Wednesday, October 23, 2019

MLM Secret On Ten Steps To Persistence Today

Bob Shoaf describes in detail ten steps an mlm secret on persistence today!

Bob Shoaf Sunny Alamogordo, NM, USA

Posted: 2019-10-21

The Eighth Step toward Riches
PERSISTENCE is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL. - Napoleon Hill
The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune. A few carry on DESPITE all opposition, until they attain their goal. These few are the Fords, Carnegies, Rockefellers, and Edisons. - Napoleon Hill

This is what I focus on for myself to overcome this "LACK OF WILL" that most people have?
1. Develop a "WHY" from Chapter 2 of Success In 10 Steps that brings me to tears.
2. Post lessons in this personal growth training, weekly; Think and Grow Rich Lessons.
3. When we get to Chapter 2 DESIRE, answer those 5 questions Hill asks, creating the 6th one that I printed out and read twice daily.
4. Read other people's lessons.
5. Printed out and read the CONFIDENCE FORMULA in Chapter 3 once a day. Memorize it.
6. Say my self-talk, in the beginning, at least 1,000 times daily.
7. Be on as many calls as possible. Listen to as many as possible of the archived recordings of ones I missed.
8. When the negativity creeps in, which it will, say my self-talk with even more emotion or watch the "Stop It" video at least twice.

This video can cure most any negative thoughts.
9. After posting at least 4 lessons here, get the Pro System; the Bootcamp, the Mentoring App and the Mentoring Site.
10. Getting the Pro System is the key to putting into action what we learn from the 8 weekly calls. It allows us to make the mistakes that help us learn the skills taught here in Mentoring For Free. Without these mistakes, we would not learn nearly so much.
Most people who come to Mentoring For Free and do these 10 things have committed to becoming a leader. They did not say, "I'll give it a try." They did not say, "I will do my best." They said, "I will do whatever it takes."
Obstacles are GUARANTEED. How one learns to get around, over, under or through determines one's success. As Hill says, if one way doesn't work, look for another that does. Use it until it doesn't work, then find another. Quitting MUST NOT be an option if one is to develop enough POWER OF WILL to become immensely successful; to become a LEADER.
I am grateful to Linda and Michael Dlouhy for this Mentoring For Free system. It is a proven, duplicatable team system that anyone can use, no matter what company they are in. With the skills training and the Pro System one can become as successful as they DESIRE. Thank You, thank You, thank You Linda and Michael Dlouhy. I appreciate You very much.
I am grateful to those who come to our weekly calls to learn skills and help create a harmonious master mind group. Thank You, thank You, thank You to each one of You. You are appreciated very much.
Bob Shoaf
Alamogordo, NM

PS: I am grateful to each person who has downloaded Success In 10 Steps and allow me to share this incredible Mentoring For Free system. Thank You, thank You, thank You to each one of You. I am humbled and appreciative of each one of You.

Our time is limited. Are you going to use this mlm secret or are you going to lose it?

Lawrence Bergfeld

Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart
Lawrence Bergfeld

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