Sunday, November 29, 2020

Huge MLM TIP on Decision Making

 Michael Grant describes in detail an mlm secret on how to reach a decision & stick to it!

Michael Grant Simon Stillwater, Minnesota, United States 



The biggest step toward any planned success mission is the first step.  In other words nothing will happen if you don’t begin.  The biggest enemy is procrastination and is why most people fail.


I have been in and out of endurance sports for years.  I swam competitively in high school and three years of College.  Even after my career was over in the pool, I still had the itch.  This is the reason why I got involved in triathlons a while ago.  As said before my long-term goal is to become an Ironman.


To do this I had to make a decision to move forward.  This journey requires a number of milestone events.  I began with Sprint Triathlons.  Now I participate in Olympic (International) distance races and had my first Half Ironman distance race scheduled this season. Unfortunately the season did not happen, so I have postponed the event till next year. 


Besides the events there is a lot of preparation: scheduling, nutrition, mental, and physical training.  The physical training is a number of different workouts: Swimming, Biking, Running and Dry land strength training.  Besides training I have other responsibilities and endeavors: business, husband, parent, and spiritual time.  God and Family are my top priorities. Training and racing is a big part of my life, so I have to schedule workouts around the rest of my schedule.  Some of these workouts are early in the morning.  Since CoVid arrived at the scene, my Para triathlon is doing virtual cycling and strength sessions on Zoom.  These workouts usually begin between six and seven in the morning.  Therefore I usually am up and moving by six a.m.  Besides the pets I am usually the first human up and around.   Some mornings I don’t feel like getting up. 


I often feel tired and sometimes lousy for the first ten minutes or so.  I, however, plow through it and get to the scheduled workout. I always feel better once I am well into my workout.


This goes the same for my long run days.  Along with schedule coordination I have to deal with weather issues such as hot, cold or rainy days.  This can be tougher than getting out of bed.   I have slacked a few times, but I usually get down to business, because of my long-term goal.  Why, because I made a decision!


Most great things in history happened because of a decision.  One of the most significant is the Declaration of Independence, which led to the birth of the United States. This consisted of fifty-six men, who ensured the success of Washington’s Armies, and the spirit of decision was in the heart of the citizen soldiers who were fighting for independence and freedom.  These brave men were considered traitors to the motherland of England. Each of these men essentially signed their own deaf warrant.  They, however, saw their reasons outweighed the risk.  Praise God they made the decision and took the risk.  Otherwise we may have never seen the American Way of Life.    This is the reason I get very disgusted and angry when I see folks today slamming America and are way of life.  Some of these folks are in high profile positions.  Why I have begun to practice Michael’s advice on avoiding the news and Social Media as much as possible!  Too many Debby Downers who are good at the negative, taking you out of the game and stealing your dream.   Not worth any attention!


The same goes for business.  For example Fred Smith the founder of Federal Express.  Smith had an idea for that revolutionized the airfreight business.  He wrote a paper about this in an economic class at Yale University.  His professor believed that airfreight would eventually be the primary source of revenues for commercial airlines.  Smith concluded that there needed to be a system that involved packages not people.  His Professor disagreed so gave him a low grade. 


Most people in this situation would quit and throw their idea in the trash. Smith, however, carried on.  After College he worked diligently and with enthusiasm.  He raised over ninety million to finance this idea.   


He still had challenges such as commercial airlines that lobbied to stop him.   The key investors almost removed him and took over the company.  Smith never lost faith.  Last year Federal Express reported revenues of approximately seventy billion dollars.   Why?  Smith made a decision.  He worked his way through the tough times.


Network marketing is no different.  You will not succeed if you don’t make a decision.  Most people fail in this industry.  Why?  First they need to find a five-pillar company as Michael teaches and they need to make a decision.  I’m going do this regardless of what some of my friends, family and pinhead neighbors think and say!


Every top earner in Network Marketing I can remember would not have made it, if they had not made the decision to do it no matter what. 


We all have our bad days, weeks, months, and sometimes longer.  We need to keep feeding our minds and spirits with positive individuals, personal, and spiritual development.  Mentoring for Free is the perfect place personal development and positive people.  Thank you Michael And Linda Dloughy for this wonderful program. Thank you Rick Burnett for reaching out to me. Thank you to everyone who participates on these weekly calls. 







Proverbs chapter three verses five and six.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all you ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


Michael Simon


Are you ready to use this mlm secret or are you going to continue spinning your wheels?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart

Lawrence Bergfeld 


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Exclusive MLM Secret On Burning Desire Today


Nathan Grimes describes in detail an exclusive mlm secret on having
a burning desire and putting it into action!

Nathan Grimes Lubbock, TX, United States

Posted: 2020-11-05

Chapter 2 Desire- The Starting Point
of All Achievement

“You may as well know, right here, that you can never have riches
in great quantities, unless you can work yourself into a white heat
of desire for money, and actually believe you will possess it.

You may as well know, also that every great leader, from the dawn
of civilization down to the present, was a dreamer.” Napoleon Hill

It was 1988 Carl Lewis stood in the starter box, just 100 meters
away was the finish line. Was this to be a repeat of 1984 to won
the gold medal again? Though not the first out of the starting block
with what seems to be afterburner kicking in he winning the race
in under 10 seconds.

You heard the roar of the powerful engine as the supercharge kicks
in as the rail dragster pulls upon the track. All you see is a long
body with what like bike wheels on the front and massive balloon
tires on the back with an engine putting out up to 3000 horsepower
and a small box with a driver (such as Don Garlits) seating in it
staring down at a finish line one-quarter of a mile away. Just think from
start to finish the distance is traveled in about 3.6 seconds.

Whether it was a Carl Lewis or Don Garlits when was their race won.
Surprise, their races were not won at the finish line, but at the
starting line with a burning desire to be the first to the finish.
Before the start of the race, seeing themselves crossing first
getting the checkered flag, and standing in the winner’s circle.

“Desire, burning desire, is basic to achieving anything beyond the
ordinary” Joseph B. Wirthlin

Coming to the starting line of networker marketing what do you see?
Have you fixed in your mind exactly the amount of income you desire
from your business, what you will give toward, or exchange for the
desire, the time frame for obtaining the desire? Have you created a
plan, put it in writing, and now read it repeatedly every day with
burning desire, and as we read in the next chapter with faith that
sees the finish and you are standing platform with the gold medal?

“Give me a man with average ability but a burning desire to succeed
and I will give you a winner in exchange every time.” Andrew Carnegie

Thanks to Linda and Michael Dlouhy, you used your burning desire to
serve and build up others giving us this Mentoring for Free mastermind.
I appreciate all those who participate in the weekly calls bringing
​their desires and support to all of us.

Nathan Grimes

 Now it is your turn to use this mlm secret & get going or stay behind!

Lawrence Bergfeld
