Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Exclusive MLM Secret On Burning Desire Today


Nathan Grimes describes in detail an exclusive mlm secret on having
a burning desire and putting it into action!

Nathan Grimes Lubbock, TX, United States

Posted: 2020-11-05

Chapter 2 Desire- The Starting Point
of All Achievement

“You may as well know, right here, that you can never have riches
in great quantities, unless you can work yourself into a white heat
of desire for money, and actually believe you will possess it.

You may as well know, also that every great leader, from the dawn
of civilization down to the present, was a dreamer.” Napoleon Hill

It was 1988 Carl Lewis stood in the starter box, just 100 meters
away was the finish line. Was this to be a repeat of 1984 to won
the gold medal again? Though not the first out of the starting block
with what seems to be afterburner kicking in he winning the race
in under 10 seconds.

You heard the roar of the powerful engine as the supercharge kicks
in as the rail dragster pulls upon the track. All you see is a long
body with what like bike wheels on the front and massive balloon
tires on the back with an engine putting out up to 3000 horsepower
and a small box with a driver (such as Don Garlits) seating in it
staring down at a finish line one-quarter of a mile away. Just think from
start to finish the distance is traveled in about 3.6 seconds.

Whether it was a Carl Lewis or Don Garlits when was their race won.
Surprise, their races were not won at the finish line, but at the
starting line with a burning desire to be the first to the finish.
Before the start of the race, seeing themselves crossing first
getting the checkered flag, and standing in the winner’s circle.

“Desire, burning desire, is basic to achieving anything beyond the
ordinary” Joseph B. Wirthlin

Coming to the starting line of networker marketing what do you see?
Have you fixed in your mind exactly the amount of income you desire
from your business, what you will give toward, or exchange for the
desire, the time frame for obtaining the desire? Have you created a
plan, put it in writing, and now read it repeatedly every day with
burning desire, and as we read in the next chapter with faith that
sees the finish and you are standing platform with the gold medal?

“Give me a man with average ability but a burning desire to succeed
and I will give you a winner in exchange every time.” Andrew Carnegie

Thanks to Linda and Michael Dlouhy, you used your burning desire to
serve and build up others giving us this Mentoring for Free mastermind.
I appreciate all those who participate in the weekly calls bringing
​their desires and support to all of us.

Nathan Grimes

 Now it is your turn to use this mlm secret & get going or stay behind!

Lawrence Bergfeld


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