have? 


In order to keep the chin up, smile on our fact, and eye on the prize, we need to keep a positive charge.  One needs positive personal development and associate with positive people who are going in the same direction. We may be in different companies, but are driving on the same road.


Mentoring for free is the perfect place for this.  Thank you Michael And Linda Dloughy for this program. Thank you Rick Burnett for reaching out to me.  Thank you to everyone who participates on these weekly calls.  


James Chapter one verse number four.

“And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”


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