Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Exclusive MLM Truth On Imagination Today

Michael Grant Simon describes in detail on how to use your imagination so that you can have massive success, just like Southwest Airlines has!

Michael Grant Simon Stillwater, Minnesota, United States

Posted: 2020-05-13

The imagination is the compartment where all ideas are created.   Every significant change in History was created through imagination.   The electric light bulb came from the imagination of Edison and flying began with the Wright Brothers.  These are just a few examples of ideas that changed the world.  All of these started with an imagination.

There are two forms of imagination: synthetic and creative.   Synthetic is where old concepts, ideas, and plans are used in different combinations. Mostly the inventor or scientist to solve a problem uses it. Creative imagination is when the finite mind has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.  This is where hunches and inspirations come from.  Edison probably used synthetic imagination during the ten thousand attempts on the light bulb working.  The idea, however, came from creative imagination.

A more present day example of imagination is Herb Kelligher and Rollin King who founded Southwest Airlines.  Kelleher was an attorney in San Antonio, Texas when Rollin King approached him. King had a side business of an unprofitable air charter service between small Texas Cities.  King saw the value of an air carrier that could fly between Texas Cities at a reasonable price.  King raised some money and went to Kelleher.  Kelleher was skeptical at first, but helped him raise more money and political support.  The airline was incorporated in nineteen hundred and sixty eight.  The airline, however, was not able to fly for a few years.   Both Continental and Braniff fought to keep them out of the sky.  They fortunately persevered and after a few years of losing millions of dollars they became a choice carrier in the market it served. 

Southwest is now one of the most profitable airlines around. It is unique in the fact that it offers quick turnaround, no assigned seating, and allows two bags at no extra charge.  I will fly Southwest if it is available and I need to get somewhere quickly.   Southwest Came Airlines came out of a person’s imagination.  Not sure what the last month or so has been like, but they were flying a thousands and thousands of customers daily. 

Things are tough for many individuals and businesses right now.  As discussed some folks will adapt to change and some will not.  Some businesses will close and some billion-dollar ideas are being formed right at this moment.  These history-making changes will all come from someone’s imaginations and millions of lives will be impacted.

We will not be successful if we lack an imagination.  We need to see ourselves succeeding at whatever we are doing.  This goes for a conventional working career, athletic, and network marketing.  

We all need to work hard, work smart, and have a focus with our businesses.  We as well need to see ourselves succeeding.  I imagine having all bills paid, an extra paycheck growing as the business grows, and standing on stage telling my story. See it happening before it becomes a reality.

As I say in most lessons we will hit bumps where things are not happening for us.  Everybody goes through these moments.  This happens even though our products are good, compensation plan is lucrative, and most would have a better live with our programs.  Most, however, will not see it or want to.  Not our fault.  We do our jobs by giving them an alternative. 

We need association with like minded individuals who enhance our lives are giving us the energy to carry on.  Mentoring for Free is the place.  Thank you Michael And Linda Dloughy for this program. Thank you Rick for connecting with me and meeting up in Alabama.  Thank you to everyone who enhances my life on these calls.

Proverbs chapter four verse number twenty three-

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.”

Michael Simon

You can sit on this mlm truth today or you can grab the bull by the horn and act on it & people will come & watch you!

Lawrence Bergfeld


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